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Search results: (589 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following is your foremost priority? Digression [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf
wrote: [quote]LilianNekipelov wrote: Someone
was trying to buy some chairs (in which some
diamonds had allegedly been hidden), and the
seller tol
Suzan Hamer Sep 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you actively market your language services? No, just my ProZ profile. Pulls in enough interesting clients to keep me
happy and fed.
Suzan Hamer Sep 10, 2015
KudoZ Weird Kudoz notification messages (Staff: increased spam activity, working on it) I'm having the same problem. Changed settings, but notifications keep pouring in. Suzan Hamer Sep 3, 2015
KudoZ Weird Kudoz notification messages (Staff: increased spam activity, working on it) No, it's not just you. I've been getting the same and was just going to
notify support. At least when I opened one I
got the message that the request had been removed
(by the moderator I guess), because it wa
Suzan Hamer Sep 3, 2015
KudoZ Weird Kudoz notification messages (Staff: increased spam activity, working on it) No, it's not just you. I've been getting the same and was just going to
notify support. At least when I opened one I
got the message that the request had been removed
(by the moderator I guess), because it wa
Suzan Hamer Sep 3, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice 40 idioms that simply can’t be translated literally
lated-literally/ I take issue with the title...
Isn't that the nature of idioms? That they cannot
be translated literally? But still
Suzan Hamer Aug 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How confident are you with your translation work? Same here [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: What gives me
confidence is that my clients return. [/quote]
Suzan Hamer Jun 18, 2015
Money matters Is there a way to prevent the decline in translation rates? Hear Hear [quote]Triston Goodwin wrote: Even for
populated pairs like mine (English - Spanish)
there is a lot of high paying work available.
Those agencies aren't charging less than $0.20 per
Suzan Hamer Jun 13, 2015
Getting established Is it risky to turn down jobs? Is it risky to get overwhelmed and not have enough time to submit
a quality translation or to accept a job that's
highly technical subject matter with which you are
not familiar?
Suzan Hamer Jun 13, 2015
Lighter side of trans/interp Missspellings abound - in English I don't know if this qualifies: "lack toast and tolerant". And who knows whether
it has more hits than the correct term. As
20130313073930AADBqNW http://www.answers
Suzan Hamer Jun 5, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think people in your country consider learning languages an important thing? In the Netherlands it seems to me that most people speak at least 2
languages (Dutch and English, mainly), if not 3 or
more (German, French, etc.). From my observation,
the attitude among the Dutch seems to
Suzan Hamer Jun 2, 2015
Fun with language Quotes about translation: A good translator must be both a sage and a fool And "Translating is writing." (Marguerite
Yourcenar) ¶ In Adam & Eve by Sena Jeter
Naslund, a man is reading his translation of an
ancient text to his friends: "This day is the
Suzan Hamer Jun 2, 2015
Fun with language Quotes about translation: A good translator must be both a sage and a fool Translation-related quotations from the personal tab on my profile: ¶ "Translation may be impossible, but this
does not make it the less
necessary." (Goethe) ¶ "The original is
unfaithful to the translation." (Jorge Luis
Borges) ¶
Suzan Hamer May 30, 2015
Business issues Pig in a Poke Ditto. [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: Whenever I'm asked
to quote for a potential job or apply for a job
posted on Proz, I always say that my quote is
subject to seeing the document first. That se
Suzan Hamer May 30, 2015 Translator Coop How likely is it to get work with a free account? Great idea, Sheila. [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: Good luck! And let
me know if/when you're prepared to pay for
membership. I can donate some BrowniZ points to
you, or anyone else, to give you a small discou
Suzan Hamer May 16, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you prefer to communicate with clients? Definitely email. Less intrusive and distracting, as others have
already said. [quote]Teresa Borges
wrote: For me, email is the fastest, easiest,
cheapest and most efficient way to communicate
Suzan Hamer May 15, 2015
KudoZ Is it worth answering? Pretty much with Neil. I've recently lost interest in Kudoz all together.
So many of the questions could be answered by
simple googling or a dictionary, or should never
really need to be asked at all by anyone
Suzan Hamer May 6, 2015
Off topic Earthquake in Nepal, is everyone alright? Also help from the UK is on the way, I saw this morning on the BBC news. If I remember
correctly, they said 30 tons of tents and other
supplies are to be flown in.

