Payment to Brazil from a German agency
Thread poster: Heloisa Ferreira
Heloisa Ferreira
Heloisa Ferreira  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Apr 17, 2007

Hello all,

I've recently done my first job here at - a translation for a German agency. Now I have the famous question: how to get paid and not paying too much in taxes!

Some people have recommended, but honestly, I don't know how it works. Apparently, someone sends you money and you receive it directly through your bank account in Brazil.

My bank is Itaú, which also works with Moneygram (another payment method I don't know anything about
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Hello all,

I've recently done my first job here at - a translation for a German agency. Now I have the famous question: how to get paid and not paying too much in taxes!

Some people have recommended, but honestly, I don't know how it works. Apparently, someone sends you money and you receive it directly through your bank account in Brazil.

My bank is Itaú, which also works with Moneygram (another payment method I don't know anything about). But it seems the bank charges a high fee to give you the money.

Last, but not least, I own a PayPal account. Differently from USA or Canada, PayPal does not send the money to Brazil, so the only way to retrieve it is by asking them to mail you a check - which usually takes long and they apply fees as well.

So, if anyone would be kind enough to help me with this dilemma, I'd really appreciate it - you can discuss in Portuguese if you want to.


Lincoln Silveira (X)
Lincoln Silveira (X)
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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You will not avoid high fees Apr 17, 2007

Dear Heloísa,

Assuming that by "taxes" you mean banking fees rather than "impostos", I would advise you upfront: get used to fees, you cannot dodge them. One way or the other, they WILL be there. And they are high.

I use Paypal and Xoom to receive payments from overseas clients and have the funds deposited into my Banco do Brasil account. They work just fine, like clockwork.

Before learning about Xoom in a post regarding a similiar question, I was using a
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Dear Heloísa,

Assuming that by "taxes" you mean banking fees rather than "impostos", I would advise you upfront: get used to fees, you cannot dodge them. One way or the other, they WILL be there. And they are high.

I use Paypal and Xoom to receive payments from overseas clients and have the funds deposited into my Banco do Brasil account. They work just fine, like clockwork.

Before learning about Xoom in a post regarding a similiar question, I was using a company in Porto Alegre to "transfer" Paypal funds to my bank account in Brazil. Xoom turned out to be twice faster and half the price charged by this company in Brazil.

Suppose you sign up to it, once you log on the instructions are pretty straightforward. To have funds deposited into your bank account in Brazil, for instance, simply inform your bank, CPF, branch and account number and whether it is a checking or savings account. Done.

Some banks offer the alternative of cash pick-up at the counter. Bradesco is one of them.

But, as I said, you cannot dodge the fees. You may be able to deduct them from your income tax, though.

Best of luck,


[Edited at 2007-04-17 03:21]

Heloisa Ferreira
Heloisa Ferreira  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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Thank you Lincoln! Apr 17, 2007

I've talked to my client and he said he only works with PayPal or Moneybookers. Since I already own a PayPal account, I chose this form of payment.

However, PayPal charges 11 dollars to send me a check (which probably will cost me 15 dollars more to change it through Banco Rendimento - plus, their dollar quotation is too low).

If I use, I'll pay 29 dollars to have the amount sent directly to my Itaú account in Brazil, which probably will worth more as well.... See more
I've talked to my client and he said he only works with PayPal or Moneybookers. Since I already own a PayPal account, I chose this form of payment.

However, PayPal charges 11 dollars to send me a check (which probably will cost me 15 dollars more to change it through Banco Rendimento - plus, their dollar quotation is too low).

If I use, I'll pay 29 dollars to have the amount sent directly to my Itaú account in Brazil, which probably will worth more as well.

Thank you so much for your "financial" advice!

Lincoln Silveira (X)
Lincoln Silveira (X)
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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A note about Paypal checks Apr 17, 2007


This is going in Portuguese...

Note que o cheque será emitido e levará algum tempo até chegar no seu endereço, além do tempo necessário para a compensação.

No meu caso o processo é (ou era, porque eu dificilmente pedirei mais cheques do Paypal) particularmente demorado, porque o cheque do Paypal é emitido em São Paulo, enviado para Fortaleza, Ceará, onde moro; depois eu vendo o cheque para uma operadora de câmbio aqui (a Confidence, m
... See more

This is going in Portuguese...

Note que o cheque será emitido e levará algum tempo até chegar no seu endereço, além do tempo necessário para a compensação.

No meu caso o processo é (ou era, porque eu dificilmente pedirei mais cheques do Paypal) particularmente demorado, porque o cheque do Paypal é emitido em São Paulo, enviado para Fortaleza, Ceará, onde moro; depois eu vendo o cheque para uma operadora de câmbio aqui (a Confidence, muito boa e tem filiais no sul do país) que demora na melhor das hipóteses 20 dias para creditar na minha conta (eles mandam as informações do cheque para a matriz em SP, que decide sobre a compra do título).

