The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

japonština -> angličtina Obecné / konverzace / pozdravy / dopisy Translation Glossary

japonština term angličtina translation
上意下達 Top-down communication
不便な為 it may cause a problem
市場の苛立ち market is in a bind
一体の shared
一掃 Wiping out [/Elimination] of
一気呵成の取り組み all in one approach
幹・枝・葉 (tree) trunk, branch, leaves
之印 之印
京都府福知山市字南有路 (Aza) Minamiariji, Oe-Cho
人衆 Group
二人で一人前 We complete each other/my better half
他同好会 Other groups of like-minded business people
他XX筆 and xx other lots
彼のフェミニストぶりにはかなわなかったので As I could not beat him as a womanizer
Entered by: Kanako Fujiwara
作ってなんぼ Result-oriented
何かと思えば I expected [a great event] but in fact [it was nothing]
応援をいただく to receive gracious support/assistance = 応援をいただく
心かきむしられる (my heart/his heart, etc.) was torn to pieces / was torn to bits
在宅高齢者 senior citizens living at home
ハウスボトル a bottle of the house wine
ハクをつけ(る) gain prestige
バランスを失する out of proportion to
Entered by: cinefil
バスロータリー Bus roundabout
ムレ防止 breathable
メタメタに complete destruction of something
Entered by: Ivan Rorick
トラブル機 equipment with the problem
ヘルスキーパー physiotherapist
ヘタリ deterioration
ツッコミやる to rape
ドタバタ珍道中 a trip full of the unexpected
Entered by: Lincoln Hui
切り口 approach
喧々諤々 debate/discuss heatedly - (misused term)
嗅覚 it refers to their "ability to sniff out" information
○○の息吹を伝える emerging, burgeoning
Entered by: casey
アティコット Atikot
Entered by: Gemma Collinge
ウチビ United Colors of Benneton
カードを切った resort to, make use of
キョウショクインキョウサイ 教職員共済
ザラでも common (See explanation)
ザッピング channel surf
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