Translation glossary: Legal-Property-Contracts

Showing entries 1-50 of 122
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French to English
aires de stationnementcar park 
French to English
analyse de marchemarket analysis 
French to English
arrêté des comptesyear-end closing 
French to English
à due concurrenceto an appropriate extent 
French to English
à due concurrenceto an appropriate level 
French to English
échéancedue date 
French to English
écoulement des logementsselling off of accommodations 
French to English
états financiersfinancial statements 
French to English
évaluation immobilièreproperty evaluation 
French to English
base forfaitaireflat-rate base 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
centre commercialshopping centre 
French to English
centre urbainurban centre 
French to English
French to English
cession concomitanteconcurrent transfer 
French to English
charge foncièreland charge 
French to English
charge locativebuilding occupancy expenses 
French to English
chèque de banquebank cheque 
French to English
clause pénalepenal clause 
French to English
coefficient d\'occupation du solfloor space index 
French to English
commerce de détailretail trade 
French to English
communauté d\'agglomérationtownship committee 
French to English
communauté d\'agglomération nouvellenew township committee 
French to English
communaute de biens reduite aux acquêtscommunal of estate of husband and wife comprising only property acquired after their marriage 
French to English
French to English
French to English
condition suspensivesuspensive condition 
French to English
conditions d\'occupationoccupancy conditions 
French to English
conditions suspensivesuspensive conditions 
French to English
Contrat de CessionAssignment Agreement 
French to English
Contrat de CessionAssignment Agreement 
French to English
Contrats de CessionAssignment Agreements 
French to English
cote d\'altitudeelevation figure 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
délai impartiprescribed period 
French to English
Dépôt de GarantieSecurity Deposit 
French to English
de rigueurobligatory 
French to English
demande soutenuebuoyant demand 
French to English
French to English
domaine public d\'étatpublic domain of state 
French to English
droit au bailtenancy rights 
French to English
droit de préemption urbainurban right of pre-emption 
French to English
durée du baillease term 
French to English
elements d\'appreciationevaluation data 
French to English
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