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This is my first powwow workshop which is primarily intended to benefit those English-Hindi translators who wish to learn and use a CAT tool for their translations. I would like to share with the participants my knowledge about the use of CAT tools.
It will be better if you fix a date in the last week of January or first week of February so that more people may come to know about it and we may gain from their knowledge and experience. Are some experts or specialists being invited to impart training ?
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C.M. Rawal India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators
Jan 12, 2010
First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators (Organiser & Presenter: C.M. Rawal, Vice-President, Indian Translators Association*)
Date: Sunday, 17th January, 2010 Time: 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM Venue: NOIDA
Objective of the Workshop:
The workshop aims to give the participants some useful information about the use of CAT tools by demonstrating the benefits of using such software for English-Hindi translations. The participants would b... See more
First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators (Organiser & Presenter: C.M. Rawal, Vice-President, Indian Translators Association*)
Date: Sunday, 17th January, 2010 Time: 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM Venue: NOIDA
Objective of the Workshop:
The workshop aims to give the participants some useful information about the use of CAT tools by demonstrating the benefits of using such software for English-Hindi translations. The participants would be given a PowerPoint presentation and a demo of CAT tool 'Wordfast'. The participants will learn how they can benefit by doing their translations with the help of a CAT tool and will also get hands-on experience with a freely downloadable and easy-to-use CAT tool 'Wordfast'.
Available Seats: 8-10
In case the number of interested persons is more, efforts will be made to organise more such workshops at convenient intervals.
Topics covered: • CAT tools: basic concepts • Wordfast: a brief demonstration • Questions and answers • Hands-on-Practice - Wordfast
IMPORTANT: The participants need to have the Wordfast software installed beforehand on the laptop which they will bring with them, although the software features will be demonstrated during the workshop.
About Registration If you wish to participate in this workshop, you may inform about your willingness on this forum or send an email to [email protected]. On acceptance of your nomination, you will be sent an email with details about the venue, Metro route, road route, etc. for this workshop being organised in Noida.
You will have to get yourself registered at the venue of the workshop before the start of the workshop.
The workshop is free. However, the participants will share among themselves the expenses which may be incurred towards their lunch to be ordered from outside.
* C.M. Rawal is a Language Consultant and a senior freelance translator; he has been doing his translations with the help of various CAT tools for the past five years and intends to share his experience with those who wish to start using CAT tools. ▲ Collapse
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Rajan Chopra India Local time: 09:40 Member (2008) English to Hindi + ...
Pro or Classic?
Jan 13, 2010
Since Wordfast has two versions, could you please inform which version I should install on my laptop?
I am personally interested in Pro.
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C.M. Rawal India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
Hands-on Practice with Wordfast Classic
Jan 13, 2010
The participants are expected to have the latest version of Wordfast Classic installed on their laptop for Hands-on Practice session.
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Rajan Chopra India Local time: 09:40 Member (2008) English to Hindi + ...
I needed training of Pro not Classic.
Jan 13, 2010
It is a matter of delight that you are organizing a Workshop as it will prove helpful for beginners who face difficulty but since it is meant for Classic and not Pro, I would miss it. One of my main clients wants me to learn Wordfast Pro. Hopefully, you or someone else will organize a workshop on Pro as well.
P. Chopra
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anitha gomathy Local time: 09:40 Member English to Malayalam + ...
Jan 15, 2010
i would like to conduct powwow for Malayalam translators...
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C.M. Rawal India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
Thank you
Jan 15, 2010
First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators being organised by me on Sunday, 17th January 2009.
The desired number of proposed attendees for the First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators has been reached. Some of the willing participants have confirmed their participation through emails to me. So, I am now announcing the closing of the list for this workshop. If any new nominations are received after this, efforts would be made to conduct another workshop... See more
First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators being organised by me on Sunday, 17th January 2009.
The desired number of proposed attendees for the First Workshop on CAT Tools for English-Hindi Translators has been reached. Some of the willing participants have confirmed their participation through emails to me. So, I am now announcing the closing of the list for this workshop. If any new nominations are received after this, efforts would be made to conduct another workshop for them in future, as already announced.
