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Yoga or pilates for neck's contractions?
Thread poster: Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
English to Spanish
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Jan 21, 2022

Dear colleagues,

I would like to read your opinions about this topic.

I suffer from several problems on my back and today, one day after my birthday and very much time ago from the last time, I have got a huge neck's contraction due to fall asleep in bad position.

I hardly can sit in front of the computer and use the mouse.

I am only 33 years old and I am resoluted to try to do something for my back as soon as I am in a better economic situatio
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Dear colleagues,

I would like to read your opinions about this topic.

I suffer from several problems on my back and today, one day after my birthday and very much time ago from the last time, I have got a huge neck's contraction due to fall asleep in bad position.

I hardly can sit in front of the computer and use the mouse.

I am only 33 years old and I am resoluted to try to do something for my back as soon as I am in a better economic situation.

Do you suffer from back's problems and have tried either pilates or yoga in order to better your back's strength, resistance and elasticity?

Which one would you recommend, yoga or pilates?

Thank you and have a nice day.


Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
Member (2007)
German to Croatian
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Both Jan 21, 2022

You can't get away just with yoga. Yoga is good for stretching the muscles, but you also need to make them strong.
It's not just the neck muscles, you also need to do excersises for the shoulders and back muscles.
There is also yogalates, a combination of yoga and pilates, that might be a good start.
Good luck!

Florencia Vaccarini
Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
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Pushups and a proper mattress Jan 21, 2022

Pushups for full body strength, proper mattress because a bad one will murder your back and neck no matter who you are, how young, how fit, and how healthy.

Also, 10k run-walks are good.

Yoga and pilates are for pregnant women and grannies. With a sedentary stay-home job, you'll be a wreck very soon if you don't do some more serious young male type fitness.

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
English to Spanish
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Yoga Jan 21, 2022

Ivana Kahle wrote:

You can't get away just with yoga. Yoga is good for stretching the muscles, but you also need to make them strong.
It's not just the neck muscles, you also need to do excersises for the shoulders and back muscles.
There is also yogalates, a combination of yoga and pilates, that might be a good start.
Good luck!

Thanks for your opinion, Ms. Kahle.

I only was wondering between yoga and pilates because I had a classmate in a course I attended 4 years ago and she made an oral presentation about yoga and explained that she had a lot of pain and contractions on her neck.

After starting with yoga, all of them disappeared forever.

Have a nice evening.

Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
English to Spanish
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Pumping-iron Jan 21, 2022

Adieu wrote:

Pushups for full body strength, proper mattress because a bad one will murder your back and neck no matter who you are, how young, how fit, and how healthy.

Also, 10k run-walks are good.

Yoga and pilates are for pregnant women and grannies. With a sedentary stay-home job, you'll be a wreck very soon if you don't do some more serious young male type fitness.

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

When I was younger, I felt passion for pumping iron and I practised it from I was 16 years old till 21 years old. Due a bad advice of a trainer in the gym, who told me that I was going to be able to do more kinds of exercises as my back got stronger, I started step by step to push up weight over my shoulders. Bad idea.

At the beginning there was no problem but, as the years went by, I started to have some problems on my neck. Just when I reached a good bulk (I didn't suffer from bigorexia and never used protein complemets or whatever because I find it non-ethical) and I only need to lose some fatt and mantain the bulk, I got the most severe neck contraction I had and have ever suffer from and it was because my body had become asymmetric in terms of muscles' structure and they were pulling from my spine asymmetrically.

As soon as I lost some strenght and bulk, the pain disappeared.

I tried to re-take the gym several years later. While I was doing light exercise to lose weight, it was ok but, when I tried to gain a little bit a muscles bearing in mind that I couldn't push up weight upon my shoulders and avoiding any exercise as soon as I noticed my back was suffering, it didn't matter. I got contractions again one after another without being able to avoid them.

As far as I know, I think I must practise light physical activity.

By the way, I practised pilates with a machine in a physiotherapy's center for some months and I recovered movility and never had contractions at that time but it was too expensive.

Have a nice evening!

Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
Member (2007)
German to Croatian
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Foam rollers Jan 21, 2022

Another idea: you can try self-massage with foam rollers, they are not very expensive.
Someone should explain you how to use them properly though.
There are online tutorials, but if you do a wrong move, it hurts.
Self-massage with foam rollers is also an extra bonus after exercising.
And yes, a good mattress and pillow are also important, as much as an ergonomic chair.
You can consider them an expense, but also an investment in your health.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 14:39
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LoL Jan 21, 2022

Adieu wrote:
Yoga and pilates are for pregnant women and grannies.

