CSV language problem Thread poster: Eltigani
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic
I tried to open an excel document saved as CSV with A (Source English) and B (Target Arabic), but SDL 2011 open the Arabic doc in ???????????? as unreadle format, I suggest that My SDL in missing the Arabic characters, how can i fix that please? during installation I choosed Arabic Languges, and it works when I use my TM which is Eng/Arbic for translating other documensts?
Please if there is any help
Eltigani Musa
Tokyo | | |
esperantisto Local time: 07:20 Member (2006) English to Russian + ... SITE LOCALIZER
For starters, what is the encoding of your file? | | |
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic TOPIC STARTER CSV language Problem | May 5, 2013 |
Arabic Windows | | |
Rolf Keller Germany Local time: 05:20 English to German
Eltigani wrote:
Arabic Windows
Use the Save As command in Excel and save the document in Unicode coding. | |
esperantisto Local time: 07:20 Member (2006) English to Russian + ... SITE LOCALIZER Try converting to | May 5, 2013 |
UTF-8 and UTF-16 and import them. | | |
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic TOPIC STARTER CSV language Problem | May 7, 2013 |
Hi all
Thanks for the respond, I did try to open and also to import my doc in SDL 2011 after saving it as Unicode (UTF-8), but it fails to open and also there is no option about to import it?
Thanks in advance for the help
Tokyo | | |
esperantisto Local time: 07:20 Member (2006) English to Russian + ... SITE LOCALIZER And what about | May 7, 2013 |
UTF-16? | | |
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic TOPIC STARTER CSV language Problem l | May 7, 2013 |
This option wasn't aviabale under my excel 2010 tools | |
Rolf Keller Germany Local time: 05:20 English to German UTF-8 --> UTF-16 | May 8, 2013 |
Eltigani wrote:
This option wasn't aviabale under my excel 2010 tools
Windows & MS Office work (internally) with UTF-16. So, if you export as "Unicode", you'll get UTF-16. If you export as "UTF-8" you'll get UTF-8.
If this doesn't work, export as UTF-8, open the file using Notepad and save it as UTF-16. | | |
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic TOPIC STARTER CSV language Problem | May 9, 2013 |
Thanks so much for your insights,
I copied Colum A & B and saved them separately in MS Word as .Doc then exported them through Winalign to MY TM in SDL trados 2011
At the very beginning I exported the file as "Unicode", but failed to open....they must be something wrong the Arabic, English has no problems
Thanks again for your cooperation | | |
Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:20 English to Arabic TOPIC STARTER Translation Memories Arabic/English/Arabic | May 17, 2013 |
Hi there
Any idea about how I can buy or get a Translation Memory for both directions Arabic to English and English to Arabic?? plus Auto-suggest dictionary or Term bases
I mean I tried to build my own TMs but the thing really consume months or may years to make a good one like google translate
Best Regards
Tokyo | | |