This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Get together and drinks....

May 18, 2013, 2:00 pm
United KingdomLeedsIn personEnglish
Dear all interested participants,

We now have enough numbers for the event to go ahead. Suggested venue: The Victoria Hotel (behind the Town Hall) on Great George Street in the city centre.

Other suggested venues are most welcome.

Thank you,

Chris Hall.

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Chris Hall  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Am really hoping that we get the required numbers to make the event happen this time.  y
Zoe Beal   ...  y
carol so   ...  
XFaustine.Rou (X)   Due to work commitment, I am afraid I will not be able to make it this time.  n
Michaela Gallo   I have posted a general interest comment on FB for Leeds-based translators and interpreters with the link to this page. Here's hoping :)  y
Giorgia Garavini   ...  y
lim0nka   Sorry guys, I am not sure I can make it this Saturday. :(  m
XAlexander Ward (X)   ...  
Jane Heath   I would love to come but I only found out about it today and I already have plans. I hope to meet you all at the next powwow!  m
Rachel Westerdale   I have only just found out about this, which means that I can't make this Saturday. With more notice I would love to attend the next one and can spread the word to other translators in the area. Also, in future an evening event would work better for me!  n
Katy L Dean   Unfortunately, my husband (also a translator) and I already have something planned for this Saturday, but like Rachel, I would also be interested in future events. Evenings are probably better for us too.  n
Blanca G   Looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Leeds - United Kingdom
Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
15 days away until the day itself - hope there will be enough confirmed attendees... May 3, 2013

Please tell your fellow translators/interpreters/language enthusiasts.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
8 days to go now... May 10, 2013

Can we possibly gather another four confirmed attendees for this Powwow? Fingers crossed...

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
5 days to go and counting... May 13, 2013

Does anyone have any preference re: the location / venue? Headingley or Leeds city centre? Is six people enough for the event to go ahead do you think?

Your input here is very much appreciated.


lim0nka  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:03
English to Polish
Headingley, please :) May 14, 2013

Hi Chris,

As far as I know a powwow is 'valid' (i.e. you can earn browniz for it) when at least five translators appear.

If you'd like to invite more people, you can promote your powwow by submitting a powwow promotion request.
Just click on the "Request promotional email" link. It should be somewhere at the top of the page of the powwow
you are organising - only you can see it.


Zoe Beal
Zoe Beal  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:03
French to English
Leeds city centre! May 14, 2013

Headingley is more difficult for me (unless close to the university), so would prefer the city centre, but if Headingley suits the majority then I'm happy to go with thaticon_smile.gif

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
Thank you for your helpful advice, Anetta... May 14, 2013

Hi Anetta,

I have just followed your advice and clicked on the "Request promotional email" link. However, I got the following response:

Dear chrijoha,

Thank you for submitting a request for promotion of your event. A staff
member will review your message content and delivery area for approval and reply
to you as soon as possible. For assistance or questions, please contact
support through the support request automatically gener
... See more
Hi Anetta,

I have just followed your advice and clicked on the "Request promotional email" link. However, I got the following response:

Dear chrijoha,

Thank you for submitting a request for promotion of your event. A staff
member will review your message content and delivery area for approval and reply
to you as soon as possible. For assistance or questions, please contact
support through the support request automatically generated after you submitted
your promotional request, or submit a new support request at

Regards, staff

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
Possible venue... May 14, 2013

In the city centre, just behind the town hall. Your comments are welcome.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
The venue has now been decided as follows... May 15, 2013

The Victoria Hotel, 28 Great George Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 3DL.

A nice and central location is the best option, in my honest opinion.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
To all those who are attending.... May 15, 2013

Please could you send a quick confirmation e-mail to [email protected]. Thanks.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 07:03
French to English
+ ...
Next Leeds Powwow event: Wednesday 5 June, 2013 @ 7pm... May 19, 2013

Propose Powwow event: Meal to be held at Zizzi Italian restaurant in The Light Shopping Centre, The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 8TL @ 7:00pm.

This will be a strictly informal and friendly event for translators and interpreters to meet up and share their experiences of the translation industry. Also non-translation related conversations are more than welcome and encouraged.

Thanks to all those who attended the Powwow on Saturday afternoon.



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