You are mean! Even professional athletes include some pilates in their routines.

@OP.. It may not be as simple as “yoga or pilates”, but if I have to choose between the two in your case, then modified pilates.


- Your desk ergonomics (chair, desk, posture, etc)
- Your sleeping ergonomics
- Do your strech regularly and correctly
- Consider massage therapy and swimming
- Often times pain originates in another body part, eg. neck pain resulting from shoulders or hands, hip and low back pain resulting from ankles, ankle pain resulting from issues in calves, etc.
- I would say visit a physical therapy doctor, but they are not always very helpful. I had a severe ankle sprain a long time ago, and they didn’t help that much. I had to help myself by exploring things.

I am wondering what “neck contraction” is, you mean you have a stiff neck? It may be as simple as having to strech your neck, but it needs to be a very controlled movement in order not to make things even worse.

These are some good exercises:

[Edited at 2022-01-21 21:05 GMT]

Elena Feriani
Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
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Btw Jan 22, 2022

Good catch, what exactly do you mean by "contraction"?

Cramps? Locking up painfully and refusing to move as desired? Painful uncontrollable twitching? Or what?

You might also consider multivitamins. I don't know about the neck, but plenty of horribly painful leg muscle issues, for example, can be resolved by a simple magnesium supplement.

Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
English to Spanish
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Contraction Jan 22, 2022

Adieu wrote:

Good catch, what exactly do you mean by "contraction"?

Cramps? Locking up painfully and refusing to move as desired? Painful uncontrollable twitching? Or what?

You might also consider multivitamins. I don't know about the neck, but plenty of horribly painful leg muscle issues, for example, can be resolved by a simple magnesium supplement.

I may have chosen the wrong term. I know how to say it in German and Spanish but I had to look for the term in English.

Although I don't like to use Wordreference for working, here you have the definition in English:

I meant a contracture in a neck's muscle.

Best regards,

Note: According to Wordreference, it can also be called "muscle contraction". It's a medical term in English but completely usual in colloquial Spanish, I mean, everyone knows what a "contracture/contraction" is, it's a "contractura (muscular)".

[Edited at 2022-01-22 09:27 GMT]

Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
Member (2007)
German to Croatian
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Verspannung Jan 22, 2022

Hallo Jorge,
ich sehe jetzt, dass du auch Deutsch sprichst.
Meinst du etwa Verspannung im Nackenbereich?
Hier zwei nützliche und einfache Übungen:
Und hier die Erklärung
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Hallo Jorge,
ich sehe jetzt, dass du auch Deutsch sprichst.
Meinst du etwa Verspannung im Nackenbereich?
Hier zwei nützliche und einfache Übungen:
Und hier die Erklärung, wie man (nicht) schlafen soll:
Einfach mal ausprobieren und sehen, was danach passiert.
Anmerkung: ich mache keine Werbung für die Dame und den Herrn aus dem Video

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
French to English
. Jan 22, 2022

Jorge, the best possible sport is swimming because you don't put any kind of pressure on anything and you can firm up all your muscles, provided you vary the strokes.

And yoga can do wonders for your back or neck. There are millions of videos on YouTube, you can try searching for "yoga for a stiff neck" and see what comes up. If you've never done yoga before, it is probably best to try beginners' videos where the yogi instructs you very precisely, because it's easy to get the postu
... See more
Jorge, the best possible sport is swimming because you don't put any kind of pressure on anything and you can firm up all your muscles, provided you vary the strokes.

And yoga can do wonders for your back or neck. There are millions of videos on YouTube, you can try searching for "yoga for a stiff neck" and see what comes up. If you've never done yoga before, it is probably best to try beginners' videos where the yogi instructs you very precisely, because it's easy to get the posture just a little bit wrong, and a centimetre or two can make all the difference.
I've never done pilates, but from what I've read, it's basically yoga but without the spiritual element. Then again, the vast majority of yoga videos made by westerners are completely devoid of the spiritual element too.
FWIW, my partner had backache a while ago and I found a couple of short videos for him. By the end of the first session he was already saying it felt better, and he was right as rain after doing the postures for a week. No meds or any other treatment.

Adieu wrote:
Yoga and pilates are for pregnant women and grannies. With a sedentary stay-home job, you'll be a wreck very soon if you don't do some more serious young male type fitness.

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

I'll have you know that I start my day with a yoga session which includes doing the splits and planking and shoulder stands and balancing, that many a fit young male has trouble keeping up with, so your condescension is really not called for in the least. You've somehow managed to insult pregnant women grandmothers yoga and pilates in one single sentence, which is really quite a feat, but absolutely nothing to be proud of. Yoga is for everyone, because it can be adapted to all issues. It's good for pregnant women, and it's good for fit young males too.

