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Off topic: French accents on an English keyboard
Thread poster: Catherine Gorton
Catherine Gorton
Catherine Gorton
Local time: 09:29
French to English
+ ...
May 13, 2007

does anyone know how I can write French accents on an English keyboard?
I tried to help Ida on a Kudoz question and she gave me her trick (works for her) with ALT and numbers (130 etc) but on my laptop if I press ALT and 1 I automatically have a window opening to save a document. I have WINDOWS VISTA. Thanks for your help!

tlmurray (X)
tlmurray (X)
Local time: 04:29
Probably just the wrong key-press May 13, 2007

does anyone know how I can write French accents on an English keyboard?
I tried to help Ida on a Kudoz question and she gave me her trick (works for her) with ALT and numbers (130 etc) but on my laptop if I press ALT and 1 I automatically have a window opening to save a document. I have WINDOWS VISTA. Thanks for your help!

To use the "Alt-plus-number" method, (1) you must use the numeric keys on the numeric keypad, not the number keys along the top, and (2) you need a leading zero (0130 instead of 130).

It's hard on a laptop because of what you have to go through to press the equivalent numeric keypad keys -- you were probably pressing an Alt+letter that matched up to a file function in the menus.

[Edited at 2007-05-13 13:44]

avantix  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:29
German to Dutch
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In memoriam
With NumLock May 13, 2007

You have to use the numeric keypad on the right and activate the NumLock key (the padlock indicator should be on).
If it still does not work, you should change your keyboard settings. In the task bar (below) click the keyboard icon and select United States (NOT United States International).
Then it should be ok (works for me under XP and also worked under WIN97)

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:29
Russian to English
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In memoriam
Install French keyboard May 13, 2007

You will then be able to switch to it for accented letters, e.g. é is where the numeral 2 is on the English keyboard, and then switch back to English again.

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:29
Italian to English
ASCII codes May 13, 2007

Hi Catherine

You need to know the ASCII codes. Use ALT plus the numbers in the mumeric keypad (to the right of the keyboard).

The ones you want are in the Extended ASCII Code list on this site:

Hope that helps.

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:29
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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How to Do May 13, 2007


é: CTRL+',E

e: CTRL+^,E


You can find the combinations in Word:

insert + symbol,

and when you select the letter ex. é, word gives you the rapid choice combination.

I have worked with FAO, we had an international keyboard.


Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:29
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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sorry May 13, 2007

I meant

ê: CTRL+^,E

Jim Tucker (X)
Jim Tucker (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Hungarian to English
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By far the easiest way is this: May 13, 2007

In Windows (gotta work for Vista too, though I don't have it) change your keyboard to US-INTERNATIONAL.

All the accent marks are dead keys (they don't advance the cursor) then you just hit the letter afterwards).

This is much easier than installing a French keyboard if you are just inserting French text in an English context, or if you switch languages a lot generally.

[Edited at 2007-05-13 18:11]

[Edited at 2007-05-13 18:27]

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:29
French to English
+ ...
Nuisance on a laptop May 13, 2007

It is a nuisance on a laptop because you often don't have a separate numeric keypad. On mine, I think I had to press F11 or F12 to get the numeric keypad and then switch it off afterwards - you get into it in the end, but it is a pain. Easier to create your own keyboard shortcuts for the ones you use most from the Insert symbol menu.

Good luck!

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 10:29
French to English
+ ...
Bodge workaround! May 13, 2007

I had exactly this problem when I first got my laptop, having got used over many years to using the Alt + [num] codes.

In the end, what I did was simply take the time one day to create a small doc. with all the ones I use most often in it, and I can just leave it open most of the time somewhere on my desktop, and from there I can copy-&-paste into any application I might happen to be working in (including the browser, so it'll work for KudoZ!)

Takes ½ an hour or so to
... See more
I had exactly this problem when I first got my laptop, having got used over many years to using the Alt + [num] codes.

In the end, what I did was simply take the time one day to create a small doc. with all the ones I use most often in it, and I can just leave it open most of the time somewhere on my desktop, and from there I can copy-&-paste into any application I might happen to be working in (including the browser, so it'll work for KudoZ!)

Takes ½ an hour or so to set up, but saves a lot of expletives later!

Catherine Gorton
Catherine Gorton
Local time: 09:29
French to English
+ ...
Hi everyone and thanks! May 14, 2007

I have a laptop so no keypad on the right so the method with keypad on the right can be forgotten. Tried F11 or F12 but it didn't work: it enlarged or diminished the size of my e-mails instead...
Will try some other of your proposals though and I am confident that in the end I'll get one to work on this laptop!
Thanks a lot for your help + I hope your replies can also be useful to other readers!
Thanks to you all


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:29
French to English
+ ...
Make of laptop? May 14, 2007

Hi Catherine,

I suppose different manufacturers use different means of accessing the numeric keypad. Mine is a Toshiba and to get the numeric keypad I had to press Fn + F11 (I think - it's ages since I've used it, as I've reverted to a desktop model). However, I'm sure your manufacturer's online help or manual will tell you how to access it.

Best wishes,


Local time: 10:29
French to Dutch
+ ...
Or add a normal keyboard!! May 14, 2007

Claire Cox wrote:

Hi Catherine,

I suppose different manufacturers use different means of accessing the numeric keypad. Mine is a Toshiba and to get the numeric keypad I had to press Fn + F11 (I think - it's ages since I've used it, as I've reverted to a desktop model). However, I'm sure your manufacturer's online help or manual will tell you how to access it.

Best wishes,


I work on a laptop +keyboard +mouse for years now - and don't have backache.

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 10:29
French to English
+ ...
External keyboard is my preferred solution too! May 15, 2007

Like NMR, I found the first thing I had to do was buy an external keyboard and mouse — not least, because the keyboard on my expensive Toshiba laptop is totally lousy!

It is great to have a 'proper' keyboard again.

But the bodge solution is still handy for use when going portable!

English to French
ALT+FN in MS Word with Laptop Sep 30, 2007

Hi there,

Has anyone experienced and/or resolved problems using the ALT+FN combination for accents in MS Word? I can use ALT+FN on my Dell laptop in all programs (including other Microsoft programs) but in MS Word, when I use ALT+FN+130 for example, it just won't work... nothing happens. Anyone experienced this? The workaround is to set my keypad to "NUM LK" and then do the ALT combination... but it is a pain switching back and forth!

Thanks for your input!!

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French accents on an English keyboard

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