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Danish to English: Urinalysis General field: Medical
Source text - Danish Prøvetagningsmetoder: urinprøven blev hos mænd taget som midstråleurin. Hos kvinder blev der både taget en bækkeurin og efter ca. en halv time en steril kateterurin med lavfriktionsengangskateter.
Håndtering af urinprøver: urinprøven blev opbevaret ved 4°C. På mikrobiologosk afdeling blev urinen ved modtagelsen som rutine udsået semikvantitativt på blodmedie samt på selektivt medie for gramnegative bakterier. Dagen efter blev der afgivet svar om vækstgrad og bakterieart, således at >10.000 bakterier per ml urin blev bedømt som signifikant bakteriuri.
Translation - English Specimen collection methods: urine specimens from men were collected as mid-stream urine. From women bag-specimen urine was collected followed by the collection of catheter-specimen urine using a low friction disposable catheter around half an hour later.
Handling urine specimens: urine specimens were kept at 4°C. At the microbiology department the urine underwent routine semi-quantitative inoculation on blood medium and on medium, selective for gram-negative bacteria. The day after a result was provided regarding growth rate and bacterium type such that >10000 bacteria per ml of urine was considered significant bacteriuria.
Norwegian to English: Toxic and hazardous substances General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
13.1. HMS-datablad
Enhver avdeling, leverandør eller firma som benytter kjemiske stoffer er ansvarlig for at datablad blir skaffet til veie. HMS-datablad skal være på norsk.
Arbeidsleder skal sikre at arbeidstakeren har forstått og følger instrukser gitt i databladet. HMS-databladet skal alltid være tilgjengelig i den aktuelle avdeling/arbeidsplass.
13.2. Merking og oppbevaring
Alle beholdere (også midlertidige) som inneholder kjemiske stoffer, skal være merket på norsk.
Brennbare væsker skal alltid lagres i lukkede beholdere. Det er under ingen omstendighet tillat å la spann med maling, tynner eller andre kjemikalier stå åpne når disse ikke er i bruk. Åpne spann må ikke fraktes med kran, heis eller lignende. Stålspann må alltid brukes der det er fare for brannspredning, eller der varmeutvikling kan oppstå og smelte plastspann (for eksempel blandet epoxy).
13.3 YL-merking
Alle stoffer som inneholder løsemidler, skal være merket med YL-gruppe. Disse YL-gruppene er:00-0-1-2-3-4-5
YL-gruppe 00 er den “svakeste”, og omfatter produkter som nesten ikke inneholder løsemidler, mens YL-gruppe 5 er den “sterkeste”, med mye farlige løsemidler. Jo høyere YL-gruppe, jo større grunn til å være på vakt, og jo større behov for ventilasjon.
13.1 . Health Environment & Safety (HES) data sheets
Any department, supplier or company that uses chemical substances is responsible for providing data sheets. HES data sheets should be in Norwegian.
The supervisor shall ensure that the employee understands and follows the instructions provided on the data sheet. The HES data sheet shall always be available in the relevant department/workplace.
13.2 . Labelling and storage
All containers (including temporary) with chemical substances shall be labelled in Norwegian.
Flammable liquids shall always be stored in closed containers. It is under no circumstances permitted to leave cans of paint, thinner or other chemicals open when not in use. Open cans must not be transported by crane, lift or similar. Steel cans must always be used where there is a risk of fire spreading, or where heat can accumulate and melt plastic containers (such as mixed epoxy).
13.3 Occupational Air Requirement (OAR) labelling
All substances containing solvents shall be marked with an OAR group. The OAR groups are: 00-0-1-2-3-4-5
OAR group 00 is the "weakest", and includes products that contain almost no solvents, while OAR group 5 is the "strongest", with very hazardous solvents. The higher the OAR group, the more reason to be cautious, and the greater the need for ventilation.
Swedish to English: Mobile phone app localization General field: Marketing Detailed field: Botany
Source text - Swedish Den här appen är skapad för att vattning är grunden för all lyckad odling. När det är varmt och torrt förbrukar växter stora mängder vatten och ofta behöver de vattnas varje dag. Stora växter klarar sig betydligt bättre om de planteras i stora krukor som rymmer mycket jord och därmed också kan hålla en större mängd vatten.
Den här blomman placeras ljust och soligt, gott om plats. Vattna rikligt och regelbundet och låt det torka upp mellan vattningarna. Krukväxtnäring ges en gång i veckan från vår till höst.
Translation - English This app was created because watering lies at the foundation of all successful cultivation. When it is warm and dry plants use big amounts of water and they often need watering every day. Big plants thrive significantly better if they are planted in big pots which accommodate a lot of soil and therefore can also hold a bigger amount of water.
This plant should be placed in a bright and sunny spot with a lot of free space. Water it generously and regularly and let it dry up between waterings. Potted plant nutrients are added once a week from spring to autumn.
