Translation glossary: sktransgloss

Showing entries 51-100 of 190
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English to French
DSIE complèteFrench: demande de services inter-établissements, English coming 
French to English
DTADouleure Thoracique Aigue = Acute Chest Pain 
French to English
dye identity testtests d'identification des colorants 
English to French
earth, wind and firetourab, hawa'a/reeh wa nar 
English to Arabic
EDCétat de conscience - state of consciousness 
French to English
effet de levierIn'aach or Ihya' 
French to Arabic
en la relación con el mediorelationship with the person's social environment 
Spanish to English
en réserveon hand for PRN 
French to English
تساء معاملتهêtre maltraités 
Arabic to French
escarres du rectumRectal eschars 
French to English
evidence of escapepreuve d'échappement 
English to French
farbwechselstifte feutres changent de couleurFelt-tip pen change color (+ a German word) 
French to English
farewell my friendAdieu mon ami 
English to French
FCEnuméro FCE (Food Canning Establishment) 
English to French
Fievre "SP" Hemorragie intracraniennefever (probably) secondary to intracranial haemorrhage 
French to English
Galvanic fuel sensorCapteur galvanique (de carburant/combustible) 
English to French
girls and boys(des) filles et (des) garçons 
English to French
grêlepoor vascularization/circulation 
French to English
grille d’audit d’un dépositairechecklist for auditing an agent 
French to English
HC: Si temperature > 38 = HC et appel résidentblood culture 
French to English
hello how are you?what do you want to say?Hello: Taheeyat/Salam/Marhaba 
English to Arabic
HFhémofiltration - hemofiltration 
French to English
I came, I saw I conqueredVeni, vidi, vici 
English to Latin
IECInhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion 
French to English
English to French
Imra'a? Yuhibbuha hubban udhriyan?A woman? That he loves platonically? 
Arabic to English
French to English
information and referralrenseignements et orientation 
English to French
inhalation agentsanesthésiques par inhalation 
English to French
introducingmet en place /offre/propose 
English to French
English to French
IOTintubation orotrachéale > orotracheal intubation (OTI) 
French to English
joncs d’angle1/4 inch round 
French to English
knowledgeAl ma'arefat or al 'ilm 
English to Arabic
La lésion refoulepushes back/ displaces 
French to English
labeled dosedose indiquée sur l'étiquette 
English to French
mâchonnement de la sondechewing of the jaw sensor 
French to English
médecin adresseuryes. Referring physician 
French to English
mea culpaMea culpa ou ma faute 
Spanish to French
MEOextraocular movements 
French to English
mise au pointinvestigation 
French to English
modifications hémopathiques, les mosaïques ou les chimèreshemopathic changes, mosaics or chimeres 
French to English
mounting male receptacleembase secteur mâle avec fusible et interrupteur 
English to French
niveau de preuve 2Level II evidence 
French to English
niveaux supplémentairesadditional levels 
French to English
offspring cellscellules filles 
English to French
paroi digestive / nodules de perméationdigestive wall/ permeation nodules 
French to English
French to English
PFCplasma frais congelé - fresh frozen plasma FFP 
French to English
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