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[View Powwow Report] powwow:

September 20, 2003, 5:00 pm
LithuaniaVilniusIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (20) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
diana bb  \"Organizer\" \"Host\" ...  
sweetlion  \"Organizer\" Kaip noreciau buti su jumis, bet per toli nusikrausciau ( i pacius Europos pietus). O gal norit pas mane prie vandenyno ?!! Buciau ir organizer, ir host, nors ir itin kukliom salygom.  
AkunaMatata  \"Organizer\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Vidmantas Stilius   Yes, sure.  
Aleksandr Vasiljev   Absolutely  
Vents Villers   Any ideas about verification during this powwow ? :)))  
Ernestas Lomsargis   Let's hit the road to Vilnius! See you all soon!  
Mindaugas Boruta  \"Photographer\" Hi all, i'd like to be there too (although i've not been too active in ProZ)  
Nikita Kobrin  \"Host\" I'll be happy to see all of you!  
Džiuginta Spalbar   Lygiai po metu dar vienas susitikimas? Mielai sudalyvausiu. :)  
XRasa Scekaturovaite   I'll be glad to see you all again.  
Liutauras Bartasius  \"Photographer\" Wow! Coming... oops, hello! :)  
Valentinas & Halina Kulinic   ...  
saifullah Khalloana  \"Host\" ...  
Virginija   Looking forward to seeing you again...  
Erendira  \"Host\" Hi all, is there any one to speek frech?  
Leonardas   ...  
Violeta Stalgytė   As su jumis!  
Ula Staneviciene   Tikrai dalyvausiu  
Arnoldas   dalyvausiu  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Vilnius - Lithuania
diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
A year later... Jul 4, 2003

Mieli kolegos,

Let's party again! O rimciau kalbant, ar nei vienam nekyla noras vel - o kai kam pirma karta - susitikti?
Pasiuliau Vilniu, bet kadangi iki siulomos - preliminarios - datos dar yra daug laiko, gal ir minciu atsiras ivairiausiu?..

Mindaugas Boruta
Mindaugas Boruta  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
nice Jul 26, 2003

Aciu Diana uz geru ideju tesima

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
To sweetlion: Aug 6, 2003

Puikus pasiulymas! Vistik man atrodo, kad vienam zmogui daug paprasciau atvaziuoti i Lietuva, negu astuoniems (tikiuosi, kad bus daugiau entuziastu...) nusigauti iki paciu Europos pietu... O gal kolegos galvoja kitaip?icon_smile.gif)

Local time: 21:56
Russian to English
+ ...
To Diana ir kitiems Aug 7, 2003

Diana, siuliau ne del to, kad nenoreciau atvaziuoti, o del to, kad cia nuolat silta, o gamta - tiesiog fantastiska ! (Nors nera grazesnes gamtos uz Lietuvos). Ir patikekit, puikiai suprantu, kad daug kam tai butu sudetinga. Todel ir siuliau tariamaja nuosaka. Vis delto, jei kada nors sautu beprotiska ideja padaryti powwow "kitaip", butu isties puiku !

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Powwow - the second (but not the last!) call Aug 16, 2003

Mieli kolegos,

likus siek tiek daugiau kaip menesiui iki musu planuojamo susitikimo, dar karta kvieciu abejojancius (o gal nelabai norincius?) jame dalyvauti.
Kadangi Henry & Co teigia, kad ateityje pirmenybe bus teikiama dalyviams, kuriu tapatybe patvirtinta, noriu priminti, kad powwow yra vienintelis budas tai padaryti nemokamai (nemokant 5 USD kreditine kortele, nemokant uz Platinum naryste kreditine kortele arba neperkant ko nors is Tuo labiau, kad su
... See more
Mieli kolegos,

likus siek tiek daugiau kaip menesiui iki musu planuojamo susitikimo, dar karta kvieciu abejojancius (o gal nelabai norincius?) jame dalyvauti.
Kadangi Henry & Co teigia, kad ateityje pirmenybe bus teikiama dalyviams, kuriu tapatybe patvirtinta, noriu priminti, kad powwow yra vienintelis budas tai padaryti nemokamai (nemokant 5 USD kreditine kortele, nemokant uz Platinum naryste kreditine kortele arba neperkant ko nors is Tuo labiau, kad sumokejus 5 USD reikia laukti vos ne dvi savaites ir raginti staff, kad patvirtintu, kad tu esi tu.
Taciau sis formalumas gerokai nusileidzia powwow teikiamam malonumui - maloniam pasibuvimui kartu.
Tad kvieciu!

Dear colleagues,

now that only a month and a bit separates us from our planned get-together, I again invite those torn by doubts (or maybe not too willing ones) to join the powwow.
Henry and Co. are promising (or threatening?) that preferential treatment will increasingly be given on to members whose ID has been verified. Verification at a Powwow is the only free way of doing it - without paying $5 for it or buying Platinum membership or simply buying anything from on your credit card. Especially when having paid for identity verification you have to wait for almost two weeks in order for them to state that you are what you are.
And yet, this formality cannot compare with the pleasure derived from a powwow - a good time together.

