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Translation, interpreting, subtitling, localization... whatever you need, we're making your message stick!
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Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified site user
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Indonesian to English: Contract/Agreement General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Indonesian Pasal 8
Jangka Waktu Perjanjian
Perjanjian ini mulai berlaku efektif sejak tanggal penandatanganannya dan akan berlaku hingga Masa Garansi selesai, dimana setelah selesainya Masa Garansi, Para Pihak akan menandatangani sebuah Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan Implementasi.
Pasal 9
Pemutusan/Pengakhiran Perjanjian
9.1. Pelanggan dapat mengakhiri Perjanjian ini, dengan memberitahu Kontraktor secara tertulis 30 (tiga puluh) hari sebelum tanggal pemutusan, apabila Kontraktor tidak dapat memenuhi sebagian maupun seluruh kewajibannya berdasarkan Perjanjian ini.
9.2. Kontraktor dapat mengakhiri Perjanjian ini, dengan memberitahu Pelanggan secara tertulis 30 (tiga puluh) hari sebelum tanggal pemutusan, apabila ada keterlambatan dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban Pembayaran dari Pelanggan melebihi batas waktu yang disepakati.
9.3. Akibat pengakhiran Perjanjian ini sebagaimana disebutkan di Pasal 9.1 dan 9.2 di atas, maka:
(i) Pelanggan harus berhenti menggunakan Software, baik yang sedang dalam tahap implementasi ataupun yang sudah berjalan, terhitung sejak tanggal pemutusan Perjanjian;
(ii) Kontraktor berhak menghapus Software dari setiap Lokasi Implementasi Pelanggan;
(iii) Pelanggan terbebas dari segala kewajiban pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang belum dilaksanakan oleh Kontraktor.
Translation - English Article 8
Duration of Agreement
This Agreement is valid effectively from the date of its signing and will remain in force until the end of the Warranty Period, whereby All Parties will sign an Official Report of Implementation Activity Hand-Over.
Article 9
Termination of Agreement
9.1. Customer may terminate this Agreement via written notice 30 (thirty) days prior to termination date, if Contractor is found unable to fulfill its obligations (in part or in whole) in accordance to this Agreement.
9.2. Contractor may terminate this Agreement via written notice 30 (thirty) days prior to termination date, if Customer is found to be tardy in its Payment obligation beyond the agreed period.
9.3. The result of terminating this Agreement as stated in Articles 9.1. and 9.2. are:
(i) Customer must cease from using the Software, whether it is still in the implementation phase or already running, as from the termination date of this Agreement;
(ii) Contractor bears the right to remove Software from every Implementation Location of Customer;
(iii) Customer is cleared from all payment obligation for work not yet performed by Contractor.
Indonesian to English: Conversation/discussion transcript General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Indonesian M: Saya pengen ngobrolin tentang handphone yang tadi karena ini sebuah grup diskusi, diskusi boleh beda pendapat boleh sama pendapat kalo anda memang beda pendapat jangan ikut-ikutan, karena ini pendapat pribadi nggak usah sampai gontok-gontokan, yang kemarin seru ada yang sampai ngeyel-ngeyel gitu nah dan tolong handphone tolong dimatikan maaf lagi handphone dimatikan lagi karena disini ada rekaman lagi menggunakan glombang radio, kalo glombang radio kalo kena handphone katanya rusak glombangnya terganggu, jadi harus matikan total, ok tadi kita udah bicara tentang handphone H, komennya apa tentang handphone H design handphone H gimana suka apa nggak atau gimana?
R1: Suka
R2: Simpel
R3: Tipis dan warnanya
R1: Simpel dan elegan
M: Simpel karena dari apanya?
R2: Gak banyak pencetan
M: Nggak ada banyak pencetan. Sementara elegant muncul dari mana, Mba?
R4: Bentuk dan warnanya
R2: Silver-nya itu, pinggirannya
Translation - English M: I want to talk about the cellphone that we were discussing about, because this is a discussion group, and since this is a discussion, you can have a different opinion or same opinion with others. It’s okay to have different individual opinions, and you don’t have to get heated up arguing with others. The last discussion was a heated one. Please turn off your cellphones first, because it might interfere with our live recording, and since the recording is using radio waves, your cellphones might disturb the radio waves. So please turn off your cellphones first. Okay, so we were talking about cellphone H, can you give me any comments about this H cellphone, its design, do you like it or not?
R1: I like it
R2: It's simple
R3: (I like) its thinness and its color
R1: Simple and elegant
M: Simple, because?
R2: Not too many buttons
M: Not too many buttons. And how is it elegant, Miss?
R4: (From) the shape and color
R2: (From) the silver lining
Indonesian to English: Letter General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - Indonesian (tanggal)
Translation - English (date)
Mr. A
Standards / Certification(s)
Notary Approved
This company
Subcontracts work for other language companies Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jun 2009.
Experienced & Certified Translator and Interpreter
specializing in legal, business, cinema/TV, defense/military, and having a strong background in IT.
These are the principles on which I build my reputation.
I am a translator by profession, not by education. &nbps;I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science (2000) and a master's degree in Information Systems (2004) from American University and Strayer University respectively, both of which are in Washington, DC. Despite my (semi-)technical background, I have always been fascinated by languages ever since I had my first taste of foreign culture and languages in Romania when I was about 11 years old or so. I attended a German school, Deutsches Goethe-Kolleg, for three years and was fluent in German. Unfortunately, that skill is now a distant memory as I had not used it since, but my fascination for languages remains.
When I returned to Indonesia in the summer of 2004 after my post-graduate study, I gave translation a try, initially as a side income while trying to find a job "worthy" of my degrees. However, I could not resist the pull, and so in 2007 I decided to take translation a bit more seriously: I branched out to interpreting and I also created a brand in order to present myself professionally to prospective clients, which--after several transformation--is now called AKSWARA. Over a short period of time, I was able to grow my services, my client list, and my network of collaboration.
As of January 2012, I became a full-time freelance translator. My services now include translation, interpreting, subtitling, and localization. My clients consist of corporate entities, individuals, as well as nonprofit organizations.
I am also a member of HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia or Association of Indonesian Translators), which is part of FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs or International Federation of Translators) network.
I have a resumé that is available for your perusal on LinkedIn
You are also invited to visit my profiles on ProZ and HPI (Association of Indonesian Translators) For more info on my services, please visit AKSWARA
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