Icelandic to English: Financial support for assistive technology General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Icelandic Sjúkratryggingar Íslands greiða styrki vegna hjálpartækja sem eru til lengri notkunar en þriggja mánaða til að auðvelda einstaklingum að takast á við athafnir daglegs lífs. Einkum er um að ræða hjálpartæki til sjálfsbjargar og öryggis og í ákveðnum tilvikum til þjálfunar og meðferðar. Styrkur er ekki greiddur ef hjálpartæki er eingöngu til nota í frístundum eða til afþreyingar (þ. á m. útivist og íþróttir). Þá er ekki veittur styrkur til að kaupa almenn tæki, svo sem heimilistæki, nema þegar um er að ræða aukabúnað eða séraðlögun. Ennfremur er ekki veittur styrkur til að kaupa (auka)hjálpartæki til að hafa á heimili aðstandenda ef viðkomandi býr annars staðar eða á heimavist skóla.
Þeir sem búa á sambýli eiga sama rétt og þeir sem búa á einkaheimilum til einstaklingsbundinna hjálpartækja, svo sem göngutækis, sérútbúins rúms, borðáhalda og hjálpartækja til að klæðast. Ef um er að ræða tæki sem geta nýst fleiri einstaklingum á sambýlinu, svo sem standbekk, lyftara og baðtæki, er aðeins veittur styrkur vegna eins slíks tækis á sambýlið. Sækja þarf um tækið til Sjúkratrygginga Íslands fyrir tilgreindan einstakling á sambýlinu þó aðrir geti samnýtt þau. Ef einstaklingurinn flytur úr sambýlinu tekur hann tækin með sér og er þá unnt að sækja um fyrir annan aðila á sambýlinu sem þarf að nota slík tæki. Styrkir eru ekki veittir vegna veggfastra tækja og búnaðar á sambýlum, svo sem handfanga, handriða og lyfta.
Translation - English The Icelandic Health Insurance Administration offers financial support for assistive technology that is to be used for more than three months and for facilitating individuals in dealing with their environment. This is particularly valid for technology used for self-rescue and security and in some cases for training and therapy. Financial support is not granted when the technology is only to be used in the spare time and for entertainment (for outdoor life and sports, among others). Financial support is also not granted for the purchase of general technology, such as household appliances, except when the technology comprises additional equipment or provides a special adjustment. Besides, financial assistance is not provided for the purchase of (additional) assistive technology to be stored in the homes of relatives if the individual lives elsewhere or in a school dormitory.
Those who live in a community residential service home have the same right as those who live in private homes to receive personal assistive technology such as mobility aid, specially equipped beds, feeding aids and dressing aids. If the equipment in question is such that it can be used by other individuals in the community residential service home, such as standing, lifting and bathing aids, support will be granted for only one such appliance per service home. An application should be filed with the Icelandic Health Insurance Administration regarding a specific individual at the service home, although others would be able to use the equipment. If the individual moves out of the service home, he or she has to keep the equipment and then it is possible to apply for financial support for the same equipment for another individual at the service home who might need it. Financial support cannot be granted for equipment that is fixed to the walls in service homes, such as handles, handrails or lifts.
Icelandic to English (University of Iceland) Swedish to English (Stockholms Universitet) English to Bulgarian (ELS Pleven) English to Icelandic (University of Iceland) Swedish to English (Sofia University)
Bulgarian to English (ELS Pleven) Icelandic to Bulgarian (University of Iceland) Swedish to Bulgarian (Stockholms Universitet) Danish to English (Roskilde Universitetcenter) Danish to English (Sofia University) Danish to Bulgarian (Roskilde Universitetcenter) Danish to Bulgarian (Sofia University) Icelandic to Swedish (University of Iceland)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I have sixteen years' experience in translation, interpreting, media monitoring, website localization, travel writing, linguistic consultancy, natural language processing (NLP) and linguistic research. I have experience with databases (XML, CSV etc), regular expressions and other computational tools.
I worked for five years for, writing stories in English on various subjects, mostly in Finance and Business (banking, aviation, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, forestry, oil & gas, engineering, among others). Most of the sources I used were in Scandinavian languages. I have also worked with media monitoring for an Icelandic company and as an interpreter between Bulgarian and Icelandic for the Icelandic authorities. I have also contributed to open-source NLP projects (morphological analysers and rule-based machine translation involving Bulgarian, Macedonian, Swedish, Icelandic:
I have been a freelance translator for twelve years in total. At the moment I translate part-time.
Language pairs:
Source: Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, Bulgarian, Bislama and occasionally Macedonian, Spanish, Faroese and Russian
Target: English, Bulgarian
I have MAs in Nordic Linguistics and Computational Linguistics. I am currently working on my PhD in Language Documentation/Oceanic Linguistics.
I have a very professional attitude, respect for deadlines and an eye for detail. I am very passionate about languages and my work.
Fields of extensive experience: -business/finance -economics -aviation/travel -IT/software/internet I also have general interest and some experience in the fields of -medicine -genetics/molecular biology -engineering -photography and arts My rates are negotiable and really depend on the assignment's parameters. My clients include: Microsoft, Swedbank, Landsbanki, BTC, Govt agencies, National Gallery of Denmark, Coop. My interests and hobbies include: independent travel, endangered languages, world music, photography, climbing mountains (I usually answer emails very promptly, but if I don't - now you know where I am). A must see: Comedy is translation
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