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Arabic to English: Saudi Women’s Participation in the Labor Market General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Arabic حقق صندوق الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز لتنمية المرأة أعلى نسبة سعودة في التوظيف، عبر 53 مشروعا ممولاً خلال العام الماضي، وفقاً لصحيفة الرياض.
وتمكنت مشاريع من الحصول على جوائز محلية لتحقيق التوطين والاستغناء عن نسبة من العمالة الوافدة.
وكشف الأمين العام للصندوق حسن الجاسر أن 53 مشروعا متنوعا ما بين تجاري وخدمي وصناعي، تمكنت من توظيف سعوديين وسعوديات في المشاريع، ومن خلال إحصاءات العام الماضي تبين أن المشاريع التي تم تمويلها من الصندوق وظفت نحو 600 فتاة وشاب سعوديين، وهذا يعتبر ضمن الإنجازات التي يسعى الصندوق إلى تحقيقها، من خلال زيادة المؤشر في التوظيف للسعوديين.
وأضاف “كان العام الماضي أعلى نسبة مقارنة مع الأعوام السابقة من حيث التوطين، وهذا يعكس أهمية المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة ودورها في تقوية الأداء الاقتصادي العام، من خلال الاستثمار والتوظيف الذي يعتبر أداة مهمة في المشاريع تساعد على التخفيف من معدلات البطالة وترفع من نسبة القوى العاملة”.
وأشار إلى أن مشاركة المرأة في سوق العمل وصلت إلى 16%، وهناك خطط وطنية لزيادتها، علما أنه في الدول المجاورة تصل مشاركتها إلى 50% ونحن بدورنا كصندوق تنموي، نعمل على تنفيذ خطط استراتيجية ترفع من فرصة مساهمة المرأة في سوق العمل، وتمكنها من ممارسة دورها الريادي التنموي دون وجود عقبات.
(Please note that due to a directionality problem, the text appears left-justified rather than right-justified.)
Translation - English According to Al-Riyad newspaper, the Prince Sultan Bin Abd Al-Aziz Fund for Women Development achieved the highest rate of employing Saudis during the past year across 53 financed projects.
Some projects received regional awards for workforce localization and dispensing with a portion of imported labor.
The Secretary General of the Fund, Hasan Al-Jasser, revealed that 53 different projects, among them commercial, industrial, and service-oriented ones, secured employment for Saudi men and women, and that last year’s statistics showed that the projects which had been financed by the Fund employed approximately 600 young Saudi men and women. The Fund considers increasing the index of Saudi employment among the accomplishments it seeks to achieve.
He added: “In terms of workforce localization, the last year saw the highest rate compared to previous years. This reflects the importance of small and mid-size projects and their role in strengthening the general economic performance through investment and employment. It is an important tool in these projects that helps reduce unemployment percentages and raise the rate of labor force participation.”
He mentioned that women’s participation in the labor market reached 16%, and that there are national plans to increase it, seeing that in neighboring countries their participation is at 50%. “In our capacity as a developmental fund, we work to implement strategic plans increasing the opportunities of women to take part in the labor market, enabling them to perform their developmental pioneering roles without hindrances."
Hebrew to English: Bangalore General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Hebrew בנגלור היא "עמק הסיליקון" של הודו, וחברות רבות, מקומיות ומערביות, מבססות בה את מפקדותיהן. אלה מושכות לעיר שלל נותני שירותים נלווים, ומכאן הזינוק העצום באוכלוסייתה. הצמיחה הזאת הפכה אותה למעין
מחנה מעבר ענק שמורכב טלאי על טלאי. אם זה לא מספיק לבנגלור אין המרכז המעוצב שיש לדלהי, כלכתה, מדרס או בומבי, שסביבו העיר מתרחבת. יש, לכאורה, רק התרחבות.
לדברי "גרינפיס הודו",יש חברות כרייה עצומות המתורגלות במציאת דרכים (חוקיות או מבוקששות) לנישול כפריים וקבוצות שבטיות שונות מאדמותיהן ברגע שנמצא בהן מחצבים יקרים. ההגיון התועלתני של השוק דוחף את אנשי העסקים להחריב עוד ועוד טבע ותרבות בהודו על מנת למקסם את השורה התחתונה, ומה יעשו כפריים אנאלפביתים אל מול המכונה היעילה בתבל? בהודו המצב מוקצן עוד יותר משום פערי ההכנסה, פערי ההשכלה והרצון הכללי של ההודים "לנצח את סין" במרוץ להיות המעצמה העולמית הבאה.
