Jan 29, 2023 14:47
1 yr ago
20 viewers *
English term

this Hariett

English to Polish Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
I became a Communist in 1932. I became a Communist when this Hariett came to see me. She said, “We hear, Ms. Dodd, that you’re an anti-fascist.” I said “Certainly.”


Prawdopodobnie dr Dodd podaje imię i nazwisko, ale nie jestem pewna czy to Hariett. Mowa o jednej przywódczyń pierwszej Międzynarodówki Komunistycznej, ale nie mogę nigdzie znaleźć nazwiska. Proszę o pomoc i dziękuję.
Proposed translations (Polish)
3 Harriet (Silverman)
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Jan 29, 2023 14:47: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"


Andrzej Mierzejewski Jan 30, 2023:
Może pomoże:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Women's_Internationa... -
tutaj wymieniona jest Henriette Roland Holst. Imię brzmi podobnie do Harriet, ale nie będę zgadywał, czy D. Dobbs mówi akurat o niej. Kwestia historyczno-detektywistyczna. ;-)

Linki znalazłem na podstawie podanego (komputerowego?) transkryptu. Nie wsłuchuję się w nagranie. Jest tak zaszumione i mało wyraźne, że podziwiam ambicję.
mike23 Jan 29, 2023:
this Harry Truman [?] came to (the) scene

Proposed translations

4 days

Harriet (Silverman)

Dodd joined an "Anti-Fascist Literature Committee." She was attracted to the Communist Party by Margaret Schlauch: "The Communist Party in this country set itself up as the one organization that was fighting fascism." Harriet Silverman introduced her to Party leader Earl Browder.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_Dodd#Career


Mrs. DODD. In 1932, I was approached by someone by the name of Harriet Silverman, who identified herself as a member of the Communist Party, who said that she and a number of others were setting up an anti-Fascist-literature committee, and she asked whether I would work on the committee for the purpose of raising money for the underground fight in Germany against the rise of fascism, and also for the writing of literature against fascism.
I said "Yes," and Harriet Silverman said to me, "Well, would you like proof that this money is going to be raised for the anti-Fascist work?" I said I would like some kind of proof. So she asked whether I would like to meet Earl Browder. I answered in the affirmative. She took me to Thirteenth Street, or Twelfth Street, and she took me to Earl Browder with some other lady who was raising money for the anti-Fascist movement.

- http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/bc/senate_1... - page 3


To one of the meetings Margaret brought an emaciated woman who talked about the underground movement against fascism. She spoke with an air of authority. Without it Harriet Silverman would have seemed plain to the point of ugliness, but she carried this air of authority like a magic cloak, and it transformed her. She proved a different sort of person from those I had met in organizational work. She talked about the man she called her husband, a man named Engdahl, who was then in Europe to propagandize the Scottsboro Case. Like herself, he was, I learned later, an international agent of the world communist movement.

Harriet singled me out almost from the first. At her invitation I promised to visit her at her home.

http://genus.cogia.net/chap6.php - chapter 6 (School of Darkness by Bella V. Dodd, Ex-Communist)
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