Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Arabic translation:
English term
With fine bulgur, she made kisir, a Turkish salad subject to varied interpretations. Unlike Lebanese tabbouleh, the parsley salad with a little bulgur in it, kisir is all about the grain. Some cooks add walnuts, pistachios, cucumbers, lettuce or purslane to the softened bulgur. (Hearst Communications Inc.)
Today, bulgur wheat is being rediscovered as an industrial ingredient with key functional properties, including the provision of texture, dietary fiber, calorie reduction and binding properties in the formulation of meatless frozen, refrigerated and shelf-stable products. (Virgo Publishing, LLC)
Bulgur is a good source of insoluble fiber which helps to maintain colon health and may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Why not substitute cooked bulgur with a little cinnamon and honey for your regular bowl of cereal? (
5 +3 | البرغل | elsayed fayed |
Oct 23, 2009 14:49: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Oct 23, 2009 14:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Oct 26, 2009 15:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
البرغل Bulgur هو جريش القمح المسلوق وطريقة صنع البرغل من القمح هو سلقه حتى تلين الحبوب وتقارب النضج ثم تنشر في أماكن معدة لذلك وتترك حتى تجف تماماً (منتديات طبيعى)
agree |
nevine ibrahim
15 mins
many thanks ms nevine
agree |
Dr. Mohamed Elkhateeb
4 hrs
many thanks dr mohamed
agree |
Lina Shehabi Murad (Mourant)
14 hrs
many thanks ms lina
This is the point Ms Nevine, and this is how importers got confused and turned the Bulgarian wheat into Burgul (in Arabic).
As soon as I get back from my holiday, I will post the name of the reference book.
In old times, some arabic countries used to import wheat.
Bulgaria was the main exporter of wheat. Once received, this wheat was called bulgur since it came from Bulgaria.
Bulgaria in Arabic is بلغاريا
the Bulgarian wheat was then called قمح بلغاري
And through the years, the word was transformed into برغل
إذا كان الطبق سلطات باردة كالتبولة اللبنانية أو الكيسير التركية فإن البرغل يجرش منوسطا أو ناعما (كالكبه أو الكبيبه الشامي)، إذا كان للطبيخ الساخن كما في ألاطياق المصريه ك " طاجن في الفرن باللحم أو الخضراوات" ، أو لحشو الطيور "حمام او دجاج محشي" فإنه لا يجرش. وقد تجمع حبات القمح قبل أن تنضج بالكامل وتكون خضراء اللون وتترك كاملة وتسمي فريك أخضر وتطبخ في أطباق ساخنة.