אני מרחיק את עדותי להודו לא כדי לשקר חלילה, אלא כדי להציג את הגלובליות של הבעיה מולה גם אנחנו ניצבים: שחיקת התרבות המקומית על ידי כוחות השוק, שמתמחים בלשכנע אותנו שאיננו אלא פרודות יצרניות-צרכניות אוטונומיות ללא כל צורך בקהילה או מערך ערכי שאינו תועלתנות.
Please note:
1) Due to a directionality problem the text appears left-justified rather than right-justified.
2) The text does not reflect the opinions of the translator, and is meant as nothing more than display of translation skill. The complete translation may be found here:
Translation - English Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of India, and the choice of many companies, both domestic and Western, to base their headquarters. These attract a variety of associated service providers, hence the huge leap in its population. This growth turned it into a type of a huge patched-together transition zone. Furthermore, Bangalore doesn’t have the planned city center that Delhi, Kolkata, Madras or Bombay do, and around which the city expands. There seems to be nothing but expansion.
According to Greenpeace India, there are enormous mining companies that are well-versed in finding ways (either legal or bribery) to force villagers and various tribal groups off their lands the moment they find precious minerals in them. The utilitarian logic of the market pushes business people to demolish more and more of India’s natural culture and heritage in order to maximize the bottom line; and what shall illiterate villagers do in face of the most efficient machine in the world? In India, the situation is taken to the extreme because of income and education gaps, as well as the Indians’ desire to beat China in the race to become the next great power.
I bring my evidence from overseas not in order to confuse the issue, but rather to present the global dimension of the problem which we, too, are facing: the erosion of domestic culture by market forces, which are experts in convincing us that we are merely autonomous productive-consumerist molecules with no need whatsoever for a community or a system of values other than utilitarianism.
Arabic to English: An excerpt from the Arabic Booker Prize Longlisted Novel "It's Called Love" by Alawia Sobh General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Arabic قلت مرة لسعاد ونحن نحكي عن عضو المرأة حين ولدتُ ابني أحمد، إنه ليست ثمة أمومة وحب في معزل عنه. عندما أقف عارية وأتطلع إليه، أرى أنه مصدر أمومتي، ومصدر الغرام... مصدر الضوء والدفء والمشاعر. لماذا يقولون إن القلب ينبض. ألا ينبض هو أيضاً؟ إنه يا سعاد، موطن سعادة وأحاسيس، عندما تتطلعين إليه كمنبع للحب، وليس كمكان للمشقة، إلى مكان لا يكون منتهكاً أو مغتصباً، أو مكان للأوجاع والإجهاض. إنه أبجدية جميع أعضاء الجسم. اختلاجات النفس كلها تتفاعل، مع اختلاجاته. أحياناً، تشعرين بأنه أنتِ، مكان يصغي ويسمع ويحكي. يُوجع وينوجع، يرفض ويقبل. ينسجم ولا ينسجم.
وفي لحظة التقلّصات والخدر اللذين يصيبانه، تشعرين بأنه يتفتّح ويعانق، وفي الوقت نفسه يقبّل. تشعرين بأنه حنون مثل اليدين، وحضن مثلهما. إنه يختزل المرأة بالذهنية السائدة بمنطق انتهاكي، لكنه العضو الذي يختزلها بمكان إنساني. عضو لا يمكن أن يرطّب أو يندى بالماء، إلاّ إذا كان في حالة اشتياق فعلي. عندما فتحت رجليّ أول زواجي لسليم، فعلت ذلك كما لو أني أريد أن أفتح منجماً لأُطلع منه الحياة، لكن الحبّ عرّفني إلى جسمي. واكتشفت مع السنين أن ما كانت أمّي تقول عنه العيب، وتطلب مني ألا ألمسه، وألاّ أدع شيئاً يحتكّ به، كم هو مهم.
