Translation glossary: Arab-Eng-Dictionary

Showing entries 451-500 of 38,642
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فَرَاغblank ; emptiness ; empty space ; gap ; space ; vacancy ; vacuity ; vacuum ; void 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فَرَجcleave ; divaricate ; diverge ; draw apart ; gap ; make an opening (in or between) ; open ; open out ; open up ; open wide ; part ; separate ; space out ; split ; spread (out) ; spread apart 
Arabic to English
فَرَجrelaxedness ; remission 
Arabic to English
فَرَجcomfort ; ease ; happiness (after suffering) ; happy denouement ; happy ending ; happy outcome ; relaxation ; relief 
Arabic to English
فَرَحcheer (fulness) ; cheerfulness ; elation ; exuberance ; exultation ; high spirits ; rapture 
Arabic to English
فَرَحcheer(fulness) ; delectation ; delight ; exhilaration ; gaiety ; gladness ; glee ; happiness ; hilarity ; joy ; jubilation ; mirth ; rejoicing 
Arabic to English
فَرَحbridal ; marriage (ceremony) ; nuptials ; wedding (feast) 
Arabic to English
فَرَدbe single ; be sole ; be solitary 
Arabic to English
فَرَد عنisolate oneself from ; retire from ; seclude oneself from ; withdraw from 
Arabic to English
فَرَزassort ; categorize ; class ; classify ; grade ; group ; sort (out) 
Arabic to English
فَرَزdistinguish ; segregate ; set apart ; single out 
Arabic to English
فَرَزisolate ; separate ; set apart or aside 
Arabic to English
فَرَزْدَقloaf of bread 
Arabic to English
فَرَزْدَقdough ; pasta ; paste 
Arabic to English
فَرَزْدَقbits ; crumblings ; crumbs ; fragments ; morsels ; pickings 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فَرَسِيّequine ; horse ; horsy 
Arabic to English
فَرَشflag ; floor ; pave ; slab ; tile 
Arabic to English
فَرَشfurnish ; provide with furniture 
Arabic to English
فَرَشspread ; spread out 
Arabic to English
فَرَضallocate ; allot ; appoint ; apportion ; assign 
Arabic to English
فَرَضbind ; charge ; command ; decide ; decree ; determine ; dictate ; direct ; enjoin (on) ; enjoin ; fix or ask as fee or payment ; impose (as a duty or obligation upon) ; impose ; make incumbent (on) ; make incumbent (upon) ; make indispensable 
Arabic to English
فَرَض علىask (someone to do something) ; bind ; charge (with) ; demand ; direct ; enjoin on ; impose (as an obligation or duty) upon ; impose as a duty or obligation upon ; instruct ; make incumbent on ; make incumbent upon ; obligate ; put or keep under obligation 
Arabic to English
فَرَض علىcommand ; decree ; dictate ; enjoin (on) ; impose (upon) ; make incumbent (upon) ; make something someone's duty ; ordain ; order ; prescribe ; require 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فَرَعexcel ; outdo ; overtop ; surpass 
Arabic to English
فَرَغ منbe empty ; be unoccupied ; be vacant ; be void 
Arabic to English
فَرُدbe single ; be sole ; be solitary 
Arabic to English
فَرِيكbulgur ; crushed wheat ; grits 
Arabic to English
فَرِيكcooked green wheat 
Arabic to English
فَرِيكrubbed ; scrubbed 
Arabic to English
فَرِيقlitigant ; party (in a lawsuit) 
Arabic to English
فَرِيقlitigant (in a lawsuit) ; party 
Arabic to English
فَرِيقparty ; side 
Arabic to English
فَرِيقband ; company ; group ; team ; troop 
Arabic to English
فَرِيدincomparable ; individual ; matchless ; nonpareil ; peerless ; single ; singular ; sui generis ; unequaled ; unique ; unmatched ; unparalleled ; unprecedented ; unrivaled 
Arabic to English
فَرِيدalone ; lone ; lonely ; single ; solitary 
Arabic to English
فَرِيدَةprecious gem 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
فَرِيسَةprey ; victim 
Arabic to English
فَرِيضَةassignment ; duty ; obligation ; task 
Arabic to English
فَرِقbe afraid (of) ; be alarmed (by) ; be dread ; be fear ; be frightened (by) ; be panic ; be scared (of) ; be terrified (by) 
Arabic to English
فَرِقchicken-livered ; cowardly ; craven ; fainthearted ; fearful ; fearsome ; timid ; timorous 
Arabic to English
فَرِحbe cheer up ; be cheerful (about or over) ; be delight (in) ; be delighted (at) ; be delighted ; be delighted at ; be delighted with ; be enraptured ; be exult ; be exultant ; be glad (at) ; be gleeful ; be happy (at) ; be hilarious ; be jubilant ; be jubilate (at) 
Arabic to English
فَرِحcheerful ; delighted ; gay ; glad ; gleeful ; happy ; jolly ; joyful ; joyous ; jubilant ; merry 
Arabic to English
فَرِح بِbe cheerful about ; rejoice at 
Arabic to English
فَرِح بِbe cheerful about or over ; be delighted at ; be glad at ; be happy at ; be jubilate at ; be pleased with ; be rejoice at 
Arabic to English
فَرِدbe single ; be sole ; be solitary 
Arabic to English
فَرّabscond ; break away ; escape ; flee ; get away ; get free ; run away ; take to flight ; turn tail 
Arabic to English
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