I would be sending an email to all the proposed participants informing about the details of the workshop.
As already informed, the participants would bring their laptops with them and get the Wordfast Classic software's latest version downloaded from the website ▲ Collapse
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कदाचित् इस प्रकार की पहली कार्यशाला है,जो हिंदी अनुवाद को नया प्रौद्योगिकीय आयाम प्रदान करेगी. मैं अवश्य भाग लेना चाहूँगा. --- विजय कुमार मल्होत्रा / Vijay K Malhotra
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PRAKASH SHARMA India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
Thanks to Mr. Rawal!
Jan 17, 2010
Thank you very much!
रावल साहब का नितांत व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर किया गया गया सुप्रयास अत्यंत श्लाघनीय रहा। मुझे खुशी है कि मैं भी इसका एक हिस्सा बना, जहां मैंने Wordfast के शुरूआती टिप्स तो लिए ही, वहीं मैं सुयश, dubsur आदि मित्रों से भी साक्षात् मिला और अपने विचारों का व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर आदान-प्रदान किया। नितांत एकाकी स्तर पर आगे बढ़कर बांग्ला उक्ति \'एक्ला चलो\' की तर्ज़ पर किए गए ऐसे सफल आयोजन के लिए रावल साहब बधाई के पात्र हैं। बधाई हो रावल जी!
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Suyash Suprabh India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
सफल आयोजन
Jan 27, 2010
भारत में हिंदी अनुवादकों के लिए पहली कैट टूल कार्यशाला का आयोजन पूरी तरह सफल रहा। इस कार्यशाला में भाषा पर पकड़ और तकनीकी जानकारी के बीच की खाई को पाटने के लिए नए विचार भी सामने आए। आशा है कि भविष्य में ऐसी अनेक कार्यशालाओं का आयोजन होगा। इससे भारत में अनुवादकों को कैट टूलों से संबंधित ऐसी जानकारी मिल सकेगी जो मैनुअलों में प्राय: अनुपलब्ध होती है।
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C.M. Rawal India Local time: 09:40 English to Hindi + ...
कार्यशाला के अवसर पर लिए गए चित्र
Feb 15, 2010
चित्र 1 (बाएं) कार्यशाला में श्री चन्द्र मोहन रावल की प्रस्तुति को प्रतिभागी बड़े ध्यानपूर्वक सुन रहे हैं। बाएं से दाएं बैठे हैं: सामने की पंक्ति में श्री बालेन्दु शर्मा दाधीच, श्री प्रकाश... See more
चित्र 1 (बाएं) कार्यशाला में श्री चन्द्र मोहन रावल की प्रस्तुति को प्रतिभागी बड़े ध्यानपूर्वक सुन रहे हैं। बाएं से दाएं बैठे हैं: सामने की पंक्ति में श्री बालेन्दु शर्मा दाधीच, श्री प्रकाश शर्मा, श्रीमती सुनीति गुप्ता, श्री आनंद दुबे और श्री सुयश सुप्रभ तथा पीछे की पंक्ति में श्री विजय कुमार मल्होत्रा और डॉ. स्मिता मिश्र। (चित्र श्री राकेश दुबे ने लिया)।
चित्र 2 (दाएं) कार्यशाला में श्री चन्द्र मोहन रावल अपनी प्रस्तुति को पूरे मनोयोग से प्रस्तुत करते हुए जिसे प्रतिभागी तल्लीन होकर सुन रहे हैं। बाएं से दाएं बैठे हैं: सामने की पंक्ति में श्री प्रकाश शर्मा, श्रीमती सुनीति गुप्ता, श्री आनंद दुबे और श्री सुयश सुप्रभ तथा पीछे की पंक्ति में श्री राकेश दुबे, श्री विजय कुमार मल्होत्रा और डॉ. स्मिता मिश्र। (चित्र श्री बालेन्दु शर्मा दाधीच ने लिया)। ▲ Collapse
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