Ivana Kahle
Ulla Kask
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:39
English to Spanish
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Muskelverspannung Jan 22, 2022

Ivana Kahle wrote:

Hallo Jorge,
ich sehe jetzt, dass du auch Deutsch sprichst.
Meinst du etwa Verspannung im Nackenbereich?
Hier zwei nützliche und einfache Übungen:
Und hier die Erklärung, wie man (nicht) schlafen soll:
Einfach mal ausprobieren und sehen, was danach passiert.
Anmerkung: ich mache keine Werbung für die Dame und den Herrn aus dem Video

Yes, it's a kind of Muskelverspannung, although also has got the entry "Kontraktur" (medical term and similar to the Spanish colloquial one) and Muskelversteifung.

As Spanish native speaker, I tend to use words coming from Latin in foreign languages because they are more similar to the Spanish ones.

Yes, I think that the colloquial term in German is "Verspannung" or "Versteifung". "Kontraktur" may be only used by doctors and, in fact, in the Duden dictionary, there is no entry for Kontraktur.

Best regards.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 14:39
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
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It’s different. Jan 22, 2022

Kay Denney wrote:
I've never done pilates, but from what I've read, it's basically yoga but without the spiritual element.

Then you could also say gymnastics is yoga without spiritual element or yoga is gymnastics with spiritual element. I think yoga is also about endocrine system and energy meridians.

Pilates is more about finding a sweet spot between muscle contraction and relaxation. See for example this reverse shoulder stand: In yoga, you have to do it without the device support, which changes the excercise entirely.

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
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Hey now Jan 22, 2022

Please don't judge us late-30s males for peer pressuring early-30s males into taking care of their health and fitness. It's an essential mechanism for male motivation.

Besides, we really do require slightly different fitness routines than expecting mothers and senior citizens to stay fit and healthy.

Also, OP seems to have some financial concerns. Pushups are free and running costs only about one pair of decent shoes every 300-500 km.

Kay Denney wrote:

Jorge, the best possible sport is swimming because you don't put any kind of pressure on anything and you can firm up all your muscles, provided you vary the strokes.

And yoga can do wonders for your back or neck. There are millions of videos on YouTube, you can try searching for "yoga for a stiff neck" and see what comes up. If you've never done yoga before, it is probably best to try beginners' videos where the yogi instructs you very precisely, because it's easy to get the posture just a little bit wrong, and a centimetre or two can make all the difference.
I've never done pilates, but from what I've read, it's basically yoga but without the spiritual element. Then again, the vast majority of yoga videos made by westerners are completely devoid of the spiritual element too.
FWIW, my partner had backache a while ago and I found a couple of short videos for him. By the end of the first session he was already saying it felt better, and he was right as rain after doing the postures for a week. No meds or any other treatment.

Adieu wrote:
Yoga and pilates are for pregnant women and grannies. With a sedentary stay-home job, you'll be a wreck very soon if you don't do some more serious young male type fitness.

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-01-21 14:11 GMT]

I'll have you know that I start my day with a yoga session which includes doing the splits and planking and shoulder stands and balancing, that many a fit young male has trouble keeping up with, so your condescension is really not called for in the least. You've somehow managed to insult pregnant women grandmothers yoga and pilates in one single sentence, which is really quite a feat, but absolutely nothing to be proud of. Yoga is for everyone, because it can be adapted to all issues. It's good for pregnant women, and it's good for fit young males too.

[Edited at 2022-01-22 12:06 GMT]

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:39
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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Pilates or yogalates Jan 23, 2022

Jorge, try pilates or yogalates, and you need to find a good instructor. I would suggest staying away from yoga because it can actually make things worse. Youtube videos are OK if you do not have any pain, if you have pain or vulnerable spots in your body, you need to be very careful. I was taking pilates classes for my lower back with my physiotherapist and resumed my yoga classes only after I received a green light from my physio. Walking is a good activity but it is not going to resolve your ... See more
Jorge, try pilates or yogalates, and you need to find a good instructor. I would suggest staying away from yoga because it can actually make things worse. Youtube videos are OK if you do not have any pain, if you have pain or vulnerable spots in your body, you need to be very careful. I was taking pilates classes for my lower back with my physiotherapist and resumed my yoga classes only after I received a green light from my physio. Walking is a good activity but it is not going to resolve your neck issues.Collapse

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Yoga or pilates for neck's contractions?

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