موطن عضوي داخلي، وكله مليء بالأحاسيس التي أستطيع أن أخفيها على عكس الرجل الذي لا يستطيع أن يسيطر على إحساسه لحظة الانتصاب. أنا أملك إحساسي، وأستطيع أن أخفيه، لكن هاني عرّفني إليه، وجعلني أكتشفه، بينما حين خضت التجربة مع زوجي خضتها كمسألة خلاص من قدرية جدار البكارة، الحاجز لكل الرغبات. شعرت بأنه صار متحرّراً، وأنه مثل جميع الأشياء النبيلة في الكون، محكوم بثنائية القبول والرفض، اللهفة والنشوة، الوجع والمتعة، الاستجابة والصد. هو يمارس المسلكيات كلها، فلماذا نمنع عنه جميع ما نخافه، ولمَ الخوف أن نقول أيضاً إن الكلمة ظهرت منه؟
Please note that due to a directionality problem, the text appears left-justified rather than right-justified.
This was an a 2012 ATA Award winning selection.
Translation - English Su'ad and I were talking about the vagina when I had given birth to my son Ahmad. I told her that in it, motherhood and love are two sides of the same coin. When I stand naked looking at it, I realize that it is the source of my motherhood and the source of passion; a source of light, warmth and feeling. Why do they say the heart beats? Doesn’t this organ beat, too? Indeed, Su’ad, when you come to see it as a well of love rather than a place of trouble, pain and miscarriage; come to see it as a place that is not desecrated or violated, then it is home to delightful sensations. It is the alphabet of all of the body’s organs. It quivers and one’s whole soul quivers with it. At times you feel this organ is you - listening, hearing, talking; tormenting and being tormented; rejecting and accepting; welling up and shutting down.
When it is constricted and numb, you feel it open up, embrace and kiss. You feel it is soft and nestling, like hands. It distinguishes woman -within the prevailing mentality - as an object of abusive logic, yet it is also the organ that distinguishes her human dignity. It is an organ that does not become moistened unless it is in a state of active yearning. During my first marriage to Salim, when I spread my legs, I did so as if I wanted to open a mine from which to extract life, but love introduced me to my body. Over the years I discovered how important this organ is; this organ, which my mother used to say was shameful, ordering me not to touch it or allow anything to come into contact with it.
My vagina's home is inside me. It is filled with sensations that I am capable of concealing, as opposed to a man, who is incapable of controlling his own sensation at the moment of erection. I rule my sensation; I am capable of concealing it. But Hani introduced me to it and helped me discover it. When I plunged into the experience with my husband, I did it as an act of liberation from the fatalism of the wall of virginity, the barrier of all desires. I felt that it became liberated, and like all noble things, it was governed by the dualism of acceptance and refusal, sorrow and elation, pain and pleasure, compliance and dissuasion. It engages in all types of behavior, so why deprive it of everything we fear? And why fear saying that the Word emerged from it?
Translation education
Graduate diploma - New York University
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Jan 2011.
Arabic to English (Israel Defense Forces/Israel Ministry of Education) English to Hebrew (Israel Defense Forces/Israel Ministry of Education) Hebrew to English (Israel Defense Forces/Israel Ministry of Education) Arabic to English (New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, verified)
I hold a diploma in Arabic>English Translation from NYU, where my areas of specialization were medicine, law, finance and social sciences.
Much of my linguistic knowledge and experience draws upon several invigorating years of work as translator, developer, pedagogue and instructor, as part of a special unit that served the education and defense sectors in Israel.
My work is characterized by strict attention to detail, enthusiasm, in-depth research and adherence to deadlines. The documents I translate are always edited and proofread by my associate, Dror Kamir, and then re-examined by myself before submission to the client. You may read about Dror on ("About Us").
Apart from translation, I offer voice-over services in English, Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic. My voice can be heard on Rosetta Stone and Paul Ruben Productions' Hebrew learning softwares, as well as at the new Jewish Museum in Philadelphia. I am able to perform English in standard British, East European and German accents. I am also a speech and accent reduction coach with Elson Global Speech, where our services are offered both in person - in our Manhattan offices - and via Skype.
I am open to using CAT Tools. Thus far, however, most Arabic and Hebrew material I have come across has been CAT-incompatible, I look forward to helping you with your linguistic needs.
Keywords: Arabic-English, English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English, Film and Drama, Theatre, Music, Linguistics, Education, Pedagogy, Business (general). See more.Arabic-English, English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English, Film and Drama, Theatre, Music, Linguistics, Education, Pedagogy, Business (general), Military, Defense, Law, Medicine, Medical, International, Politics. See less.