Oct 18, 2023 13:31
1 yr ago
18 viewers *
Italian term

forma parapubblica

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
La procura per il mutuo dovrà essere redatta nella forma parapubblica


philgoddard Oct 18, 2023:
We would normally say semipublic - parapublic is not a commonly used word. Maybe there are different boilerplate powers of attorney for different bodies.

Alerssandra: Who is lending money to whom? I don't mean their names, just what types of entity.

And what does it say before and after this?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

in a notarially recordable form (engrossed 'under notarial seal' for public reg. purposes)

La procura per il mutuo* dovrà essere redatta nella forma parapubblica >

The Power of Attorney (proxy form is used for company or residents' association meetings) for the loan will have to/ need to be *engrossed* (written, drawn up os. drafted) in notarially recordable form (for open, public registration, as opposed to to privata, namely ' as a private, non-notarial document made *under hand*.)

*with repayment of the exact, equivalent amount, as opposed to comodato : bailment or a translatorese 'loan for use'

Methinks there is another way of parsing / reading parapubblica and that it has nowt to do with semi-public scenes or NGOs - Non-Governmental Organiz/sations.

Obiter, UK: English Common Law + City of London = Roman Civil- Law like Italy (NB the distinction often missed and lost on ProZ) / Notaries *Public* I have worked with dislike my stab at equating a Public Doc. (Deed is the term used for conveyancing of land in US AmE) with a 'Notarial Deed or Instrument under Notarial Seal'.

So beware if the translation is for UK Notarial (a superior species of Commissioners for Oaths) - rather than US 'Hotel-Keeper' Notarial attestation / certification
Example sentence:

Elemento fondamentale nella valutazione del merito creditizio è altresì rappresentato dalla valutazione dell’assicurabilità delle Amministrazioni Terze Cedute (c.d. ATC) del comparto *parapubblico e privato*.

Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : I don't see how 'parapubblica' can mean 'public', and you haven't explained this.
20 hrs
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