[Edited at
2015-04-28 10:50 GMT]
Suzan Hamer Apr 28, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work with direct clients? Direct clients only. I offer personal service and I like being able to
query and make comments to the actual writer of
the texts I work on.
Suzan Hamer Apr 21, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you agree to provide free sample translations to potential clients? I often offer to do a short sample, if it's a job I would really
like to do. I don't do samples for agencies;
don't even work with agencies. But if I come
across an interesting job, or a potential
Suzan Hamer Apr 15, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever suffered from repetitive strain injury as a result of working on a computer? Don't think it counts, Anthony, [quote]Anthony Baldwin wrote: I use my brain a
lot, at least while I'm working, anyway (we
needn't discuss the rest of the time, must
we?). Currently getting it microwaved/radiated on<
Suzan Hamer Mar 25, 2015
Off topic The "I read, tried to read, or want to read this book" thread The link led to a 404 message, Phil, [quote]Phil Hand wrote: ... Mostly I think
philosophy of language has very little to offer
language professionals (the exception being How To
Do Things With Words
Suzan Hamer Mar 9, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a dedicated website to promote your business? No. I use my Proz profile as my website and it seems to work
quite well. My best clients have contacted me
through it.
Suzan Hamer Mar 6, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Pros and Cons of Free Editing Samples There have been quite a few threads discussing
whether or not to provide free translation
samples. Editors and proofreaders are also often
asked to provide free samples. I don't see why<
Suzan Hamer Mar 3, 2015
Dutch "Een full-time functie, met een goed salaris" I know! Me too.... But then reason took over. Nah.... I enjoy my
autonomy too much. But it is

[Edited at 2015-02-26 21:58 GMT]
Suzan Hamer Feb 26, 2015
Dutch "Een full-time functie, met een goed salaris" I am not interested in a permanent position
myself, but maybe someone else
Suzan Hamer Feb 26, 2015
Business issues How to tell a client their English isn't good enough for proofreading In a similar case, I just told the client the text wasn't ready for
proofreading yet. It needed to be edited
first. Of course too late to say that now, for
the current assignment. But possibly somethi
Suzan Hamer Feb 26, 2015
Business issues Clients accept me, then cease all contact Simple. Don't work for agencies. I find it more efficient and useful to put my
efforts into acquiring end clients. In my
experience, it is generally not worth all the time
and effort, as you have illustrated, to jump<
Suzan Hamer Feb 23, 2015
Off topic The importance of getting things absolutely right Well, Dan, I beg to differ. As an editor and proofreader, [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: [quote]Suzan Hamer
wrote: See, that's why it's worth paying a
professional to proofread your text. (Just
couldn't help saying that.) Unbelieveable.
Suzan Hamer Jan 29, 2015
Off topic The importance of getting things absolutely right "Proofread carefully to see if you any words out." (William Safire) See, that's why it's worth paying a professional
to proofread your text. (Just couldn't help saying
that.) Unbelieveable.
Suzan Hamer Jan 28, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Tip of the Week for Editors - Enhance Your Networking: Attend an Editing Conference (if you're lucky
enough to live close to any of these
Suzan Hamer Jan 20, 2015
Business issues Reality vs Theory (or, ‘A Kaleidoscopic Symphony of Eurogibberish’) This map showing percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English in the EU by country might be of
Suzan Hamer Oct 23, 2014
Business issues Reality vs Theory (or, ‘A Kaleidoscopic Symphony of Eurogibberish’) OH MY GOODNESS! YES!! [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: [quote]Suzan Hamer
wrote: As one of those few native English
speakers translating into Dutch, I could not
disagree with you less. (And I love
Suzan Hamer Oct 22, 2014
Business issues Reality vs Theory (or, ‘A Kaleidoscopic Symphony of Eurogibberish’) As one of those few native English speakers translating from Dutch into English, I could not disagree with you less. (And I love )

at 2014-10-22 09:45 GMT]

