Jun 8, 2023 10:43
1 yr ago
39 viewers *
Spanish term

estatuto del ciudadano UE

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
¿Cómo se díria "estatuto del ciudadano UE"? ¿Podría ser status of EU citizens o es muy literal?
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Non-PRO (1): Toni Castano

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AllegroTrans Jun 9, 2023:
Thanks Asker Could you tell us more about your document please? Has it got a title? Can you post more of the surrounding text?
galainfantes (asker) Jun 9, 2023:
The phrase is: "El estatuto del
ciudadano UE consagra solo una equiparación en cuanto a la participación
democrática en la UE y sus instituciones". Thank you so much for your help!
Toni Castano Jun 8, 2023:
Pro-query? Yes, I admit I might perhaps have been too stringent in my qualification of this particular query as Non-PRO. To some extent, this is a bit subjective. As for my other "explanations", I stand by what I said concerning the "right order" in KudoZ.
AllegroTrans Jun 8, 2023:
Thus is a PRO question as it requires either some knowledge of EU legislation or some research in that regard.
Toni Castano Jun 8, 2023:
@Allegro No, I shall not. I do not normally participate in queries that I deem Non-PRO. Besides, for me the right order to follow in KudoZ is 1) Asker provides the full context (does not happen here at all despite several people having (very politely!) asked for it), and 2) Peers suggest translations in light of such full context, if they wish to do so.
We should not forget that it is us who are helping the asker, NOT the other way round.
To me KudoZ is a two-way street. Some people just forget that simple fact. Good day to you, Allegro.
AllegroTrans Jun 8, 2023:
@ Toni Please pot your suggestion as an answer, with your reasoning.
Toni Castano Jun 8, 2023:
@Allegro This is clearly EU jargon. The context provided is meagre, true, but unmistakably referred to the European Union. "Status" is the right approach here, not "statute".
AllegroTrans Jun 8, 2023:
@ Jesica & Toni yes, another possible meaning would be "EU citizenship status" (not " status of the EU citizenship")- i.e. under the proposed Statute, but this entirely depends on context.
Asker, please post the full sentence containing the term. Thanks!
Jesica Frölich Jun 8, 2023:
Actually, this could have another meaning, apart from what Allegro suggests but we lack of context. Because it's probable that "estatuto" refers to the condition or status of the EU Citizenship and you will check that if you look up for the word "estatuto" on the RAE dictionary. Plus, if you google "estatuto del ciudadano UE" almost all the meanings refer to EU citizenship rather than a new law making.

Proposed translations

45 mins

European Citizen Statute

You need to use the official English term for this

It is explained here:

European Citizenship Statute

Policy Paper

Date: March 25, 2022

European citizenship has not yet been fully implemented. It is a unique construct that does not exist anywhere else in the world. It began to become a reality with the Maastricht Treaty, when it was created; superimposed on the citizenship of any EU Member State, giving European citizens additional rights. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU reinforced them and opened the door to their connection with the new realities that need to be incorporated, so that the exercise of these rights can reach their full potential.

At present, we have some European citizenship rights associated with the citizenship of our Member States, and this gives us a series of added electoral rights, consular rights, among other direct rights. However, the practical application shows deficits, and young people, who know they are Europeans, are asking to be able to study, hold a degree, work and live normally throughout the EU. For this reason, and because trust is at the heart of the political pact, we must complete the success of European citizenship by placing it at the centre of the political system.


Towards a Statute on European Union Citizenship
https://brill.com › view › journals › emil › article-p109_5
by D Kostakopoulou · 2023 — The statute will bring together the provisions on EU citizenship, free movement and residence for workers, establishment and the recognition of ...


Note added at 49 mins (2023-06-08 11:32:58 GMT)


EU citizenship is almost thirty years old and there are many reasons for thinking in a more holistic and constructive way about it. This can be done through the adoption of an EU Citizenship Statute which brings together all EU citizenship rights and dimensions, links clearly EU citizenship rights with the European Pillar on Social Rights, and fundamental rights, that is, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, enriches its rights and includes responsibilities for EU citizens. This idea has been supported by the European Parliament and the citizen-led Conference on the Future of Europe. In this manifesto, we present this institutional proposal, examine its drivers and its obstacles and propose the text of its possible articles before lending our attention to the steps required for the statute’s empirical implementation. The adoption of a statute would contribute to the creation of a rights-based and inclusive European community with an effective EU citizenship and enhanced living and working conditions.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Toni Castano : Are you sure about this one, Allegro? Please look for "status" on the web. This seems to be the right term, rather than your "statute". // https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2... Wiley has little to say here...
26 mins
Please refer to "la creación del Estatuto de Ciudadanía Europea" in my reference entry; this would appear to be (future) legislation, but we need to see the full sentence from Asker's text
agree Paul Ryan : Wiley's legal dictionary (Kaplan) gives statute
37 mins
agree Marcelo González : As the saying goes, "No hay que buscarle la quinta pata a la mesa" :-) estatuto = statute
2 days 13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 hrs

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Hard to be sure without further context, but I'd assume the Spanish is referring, albeit informally, to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights:

"Why do we need the Charter?
The Charter of Fundamental Rights, what it covers and how it relates to the European Convention on Human Rights."


Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Surely that would be "Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la UE"?
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

EU citizenship (citizen status)

As surmised by others, notably Jesica F. & Toni C., whilst admitted by AT, is IMO a different and *obvious*, jargonistic way of expressing 'ciudadanía'.

IATE's alternative of 'nacionalidad' is inaccurate and conflates two distinct states of 'belonging'.

As in first-year university classes in public law (prev. constitutional and administrative law), it's possible - for instance - to have Irish nationality and EU citizenship, alternatively US Am. nationality and Alaskan or Puerto Rican etc. citizenship etc.

Law CL/confidence level or 'diffidence' out of 'uncharted' context.

Any road, predominantly English Brexiteers who have messed up my EU residency rather than pre-Brexit, settled EU citizenship *status*!
Example sentence:

Any person who holds the nationality of an EU country is automatically also an EU citizen.

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Reference comments

39 mins

El Estatuto de Ciudadanía Europea

El Estatuto de Ciudadanía Europea, un proyecto para "trabajar y vivir con todos los derechos en toda la UE"
Maite Pagaza, eurodiputada y VP de la Comisión de Libertades Civiles, presenta el plan con Fernando Savater, Teresa Freixes y Susana del Río.
21 diciembre, 2021 12:07

Ciudadanos-Partido de la Ciudadanía Maite Pagazaurtundua Parlamento Europeo Unión Europea (UE)

Alberto D. Prieto @ADPrietoPYC

El Parlamento Europeo da el primer paso para la creación del Estatuto de Ciudadanía Europea, es decir, la promulgación de un compendio de derechos específicos de los ciudadanos que den traducción real y común a qué significa ser europeo en el mundo, en otro Estado miembro y en el propio país. Concretamente, ha sido Maite Pagazaurtundua, eurodiputada de Ciudadanos y vicepresidenta de la Comisión de Libertades Civiles, la que ha presentado la propuesta.

El proyecto se aprovecha del actual momento de reflexión abierto en el seno de la Unión Europea, que está celebrando una Conferencia sobre el futuro de Europa. Este foro de debate, abierto a la ciudadanía, está pasando bastante desapercibido en plena pandemia, y a causa de la mastodóntica dimensión de la burocracia europea.

Pero es precisamente esa lejanía de las instituciones la que pretende rebasar este plan que, presentado en forma de pasaporte azul con las 12 estrellas doradas, "podría constituir el precedente de la adopción de un Código de Derechos más amplio" y práctico para los ciudadanos.
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