Translation resources: the free Microsoft Glossaries
Thread poster: Igor Sado
Igor Sado
Igor Sado  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
English to French
+ ...
Nov 21, 2011

Hello there,

Would any of you know how to hget the free Microsoft Glossaries fro French?
Many thanks in advance.

Havea nce day you all.

Sergei Vasin
Sergei Vasin  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:17
Member (2008)
English to Russian
+ ...
Microsoft Language Portal Nov 21, 2011

Hello Igor,

You may try Microsoft Language Portal services:

"Terminology Search" -


Microsoft Terminology Collection -

The Microsoft Terminology Collection can be used to develop localized versions of applications that integrate with Microsoft products.

It can also be used to integrate Microsoft terminology into other terminology collections or serve as a base IT glossary for language development in the nearly 100 languages available.

Terminology is provided in .tbx format, an industry standard for terminology exchange.

Igor Sado
Igor Sado  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
English to French
+ ...
.tbx Nov 21, 2011

Many thanks for your prompt reply Sergei. So the excel microsoft files are no longer available I guess. Would you know how to open a .tbx file?

Thanks again,

Sergei Vasin
Sergei Vasin  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:17
Member (2008)
English to Russian
+ ...
Converting .tbx files Nov 21, 2011

Please see the following page with the details about converting .tbx files to a more appropriate format:

Igor Sado
Igor Sado  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
English to French
+ ...
Th einstructions worked! Nov 21, 2011

Many thanks for your great help Sergei!


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Translation resources: the free Microsoft Glossaries

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