[Edited at
2014-10-22 16:09 GMT]
Suzan Hamer Oct 22, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is generally the least productive working day for you? ProZ has a spellchecker? Sorry Neil. I didn't know that. Thought you were
talking about your computer's spellchecker...
Check with ProZ Support? How annoying...
Suzan Hamer Oct 22, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is generally the least productive working day for you? Change your language setting? [quote]neilmac wrote: PS: (Off-topic) : Since I
started using Windows 7, everything I write on
this website comes up underlined in spellchecker
red. Does anybody know how I can switch t
Suzan Hamer Oct 21, 2014
Pronunciation How do you say IBAN in English? ee-ban... and ee-kay-uh here in the Netherlands. Edited to
add that like Tom I have a hard time remembering
to say eye-key-uh when I'm not in NL. In the US
people look at me funny (like I'm from anot
Suzan Hamer Oct 21, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: When working with an agency, have you ever contacted the end client directly? Other I don't work with agencies. Only with end clients. Suzan Hamer Oct 3, 2014
Off topic Totally off topic: "The biggest collaborative art collection in the world" I don't know about the rest of you, but when
researching terms and facts online I come across
the most amazing stuff, a lot of it art that I
would like to hold on to and have at my finger<
Suzan Hamer Sep 29, 2014
Fun with images "We are translators, mouse. We nuance." - Comic strip Tina and Mouse We just can't not do nuance. Wonderful. Thank you for posting. (By the way,
unintentionally I have turned my daughter into the
mouse. After hearing me incessantly weighing the
value of various words all her life, she
Suzan Hamer Sep 18, 2014
Off topic BOOK, a revolutionary bio optical organized knowledge device Sure hope IKEA paid this guy for the idea... Apparently he made his video in
Suzan Hamer Sep 9, 2014
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing difference between "editing" ,"proofreading"and "reviewing" Ditto. (Double ditto?) I'm with Sheila. [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote:
"We'll have to agree to
disagree." [quote]Sushan Harshe wrote: In my
opinion, this all is difference.. 25
years ago w
Suzan Hamer Sep 9, 2014
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing difference between "editing" ,"proofreading"and "reviewing" Yes, as Christine said, discussed several times before and will continue
to be. And every time I feel compelled to
contribute to the discussion by referring to my
profile page where I describe my take on the
Suzan Hamer Sep 8, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: What kind of computer do you use for work? Mac desktop. All I need. Suzan Hamer Sep 8, 2014
Translation news From marvellous to awesome: how spoken British English has changed Two perhaps relevant quotations from my collection under the personal tab of my
profile: "Stability in language is synonymous
with rigor mortis." (Ernest Weekley,
lexicographer; 1865-1954) ¶ "Time changes all
Suzan Hamer Aug 27, 2014
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Peculiar case! Salary for proof-reading/ contributing to Norwegian book collaboration Yes, you can count on it taking more time than you imagine. SBlack wrote: [quote] .... so it will probably
be slower if you are correcting a text written by
non-native speakers. [/quote] Do not
underestimate the time it will take you to
Suzan Hamer Aug 26, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you met any of your clients in person? No, but several have become personal friends with whom I
maintain Skype and email relationships, having
never met them in person. (They all live in
different far-flung countries.) [Flung. Flung
Suzan Hamer Aug 26, 2014
Fun with language How to write good... Or as William Safire wrote: "Do not put statements in the negative form. And
don't start sentences with a conjunction. If you
reread your work, you will find on rereading that
a great deal of repetition can be avo
Suzan Hamer Aug 15, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you manage your accounting/invoicing? I use the Proz invoice tool for invoicing, do the quarterly VAT reports myself, and have an
accountant do the annual tax report. The Proz
invoicing tool provides reports on: - Financial
overview (a quick summary of invoice an
Suzan Hamer Aug 10, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have any alternative source(s) of income other than translation? Yes, from editing and proofreading English texts. Suzan Hamer Aug 6, 2014

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