Working languages:
German to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to German

Fabio Said

Rheinbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Local time: 12:23 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Portuguese Native in Portuguese
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Bio 2008 Annual Translation Contest winner English to Portuguese 2008 Annual Translation Contest winner German to Portuguese

Hello there,

My name is Fabio Said. I'm a Brazilian Portuguese translator and interpreter based in Germany, specialising in financial and legal content since 1993.

First of all, you should be aware that Brazilian Portuguese and Iberian Portuguese are two really different language variants, and that such differences really only play an important part when it comes to high-quality language services for demanding clients. For more information, please refer to an article I wrote about Brazilian Portuguese and how it differs from European/Iberian Portuguese.

I earned a Diploma in Translation (DipTrans) in the UK for English-Portuguese as well as additional qualifications in Germany (staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer für Portugiesisch, staatlich geprüfter Dolmetscher für Portugiesisch) and Brazil (Técnico em Tradutor-Intérprete inglês-português). All of those involved at least one exam related to special subjects, such as legal, financial, corporate, marketing and sociology.

In addition to my qualifications, I'm absolutely committed to continuing professional development as a translator and interpreter. Throughout the years, I've attended many seminars and conferences to learn from the best and hone my skills – including the ATA Annual Conference, BDÜ-Fachkonferenz, BP Conference, Fachkonferenz Sprache und Recht and memoQfest. I also held presentations at several of those. See an extensive record of attended CPD events here:

A highlight in my career was winning the highly competitive, peer-reviewed 1st Annual Translation Contest in 2008 (see images above) for both my main language combinations: English to Brazilian Portuguese and German to Brazilian Portuguese. I'm a former member of the CertifiedPRO Network (membership lapsed after I decided not to be a paying member of this website anymore).

Another highlight was when I wrote two guidebooks for Portuguese translators: Fidus Interpres (2010) and Guia do Tradutor (2013), each with an accompanying translation blog. I've also been writing articles on translation, terminology and translation technology for journals, magazines and blogs in the US, Germany and Brazil.

Several book translations of mine have been published in Brazil, as I've been a non-fiction book translator since 2002, mostly in the fields of philosophy, law, sociology and psychology. Which means, I know what it takes to publish high-quality content for professional use.

CAT tools have been a part of my daily work as a translator since the early 2000s, and I'm an advanced user of memoQ translator pro, SDL Trados Studio and Wordfast Pro. The latter is currently my preferred CAT tool. I am not willing to work with other translation environment tools, especially proprietary ones and those that are online-based.

In Germany, I'm licensed as a sworn translator and court interpreter, performing certified translations and legal interpreting jobs throughout the country. This service, however, is not available to language service providers, agencies, freelance translators/interpreters and other kinds of intermediaries.

For a detailed professional profile and business enquiries please visit my website at

Looking forward to working with you,



Fabio Said

Lingua Brasilis Übersetzungsbüro Fabio Said

Business address: Hauptstraße 47, 53359 Rheinbach, Germany

Phone: 02226 8988953

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 999
PRO-level pts: 950

Top languages (PRO)
German to Portuguese661
Portuguese to German158
English to Portuguese119
Portuguese to English12
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences32
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)292
Law: Contract(s)51
Education / Pedagogy44
Construction / Civil Engineering37
Finance (general)32
Electronics / Elect Eng28
Pts in 44 more flds >

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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects3
With client feedback2
100% positive (2 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
German to Portuguese3
Specialty fields
Government / Politics1
Other fields
Mechanics / Mech Engineering1
Keywords: Lingua Brasilis Übersetzungsbüro Fabio Said, Portugiesisch Dolmetscher, Portugiesisch Übersetzer, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Hamburg, vereidigter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, tradutor juramentado na Alemanha, Übersetzungsbüro Portugiesisch, Diploma in Translation, DipTrans, staatlich geprüfter Dolmetscher Portugiesisch. See more.Lingua Brasilis Übersetzungsbüro Fabio Said, Portugiesisch Dolmetscher, Portugiesisch Übersetzer, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Hamburg, vereidigter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, tradutor juramentado na Alemanha, Übersetzungsbüro Portugiesisch, Diploma in Translation, DipTrans, staatlich geprüfter Dolmetscher Portugiesisch, staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, sworn translator Portuguese, beeidigter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, Fabio Said, Fabio M. Said, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Berlin, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Dresden, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Frankfurt, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Köln, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in München, Portugiesisch Übersetzer in Stuttgart, beeidigter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, öffentlich bestellter Übersetzer Portugiesisch, tradutor juramentado em hamburgo, tradutor juramentado em Berlim, tradutor juramentado em Colônia, tradutor juramentado em Dresden, tradutor juramentado em Frankfurt, tradutor juramentado em Munique, tradutor juramentado em Stuttgart, Urkundenübersetzer Portugiesisch, Tradutor Público alemão, tradutor jurídico alemão, Brasilianisch Übersetzer, brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Brazilian Portuguese, Brasilianisch Dolmetscher, financial translator Portuguese, Finanzübersetzer Portugiesisch, intérprete judicial, intérprete juramentado alemão, Gerichtsdolmetscher Portugiesisch, juristischer Übersetzer Portugiesisch, legal Portuguese, legal translator, Rechtsübersetzer Portugiesisch, tradutor financeiro inglês, Guia do Tradutor, guiadotradutor, fidusinterpres, tradutoralemao, brasilien-uebersetzer, linguabrasilis, Lingua Brasilis. See less.