Working languages:
Italian to English
English (monolingual)

Nancy Greenleese
the precision of a journalist

Rome, Lazio, Italy
Local time: 11:23 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English 
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8 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)
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I am a skilled translator working from Italian into my mother-tongue language of English. I'm also a journalist with 25 years of experience working for newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs. My journalism background guarantees that clients will receive accurate translations that are written concisely, clearly, and if required, with flair.

Areas of specialization:
  • cosmetics
  • food and wine
  • arts and culture
  • design
  • tourism
  • journalism

Translation and editing clients:
  • Italy's foremost cosmetics company
  • Design magazine of Italy's leading daily newspaper
  • Eastwest, an Italian-English geopolitical magazine
  • Elita Design Studio
  • Italian publishing houses
  • Italian and international translation agencies

In particular, I have created the English-language versions of many websites and press releases for the food and wine, tourism and design sectors. The knowledge I've gained from years of covering these sectors as a journalist allows me to translate text quickly and accurately.

I also am a veteran voiceover artist. I have acted in videogames and radio advertisments, voiced documentary videos used by major Roman tourist attractions, and served as the voice behind countless phone message services. I have years of experience behind the microphone as a public radio presenter and reporter. My voice is low and warm but authoritative with an American accent. Samples available upon request.

I received a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania. I also have a master of science degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. I studied Italian at the University of California - San Diego and in private schools in Rome.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 36
PRO-level pts: 28

Top languages (PRO)
Italian to English20
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Furniture / Household Appliances8
Construction / Civil Engineering4
Education / Pedagogy4
Printing & Publishing4
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters4

See all points earned >
Keywords: wine, food, tourism, travel, journalism, sports, art, cosmetics, cosmetici, culture. See, food, tourism, travel, journalism, sports, art, cosmetics, cosmetici, culture, enogastronomia, turismo, giornalismo, arte, cultura, voiceovers, voice overs, speakeraggio, doppiatore, doppiatrice, promotion, publicity, pubblicità, traduzioni, translations, traduzioni rapide, fast translation, urgente, urgent, english, italian, english to italian, cinema, media, sottotitoli, subtitles, subtitling, film, video, translator, proofreading, proofread, proof read, corrections, travel, tour, tourist, marketing, commerce, commercial, site, website, web site, tourist office, turismo, leisure, art, painting, sculpture, artist, artisti, painter, culture, cultura, history, storia, heritage, heritage tourism, sport, Olympics, olimpiade, nuoto, swim, atletica, track and field, baseball, cinema, theatre, theater, teatro, vino, wine making, wine tasting, degustazione, enology, communication, information, prenotazione, booking, copyediting, copy editing, correttore, correttrice, audio guides, guide audio, museum, musei, American, American English, languages, lingue, Roma, Rome, Italy, Italia, italiano a inglese, fitness, hotels, alberghi, pensioni, sito, siti, websites in English, websites, tour operator, marketing, public relations, fashion, benessere, wellness, bellezza, cura del corpo, moda, tempo libero, viaggio, agenzie di viaggio, academic, tesi, art galleries, hotel brochures, letters, business correspondence, essays, newsletters, photography, fotografia, guide books, research papers, newspaper articles, tourist brochures. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 29, 2020

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