Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
assistencialist and clientelist programs
Russian translation:
клиентилизм и программы на основе государственной опеки
Added to glossary by
Katia Gygax
Aug 15, 2007 08:18
17 yrs ago
English term
assistencialist and clientelist programs
English to Russian
Social Sciences
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
A new trend is arising in Brazil and in several other countries around the world to combat poverty:
• Investing in the permanent capacities of the people and in favorable social environments
instead of just offering resources.
• Promoting a sustainable human and social development instead of practicing
assistencialist and clientelist programs.
• Building partnerships between individuals and social organizations, companies and
governments at all levels, to execute innovative programs of investment in human and
social capital instead of just waiting for the State to provide them.
• Investing in the permanent capacities of the people and in favorable social environments
instead of just offering resources.
• Promoting a sustainable human and social development instead of practicing
assistencialist and clientelist programs.
• Building partnerships between individuals and social organizations, companies and
governments at all levels, to execute innovative programs of investment in human and
social capital instead of just waiting for the State to provide them.
Change log
Aug 29, 2007 08:05: Katia Gygax Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 hr
вместо клиентилизма и программ на основе государственной опеки
Клиентилизм есть, а ассистенциализма, имхо, нету, одна единственная ссылка. Кроме того, есть нормальное русское слово "опека". "Патернализм" звучит двусмысленно, его можно понять как клиентилизм.
Clientelism (also seen as clientalism or clientilism) refers to a form of social organization common in many developing regions characterized by "patron-client" relationships. In such places, relatively powerful and rich "patrons" promise to provide relatively powerless and poor "clients" with jobs, protection, infrastructure, and other benefits in exchange for votes and other forms of loyalty including labor. While this definition suggests a kind of "socioeconomic mutualism," these relationships are typically exploitative, often resulting in the perpetual indebtedness of the clients in what is described as a "debt-peonage" relationship. In some instances, patrons employ coercion, intimidation, sabotage, and even violence to maintain control, and some fail to deliver on their promises. Moreover, patrons are oftentimes unaccountable for their actions. Thus, clientelistic relationships are often corrupt and unfair, thereby obstructing the processes of implementing true sustainability.
А также:
The offspring of the Bolsa-Família children will continue depending upon it. The Bolsa-Escola permitted the families to "raise their status in life"; the Bolsa Família guarantees only that they will "continue living." They will ultimately be known, therefore, as permanently dependent "Bolsa Families." - Т.е. речь идет о зависимости от опеки и соц. помощи.
Клиентилизм в ответе я поставила в начало для равновесия предложения (длинное - в конец).
Note added at 1 hr (2007-08-15 09:38:19 GMT)
Я подумала, подумала и решила, что программы можно вообще не вспоминать, и так понятно.
***вместо клиентилизма и социальной опеки***
Clientelism (also seen as clientalism or clientilism) refers to a form of social organization common in many developing regions characterized by "patron-client" relationships. In such places, relatively powerful and rich "patrons" promise to provide relatively powerless and poor "clients" with jobs, protection, infrastructure, and other benefits in exchange for votes and other forms of loyalty including labor. While this definition suggests a kind of "socioeconomic mutualism," these relationships are typically exploitative, often resulting in the perpetual indebtedness of the clients in what is described as a "debt-peonage" relationship. In some instances, patrons employ coercion, intimidation, sabotage, and even violence to maintain control, and some fail to deliver on their promises. Moreover, patrons are oftentimes unaccountable for their actions. Thus, clientelistic relationships are often corrupt and unfair, thereby obstructing the processes of implementing true sustainability.
А также:
The offspring of the Bolsa-Família children will continue depending upon it. The Bolsa-Escola permitted the families to "raise their status in life"; the Bolsa Família guarantees only that they will "continue living." They will ultimately be known, therefore, as permanently dependent "Bolsa Families." - Т.е. речь идет о зависимости от опеки и соц. помощи.
Клиентилизм в ответе я поставила в начало для равновесия предложения (длинное - в конец).
Note added at 1 hr (2007-08-15 09:38:19 GMT)
Я подумала, подумала и решила, что программы можно вообще не вспоминать, и так понятно.
***вместо клиентилизма и социальной опеки***
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
17 mins
программы, основанные на принципах ассистенциализма и клиентилизма
Отрицательную роль сыграл ассистенциализм (система государственной "опеки", превозносящая необходимость социальной помощи и формирующая иждивенческую ... - 36k - - 36k -
25 mins
вместо программ, основанных на патернализме и ассистенциализме
вместо программ, основанных на патернализме и ассистенциализме.
клиентализм = патернализм
MBS Journal: Сервис получения отборной информации для ...В производстве мы имеем патернализм и ассистенциализм, а в обучении – пассивное ожидание, что изменения произойдут сами собой, без личных усилий ... - 29k -
клиентализм = патернализм
MBS Journal: Сервис получения отборной информации для ...В производстве мы имеем патернализм и ассистенциализм, а в обучении – пассивное ожидание, что изменения произойдут сами собой, без личных усилий ... - 29k -
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