Honorary Member of a Foundation devoted to Guarani
Thread poster: Fabio Descalzi
Fabio Descalzi
Fabio Descalzi  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:12
Member (2004)
German to Spanish
+ ...
Sep 1, 2016

This is one of those moments you never expected before.
This is one of those moments you remember all your life.
This is almost a magical moment. Just for giving my two cents to the cause of a South American language.

After helping them with the promotion and development of the Guarani language (especially its translation), I was awarded a Honorary Membership by the Yvy Marãe’ỹ Foundation from San Lorenzo, Paraguay. Herewith I share the images with you:

You can read more on my blog or follow this at Facebook.

[Edited at 2016-09-01 17:07 GMT]

Juan Martín Fernández Rowda
Juan Martín Fernández Rowda  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:12
English to Spanish
+ ...
Congrats, Fabio! Sep 1, 2016

You deserve it!

Miguel Carmona
Miguel Carmona  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:12
English to Spanish
... Sep 1, 2016


Congratulations on a well-earned official recognition!

Could you tell us a little bit about the Guaraní language and your contribution?

By the way, unrelated, but your post reminded me of that beautiful song (in Spanish) "Recuerdos de Ypacaraí":

Una noche tibia nos conocimos
Junto al lago azul de Ypacaraí
Tú cantabas triste por el camino
Viejas melodías en Guaraní
Y con el embrujo de tus canciones...

Fabio Descalzi
Fabio Descalzi  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:12
Member (2004)
German to Spanish
+ ...
Contributions Sep 1, 2016

Thanks for your kind words!

Guarani is the mother tongue of at least 8 million people living in Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and so many people in a diaspora.

Regarding contributions to the Guarani language. This is all about giving it presence on the web, professional forums, social networks. About giving teachers and linguists useful tools for getting around with their language the modern way out - for instance: word processing of Guarani texts must be as eas
... See more
Thanks for your kind words!

Guarani is the mother tongue of at least 8 million people living in Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and so many people in a diaspora.

Regarding contributions to the Guarani language. This is all about giving it presence on the web, professional forums, social networks. About giving teachers and linguists useful tools for getting around with their language the modern way out - for instance: word processing of Guarani texts must be as easy as with Spanish or English, and people shall be enabled to do that. This is also about sharing knowledge, experience, knowhow in translation projects, terminology research, creation of neologisms. And last but not least: making the language itself visible, audible, palpable. Giving it value. Showing it. Enhancing its prestige.

Of course, all of these tasks are being performed every day by qualified speakers of that language. By so many thousands of professionals, students, and activists. By some well-intentioned government officials. By radio and TV pundits able to speak Guarani with a fluent, vibrant voice.

And then, there are some people "out there" giving a helping hand. Maybe the most notable one has been Šarūnas Šimkus, a Lithuanian young man who gave (and goes on giving) a helping hand with the creation of Vikipetã, the Guarani version of Wikipedia. Or Wolf Lustig, a German professor who pioneered the creation of Guarani online termbases.

Me? I was not a pioneer, nor a creator. I just shared my knowledge in language markets, CAT tools and translation studies. Mostly in form of personal exchanges. Plus two in-person seminars held in Paraguay, the first one in 2011, the second one last weekend (for which I delivered two lectures). Why they chose me for this Honorary Membership? Well... try asking them! Enter the website of Yvy Marãe'y. Or visit its headquarters in San Lorenzo, Paraguay. For sure, you'll be charmed by that colonial-style small city and its kind, caring people.


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Honorary Member of a Foundation devoted to Guarani

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