WORD'2007: word repetitions Thread poster: DZiW (X)
| DZiW (X) Ukraine English to Russian + ...
Dear colleagues,
Now I'm struggling with a problem to mark all the repetitions within 50 words...
First I thought about CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"), but not sure how to handle it better.
The idea is simple: Prepare a 50-word FiFO (first-in, first-out) 'buffer' list as a string with space delimiters and check every next word, marking any repetitions and updating the list--deleting the first word and adding the new word--till the end.
I'... See more Dear colleagues,
Now I'm struggling with a problem to mark all the repetitions within 50 words...
First I thought about CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"), but not sure how to handle it better.
The idea is simple: Prepare a 50-word FiFO (first-in, first-out) 'buffer' list as a string with space delimiters and check every next word, marking any repetitions and updating the list--deleting the first word and adding the new word--till the end.
I'm not a big coder, yet here is a quick'n'dirty draft Code:
| For i=1 to ThisDocument.Words.Count 'main loop
Set S=ThisDocument.Words(i) 'reference to the i-th word
W=Ucase(Trim(S)) 'no spaces and not case sensitive
If Left(W,1)=Letter Then 'IsAlpha only
If i>50 Then 'after the initial 50-word list is ready
q=InStr(1,W,T) 'is there a substring W in T?
if q>0 then S.Font.Color=some_color 'mark the repetition
q=InStr(1," ",T) 'find the first space delimiter
T=Mid(T,q+1) 'delete the first word plus space
End IF 'i>50
T=T+W+" " 'add new word to the list
End If 'Left(W,1)=Letter
Next |
| However, something went wrong, in the very concept, perhaps)
How would you solve such a task? Also I'm not sure about CleanString, AscW and such for ANSI/Unicode, any ideas?
TY ▲ Collapse | | | DZiW (X) Ukraine English to Russian + ... TOPIC STARTER Slowpoking, but works | Jul 2, 2017 |
Knowing several languages does interfere, even when it's just programming, especially when tired)
| Sub Repetitions()
Const SPAN = 49 'range
N = ThisDocument.Words.Count: If N < 50 Then Exit Sub 'exit if nothing to do
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 'to speed a little up
repetition = 0
Dim list As String
... See moreKnowing several languages does interfere, even when it's just programming, especially when tired)
| Sub Repetitions()
Const SPAN = 49 'range
N = ThisDocument.Words.Count: If N < 50 Then Exit Sub 'exit if nothing to do
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 'to speed a little up
repetition = 0
Dim list As String
Dim word As String
list = ""
For i% = 1 To N 'loop with each word
Set s = ThisDocument.Words(i%) 'a reference to word
word = UCase(Trim(s)) 'clean word up
If Left(word, 1) Like "[A-ZА-Я]" Then 'if begins with a letter (=ignore numbers and garbage)
If i > SPAN Then 'if the list is ready
q = InStr(1, list, word + " ", 1): If q > 0 Then s.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed: repetition = repetition + 1 'found and marked
q = InStr(1, list, " ", 1): list = Mid(list, q + 1) 'remove the first (obsolete) word from list
End If 'i>49
list = list + word + " " 'add the new word to list
End If 'like
Application.StatusBar = N - i 'countdown
If i Mod 200 = 0 Then DoEvents 'check events, including CTRL+SCRLOCK
Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 'restore screen
Application.StatusBar = False 'reset status
'If repetition > 0 Then
MsgBox repetition, , "Repetitions"
End Sub |
[Edited at 2017-07-02 20:14 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » WORD'2007: word repetitions Trados Studio 2022 Freelance | The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.
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