Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

reserva de humanidad

English translation:

human discretion/human judgement

Added to glossary by Sandra Meneaud
Mar 14, 2023 12:56
1 yr ago
25 viewers *
Spanish term

reserva de humanidad

Spanish to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters

Does anyone know the correct translation of 'reserva de humanidad', in the context of legal decisions taken not by AI but by humans, please? This is the paragraph in which it appears:

En ellas, la Administración realiza un valoración o ponderación de distintos derechos, bienes o intereses que debieran quedar al margen de la inteligencia artificial de forma que no pudieran suplirse con un algoritmo, aunque tecnológicamente sea posible. Se trata de reservar la toma de determinadas decisiones a los humanos, lo que se ha denominado “reserva de humanidad” .

Many thanks ain advance.
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Mar 14, 2023 16:12: philgoddard changed "Field" from "Tech/Engineering" to "Other"


O G V Mar 14, 2023:
acepciones de reserva que condicen mucho o algo con lo que se sugiere el contexto, que no sólo es dejar una parte de la decisión en manos humanas. Hay un matiz de precaución, prevención. Incluso recelo o desconfianza...
Dejo tb algunas acepciones jurídicas que resultan interesantes, y la de reservas mentales, muy curiosa:
→1. f. Guarda o custodia que se hace de algo, o prevención de ello para que sirva a su tiempo.
→2. f. Reservación o excepción de una ley común.
→3. f. Prevención o cautela para no descubrir algo que se sabe o piensa.
→4. f. Discreción, circunspección, comedimiento.
→6. f. Actitud de recelo, desconfianza o desacuerdo ante algo o alguien.
→11. f. Der. Declaración que hace el juez de que la resolución que dicta no perjudicará algún derecho, el cual deja a salvo para que se ejercite en otro juicio o de diverso modo.
→reserva de ley
1. f. Der. Mandato constitucional en virtud del cual ciertas materias deben ser reguladas solamente por la ley, excluyendo normas de rango inferior.
¬→reserva mental
1. f. Intención restrictiva del juramento, promesa o declaración, al tiempo de formularlos. U. t. en pl. con el mismo significado que en sing.
→a reserva de
1. loc. prepos. Con la salvedad de.
9. [de carácter]
(= discreción) discretion
confiamos en tu reserva al manejar este asunto we are counting on your discretion in this matterón
3. f. Reserva, prudencia, circunspección.

Proposed translations

16 mins

human discretion/human judgement

This could work

Note added at 4 hrs (2023-03-14 17:45:30 GMT)

or "human element"
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
1 hr
agree Adoración Bodoque Martínez : 'In particular, many applications that utilise AI are designed formally to preserve human discretion, so that the system’s output is offered to the user as a ‘recommendation’ rather than...'
3 hrs
agree Alan Otero
5 hrs
agree Marie Wilson
5 hrs
agree O G V
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much Indeed. I'm going to go with 'human discretion'."
1 hr

humanity reserve/preservation

In my opinion "humanity reserve" best coveys the message in/meaning of "reserva de humanidad". Cheers.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : This is a near literal translation but it makes zero sense in English
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

human touch

>Perhaps, abbreviations and acronyms like AI for Artifical Intelligence ought to spelt out - not only on ProZ but at conferences - for us dinosaurs living in a bygone age, rather than for a relative of mine who had clocked up a computer science degree at the top-college of Man Uni (Manchester University vs. Manchester United).

Note added at 8 hrs (2023-03-14 21:40:37 GMT)

ought to *be* spelt out..
Example sentence:

The Human Touch: Employment Law and Artificial Intelligence, William Fry logo European Union February 3 2023 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Peer comment(s):

neutral O G V : no se alude a toque humano sino a un término muy preciso. Y la IA/AI va a ser cosa de cada día en los próximos años, "reservas" al margen.
3 hrs
neutral AllegroTrans : "human touch" is an extremely vague term in the context
15 hrs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

3 hrs

Yet AI is still narrow in its decisioning, in the sense that it is curbed to its field of expertise (although it has broader knowledge than humans in that particular domain obviously) and to the problem posed by the decision owner. Thus, AI’s superior complexity-solving abilities do not question the leading role of the human decision maker in the final decision.


Besides, all citizens that are interested in AI could benefit from our research as we present
four new challenges that arise from the use of AI in the decision making process, related to ethics, law, society acceptance and responsibility. We draw the conclusion that there is a lot of vagueness around AI when considering the ethical and juridical levels. Moreover, AI has not been fully accepted by the society and the question of responsibility when making a decision stays widely unanswered. AI will not be anytime soon a substitute for humans, and least of all a substitute to human decision making. Instead, AI contributes to augment
humans and make smarter decisions.

See too: Appendix 4: Overview of the findings of chapter 4

Page 89 et seq.

Desafiante y necesaria cuestión (y cuestionamiento)
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans
1 hr
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