Best regards,


Liutauras Bartasius
Liutauras Bartasius  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Sveiki gyvi! Aug 17, 2003

Na, labai smagu, kad Diana primena mums malonø susitikimà ir siûlo dar kartà susitiktiicon_smile.gif Taip kad nesikuuklinkit visi ir visos, mes draugiðki þmonës (ypaè Diana) ir mielai susitiksim dar kartà. Pats dabar reèiau èia lankausi, tai buvo siurprizas pastebëti, kad organizuojamas naujas susitikimas. Ðiaip tai galima bûtø padaryti, kad ir Nidoj (labai jau ten patiko), bet kad ir arèiau, gali bûti, kad... See more
Na, labai smagu, kad Diana primena mums malonø susitikimà ir siûlo dar kartà susitiktiicon_smile.gif Taip kad nesikuuklinkit visi ir visos, mes draugiðki þmonës (ypaè Diana) ir mielai susitiksim dar kartà. Pats dabar reèiau èia lankausi, tai buvo siurprizas pastebëti, kad organizuojamas naujas susitikimas. Ðiaip tai galima bûtø padaryti, kad ir Nidoj (labai jau ten patiko), bet kad ir arèiau, gali bûti, kad ið Lietuvos rytø daug kam nebus patogu atvaþiuoti. Na, bet fotografai vis dëlto vaþiuoja á susitikimus Nidojeicon_smile.gifCollapse

  What are these?

Nikita Kobrin
Nikita Kobrin  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Member (2010)
English to Russian
+ ...
Hi folks, Aug 22, 2003

We have already several foreign guests on the list and hopefully we will have more in the end. I'm afraid not all of them can understand Lithuanian. And for that reason I would suggest to speak English here.

What do you think?


Liutauras Bartasius
Liutauras Bartasius  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Thanks for reminding :) Aug 22, 2003

Vents Villers
Vents Villers  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Latvian
+ ...
Thank You, Nikita! Aug 22, 2003

... for understanding problems of foreign guestsicon_smile.gif))

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
+ ...
I'm definitely coming, Aug 22, 2003

But what about somewhere to sleep? I myself have friends in Vilnius with whom I hope to stay overnight (I don't know yet, though, if they will be at home on September 20th, they are wery ofen abroad), but I also hope that few more people from Latvia will drive with me, Vents is the one...


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Kolegos, Aug 26, 2003

manau, pats laikas pradeti galvoti apie susitikimo vieta.


your suggestions as to the venue of our meeting are very welcome.

Best regards,


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Hi folks, Aug 31, 2003

was just wondering if you had received my latest posting... I havent received it myself!
And please please think about where we should meet up.



saifullah Khalloana
saifullah Khalloana
Local time: 02:56
English to Arabic
Dear translators Sep 1, 2003

It is good chance for us to exchange ideas about sources,projects,rates,quality and other gossip programm .I am trying to make powwow forum for pakistan.if there is any pakistani just wandering like me ,he can contact without any hesitation.Any how joining this forum i hope i will get a lot of productive fun.

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
+ ...
Septemer 20th approaching fast... Sep 12, 2003

Any more specific info on the pow wow? Only week away, have to plan...


diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
Uldis and everybody, Sep 12, 2003

Nothing has changed.
Except that i'm not getting any suggestions as to where we want to meet. But i guess this is related to problems with

I want to inform colleagues who have as their primary address on the Proz profile and not getting any Kudoz questions and postings that this is the result of ultra diligent filtering activities at Lietuvos Telekomas. If a large number of emails comes from the same address, they regard it as spam and their spam filter is ac
... See more
Nothing has changed.
Except that i'm not getting any suggestions as to where we want to meet. But i guess this is related to problems with

I want to inform colleagues who have as their primary address on the Proz profile and not getting any Kudoz questions and postings that this is the result of ultra diligent filtering activities at Lietuvos Telekomas. If a large number of emails comes from the same address, they regard it as spam and their spam filter is activated. So, if you have any other email address, please type it in the respective line in your profile.

I would also like to ask everybody to drop their final decision as to attending the powwow. Justlike this:

Definitely coming
Not sure
Not coming,

or whatever.
Uldis and Vents, I am sure there will be no problems re. accommodation for the night. Dont worry about that.

And again - suggest the venue, please. Time is flying!

Best regards,


Niekas nepasikeite. Taciau kol kas negavau nei vieno pasiulymo, kur pageidautume susirinkti. Tai galejo atsitikti ir del problemu, iskilusiu del

Visiems, kuriu pagrindinis adresas proz. profilyje yra ir kurie negauna nei klausimu, nei zinuciu is sio puslapio, pranesu, kad tai susije su labai uolia filtravimo politika. Jei is vieno adreso per diena ateina daug elektroniniu laisku, isijungia ju spam filtras. Tad jei turite koki kita el. pasto adresa, irasykite ji i atitinkama eilute profilyje.

Ir dar. Labai prasau trumpai pranesti apie savo galutini sprendima del dalyvavimo. Mazdaug taip:

Tikrai busiu
Nesu tikra(s)

ar panasiai.

Ir velgi - laukiu jusu pasiulymu del vietos. Powwow arteja kaip katinas prie lasiniu gabalo.



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