Em outras palavras, demora um bocado, tanto que vale a pena, para mim, pagar as taxas maiores do Paypal/Xoom.

Vejo que você está em SP, e nesse caso as coisas podem demorar menos. Então, no fim das contas você precisa ver o que compensa mais, se receber um cheque e trocá-lo no banco, ou pagar mais e receber logo.

Mas, é como eu disse: acostume-se com as tarifas bancárias e de intermediários financeiros, não dá para se livrar delas.

Parabéns pelo seu primeiro trabalho de tradução.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:57
English to German
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English, please - thanks Apr 17, 2007

Hi all,

So, if anyone would be kind enough to help me with this dilemma, I'd really appreciate it - you can discuss in Portuguese if you want to.

Please note that the working language fo this forum is English. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Denise Miranda
Denise Miranda
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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Have you tried Western Union? Apr 17, 2007

Because of difficulties like that, I've been sticking to Brazilian clients, but these days I was reading about Western Union and the agreement with Banco do Brasil.
Lincoln, you said you have an account there. Have you tried to receive through WU?
I'd like to know if anyone has had a good/bad experience with it!

Lincoln Silveira (X)
Lincoln Silveira (X)
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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No, no personal experience with WU Apr 17, 2007


Last time I looked into WU I was living in Foz do Iguaçu back in 2005. As far as memory recalls, I didn't further pursue it because I thought it was expensive.

But my word to you is that you shouldn't refrain from offering your services to overseas clients because of constraints relating to remittance of funds. There are some financial services (apart from WU) out that are fairly reliable, easy t
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Last time I looked into WU I was living in Foz do Iguaçu back in 2005. As far as memory recalls, I didn't further pursue it because I thought it was expensive.

But my word to you is that you shouldn't refrain from offering your services to overseas clients because of constraints relating to remittance of funds. There are some financial services (apart from WU) out that are fairly reliable, easy to use and affordable.



Lincoln Silveira (X)
Lincoln Silveira (X)
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
+ ...
My apologies Apr 18, 2007


Please note that the working language fo this forum is English. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

Thanks for bringing that to our attention.



Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:57
English to German
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Not a problem Apr 18, 2007

Dear Lincoln,
Not a problem; after all, Heloisa had invited answers in Portuguese.

Thanks for your understanding!

Kind regards,

Denise Miranda
Denise Miranda
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Thanks! Apr 18, 2007

Last time I looked into WU I was living in Foz do Iguaçu back in 2005.

Really? I live here!!! Well, I know this is not the topic, but what a coincidence! It's a small world after all!

Thank you very much for your advice!

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:57
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
PayPal in Brazil is a problem Apr 20, 2007

I tried to reveive from PayPal in Brazil the "kosher" way. It doesn't work. The whole story below took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

First I asked my bank here if I could get a wire transfer from PayPal. They would need a copy of my invoice to PayPal, to show the Brazilian IRS (Receita Federal). As I never worked for PayPal itself, if I ever issued one, it would be fake. So I asked PayPal to send me a cheque. They did.

I got a cheque from PayPal drawn on Citibank. My bank
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I tried to reveive from PayPal in Brazil the "kosher" way. It doesn't work. The whole story below took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

First I asked my bank here if I could get a wire transfer from PayPal. They would need a copy of my invoice to PayPal, to show the Brazilian IRS (Receita Federal). As I never worked for PayPal itself, if I ever issued one, it would be fake. So I asked PayPal to send me a cheque. They did.

I got a cheque from PayPal drawn on Citibank. My bank, again, wanted a copy of my invoice to PayPal. Dead end. So I crossed the street and went to Citibank. They said PayPal was their only international accountholder whose foreign cheques they would not cash, because nobody would have an invoice to PayPal for them to show the IRS. Okay, I eventually e-squandered my PayPal funds to solve the problem.

Then I tried Ikobo. Works like a charm. They sent me by FedEx a Visa debit card, and I could get cash immediately at the prevailing exchange rate from any Visa PLUS (this is important) -enabled ATM. Shortcomings are: a) withdrawing limited to US$ 500/month - to raise this limit, your payer (yes, not you) has to provide them with a lot of documents; and b) you are limited to three payers at any time - so when you get a fourth, you have to phone them and have one of the previous three kicked out.

Next time I tried Moneygram. Works fine. I got a key code from the payer by e-mail, took it with my documents (RG, CPF, proof of address) to a random Banco Itau branch and, upon signing a form, got cash immediately. Shortcoming: exchange rate was 5% lower than the prevailing one on that day.

I was told that Western Union works exactly the same, but with Banco do Brasil instead. Don't know about the exchange rates they use.

The ideal solution in Brazil would be for Ikobo to accept transfers from PayPal (they don't). Then the receiver would have ONE Ikobo payer (him/herself), and could raise his/her own limit as necessary. Both PayPal and Ikobo would go on making money from fees, and everything would work fine.


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Payment to Brazil from a German agency

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