Word add's a biiiig space after an apostrophe
Thread poster: Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Dutch to French
+ ...
Jun 25, 2007

Hi everybody

I have no idea why, but everytime I type an apostrophe, Word types the next character far away from it. As I translate into French, this is becoming annoying, as we have those things everywhere.

For instance " l'idée " shows as " l' idée ".

It is not an extra space, it's just a maxi space. To take it out, I have to position the cursor just before the next character and hit backspace, then type the apostrophe again. If I hit Suppr, being pos
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Hi everybody

I have no idea why, but everytime I type an apostrophe, Word types the next character far away from it. As I translate into French, this is becoming annoying, as we have those things everywhere.

For instance " l'idée " shows as " l' idée ".

It is not an extra space, it's just a maxi space. To take it out, I have to position the cursor just before the next character and hit backspace, then type the apostrophe again. If I hit Suppr, being positioned just after the apostrophe, Word puts back this maxispace.

Does anyone know where this might come from and, more important, how to get rid of it ?

Tks in advance

XP/XP on MAC Intel w/Parallels

[Modifié le 2007-06-25 13:47]

Henrik Pipoyan
Henrik Pipoyan  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:12
Member (2004)
English to Armenian
Hi Elisabeth Jun 25, 2007

Do you have the same problem in other programs, e.g., in Excel or Notepad? If it's only a Word problem, than is it only with a certain file or you have this problem in any Word file? If it's in any Word file, than it's probably either an autocorrect option or encoding problem.

The following can hardly be a solution, but try this:

Right after typing an apostrophe hit undo (or Ctrl+Z). If the space disappears than it's probably some setting in your Tools > AutoCorrect Opt
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Do you have the same problem in other programs, e.g., in Excel or Notepad? If it's only a Word problem, than is it only with a certain file or you have this problem in any Word file? If it's in any Word file, than it's probably either an autocorrect option or encoding problem.

The following can hardly be a solution, but try this:

Right after typing an apostrophe hit undo (or Ctrl+Z). If the space disappears than it's probably some setting in your Tools > AutoCorrect Options that needs to be changed.

If this doesn't help, select the whole text (Ctrl+A) change the language (Tools > Language > Set Language), select, for example, English and check again. If this helps, than the inconvenience is that the French spellchecker won't work while you type.

Try also changing the keyboard to English. Of course, even if it helps, you can't work with English keyboard, but at least you'll know what causes the problem, and it will be easier to find a solution.

Maybe someone will suggest a better solution.


Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Dutch to French
+ ...
Hi Henrik Jun 25, 2007

Thank for your helping hand

When I hit undo or Ctrl Z, the space disappears, as well as the apostroph, they are apparently linked together.

I have checked the autocorrect options, but can't find anything having to do with this kind of behaviour.

When I change the language of the document to English, for instance, the problem disappears. As soon as I set it back to French, the problem is back a
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Thank for your helping hand

When I hit undo or Ctrl Z, the space disappears, as well as the apostroph, they are apparently linked together.

I have checked the autocorrect options, but can't find anything having to do with this kind of behaviour.

When I change the language of the document to English, for instance, the problem disappears. As soon as I set it back to French, the problem is back as well.

Maybe this gives a clue as to where this comes from ?


Francis MARC
Francis MARC
Local time: 08:12
English to French
+ ...
what french ? Jun 25, 2007

I have the problem in Word when defining the text as Canadian French - Français (Canada)- and not with Français (France).
Check what is you default language setting. Change it to see if the problem remains.

Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Dutch to French
+ ...
all kinds of French ... Jun 25, 2007

Francis MARC wrote:

I have the problem in Word when defining the text as Canadian French - Français (Canada)- and not with Français (France).
Check what is you default language setting. Change it to see if the problem remains.

Unfortunately the problem remains with all versions of French...

Merci Francis


Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Local time: 07:12
Dutch to Albanian
+ ...
Suggestion Jun 25, 2007

Hi Elisabeth,

I would suggest you to post your problem in the official Microsoft support site:

Hope this helps,

[Edited at 2007-06-26 07:10]

Henrik Pipoyan
Henrik Pipoyan  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:12
Member (2004)
English to Armenian
Hi Elisabeth, Jun 25, 2007

Try this:

Type a word with an apostrophe, e.g., "l'idée", than select that word, hold down the Ctrl key and hit the spacebar. See if the apostrophe turns to normal. If yes, than you may need to do this with the whole text, but note, you will lose some formatting, like bold, italic, custom letter sizes, and you'll have to format your text again.

If it doesn't help, select you text, copy it, create a new Word file (Ctrl+N), go to Edit > Paste Special, select the "Unforma
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Try this:

Type a word with an apostrophe, e.g., "l'idée", than select that word, hold down the Ctrl key and hit the spacebar. See if the apostrophe turns to normal. If yes, than you may need to do this with the whole text, but note, you will lose some formatting, like bold, italic, custom letter sizes, and you'll have to format your text again.

If it doesn't help, select you text, copy it, create a new Word file (Ctrl+N), go to Edit > Paste Special, select the "Unformatted Text" option and hit OK.

I hope this helps,


Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen
Elisabeth Toda-v.Galen  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Dutch to French
+ ...
Ctrl space just changes the colour... Jun 26, 2007

Henrik Pipoyan wrote:

Try this:

Type a word with an apostrophe, e.g., "l'idée", than select that word, hold down the Ctrl key and hit the spacebar. See if the apostrophe turns to normal. If yes, than you may need to do this with the whole text, but note, you will lose some formatting, like bold, italic, custom letter sizes, and you'll have to format your text again.

If it doesn't help, select you text, copy it, create a new Word file (Ctrl+N), go to Edit > Paste Special, select the "Unformatted Text" option and hit OK.

As this was a segmented document, I used 2 different colours for the source/target text. Ctrl space only changed the colour into black.

I'm afraid your second proposal will take more time than what I did up till now, i.e. backspace then retype the apostrophe.

Anyway, after (un)installing Office, things are back to normal again (see my explanation to Sherefedin...

I would suggest you to post your problem in the official Microsoft support site:
http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/defau lt.aspx?lc=1033

Hi Sherefedin
Very good idea. I had some very useful tips frome somone out there.

I have uninstalled/reinstalled Office, becs I noticed also that all of a sudden, I had tabs with "Typographie asiatique" and "Recherche japonais" which weren't there before... Once reinstalled I've gone through every tab in the autocorrect section and (un)ticked (un)useful options.

Apparently the apostroph problem has gone, fingers crossed

Thanks to you both for your help !


There you go! May 19, 2009

Had the same problem for a while in both Outlook 2007 which I guess uses the MS Word editor. Here how I just solved it:

In Outlkook 2007:
-Tools ->Options->Spelling->Auto Corrections: Uncheck 'Use contextual spelling'

In other MS Office prgrams, not sure, however try 'Help' look for: Spelling Auto Correction Settings.

Hope it works for you too...

Solution! Mar 31, 2011

Ulix's solution worked for me!!

In Microsoft Word 2007:

Windows Button (on the upper left) > Word Options > Proofing > Under 'When Checking Spelling and Grammar in Word, un-check 'Use Contextual Spelling.'

Thanks so much for the tip!!

Ambrose Li
Ambrose Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:12
+ ...
Probably a font problem? Mar 31, 2011

If it’s a problem with Typographie asiatique, the apostrophe is probably in the wrong font. Far east (CJK) fonts are notorious for causing this kind of problems. Just change the font back to whatever is normal.


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Word add's a biiiig space after an apostrophe

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