Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

guttate psoriasis

Romanian translation:

psoriazis gutat

Jan 8, 2010 13:54
14 yrs ago
English term

guttate psoriasis

GBK English to Romanian Medical Medical (general)
Definition from WebMD, Inc:
A type of psoriasis characterized by red, scaly patches of inflamed skin on all parts of the body. It is associated with a lung infection in many cases.
Example sentences:
Guttate psoriasis often comes on quite suddenly. A variety of conditions can bring on an attack of guttate psoriasis, including upper respiratory infections, streptococcal throat infections (strep throat), tonsillitis, stress, injury to the skin and the administration of certain drugs including antimalarials and beta-blockers. (National Psoriasis Foundation/USA)
Like other forms of psoriasis, guttate psoriasis has the tendency to improve during the summer and worsen during the winter. Once cleared, many patients who experience acute guttate psoriasis usually have limited or no evidence of psoriasis for prolonged periods. (SkinCell International Forum)
Emollients and coal tar creams are the first treatments of choice, although topical steroids and vitamin D analogues may also be prescribed. If the guttate psoriasis does not respond to these treatments, then ultraviolet light (UVB) therapy is useful. (The Psoriasis Association)
Proposed translations (Romanian)
4 +8 psoriazis gutat
Change log

Jan 8, 2010 13:16: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jan 8, 2010 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jan 11, 2010 14:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

10 mins

psoriazis gutat

Note added at 21 minute (2010-01-08 14:15:32 GMT)

Într-un studiu s-a evidenţiat că psoriazisul gutat este cel mai frecvent asociat cu faringoamigdalita streptococică (2,5). S-a evidenţiat că 3 proteine cu greutate moleculară de 14, 60, 70 kDa ai streptococului pyogenes sunt antigene imunodominante în etiologia psoriazisului gutat (9). Este acceptată ideea conform căreia pacienţii cu psoriazis gutat dezvoltă plăci psoriatice după 1 an de evoluţie sau chiar mai mult.
Definition from own experience or research:
sau psoriazis în picătură<br /><br />Psoriazis gutat – leziunile sunt mici, seamănă cu picăturile şi apar mai frecvent la copii în legătură cu infectiile streptococice;<br /><b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b><br /><br />Psoriazis gutat - Este o eruptie acuta, pe trunchi si pe membre, cu leziuni mici (cat o gamalie de ac) si numeroase. Este mai frecvent la adolescenti, apare probabil dupa o amigdalita streptococica. Petele dispar de la sine dupa cateva saptamani sau pot evolua spre placi intinse de psoriazis.<br /><b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b>
Example sentences:
Leziunile din psoriazis pot varia ca dimensiuni (punctiforme, in picaturi – psoriazis gutat, in placi si placarde, numular), pot avea contururi figurate, scuamele pot fi uneori foarte groase (rupioide, verucoase) sau grasoase (sebopsoriazis). (medical journal)
Psoriazisul gutat – se manifesta prin aparitia brusca a unor placi cu diametrul de 0,5 -1,5 mm, in special pe trunchi, la copii si adultii tineri. Aceasta forma de psoriazis este cauzata de medicamente sau de o alta boala (de exemplu, faringita streptococica) (medical journal)
Peer comment(s):

agree George C.
5 mins
mulţumesc :-)
agree Palma CHATONNET MARTON MS, MA Translation
6 mins
mulţumesc, Palma :-)
agree Maria Diaconu
13 mins
mulţumesc frumos, Maria :-)
agree Sandra Roselee
43 mins
mulţumesc :-)
agree Draga Crisan : Psoriazis gutat/in picatura spune si Dictionarul englez-roman de medicina si biologie Nasticor 2004
1 hr
agree Ovidiu Martin Jurj
8 hrs
agree Irina-Maria Foray
21 hrs
mulţumesc frumos, Irina :-)
agree Victorița Ionela Duță
2 days 1 hr
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