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French to English: Mechanics of a laser fusion reaction General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Nuclear Eng/Sci
Source text - French L’allumage rapide est attrayant car, en théorie, il demande une énergie laser totale inférieure à celle des attaques classiques directes ou indirectes, tout en produisant des gains thermonucléaires près de 100 fois supérieurs. La difficulté essentielle provient du fait que le plasma entourant la cible est opaque aux faisceaux laser existants. L’astuce serait soit de creuser un canal dans le plasma au moyen de plusieurs impulsions laser, soit d’utiliser des cibles comportant un cône entrant préformé . Une telle géométrie de cible permet au laser de pénétrer au plus près du cœur, et d’y créer des électrons et des ions accélérés, qui eux peuvent pénétrer jusqu’au cœur de la cible pour y déposer leur énergie. Pour donner une idée, le laser doit produire des particules accélérées vers l’avant (dans le sens du faisceau) avec des énergies de respectivement quelques mégaélectronvolts pour les électrons ou de quelques dizaines de mégaélectronvolts pour les ions.
Translation - English Fast ignition is attractive because, in theory, it requires less total laser energy input than conventional direct or indirect drive approaches, while at the same time producing thermonuclear gains almost 100 times higher. The main difficulty stems from the fact that the plasma surrounding the target cannot be penetrated by existing laser beams. The clever way around this would either be to burrow into the plasma using multiple laser pulses, or to use targets that have the tip of an especially crafted cone embedded inside them. Making the target such a shape would allow the laser to penetrate much closer to the centre, and create accelerated electrons and ions which can get right into the target’s core to deliver their energy. To illustrate this more clearly, the laser has to fire accelerated electrons and ions forwards (in the direction of the beam) at energy levels of several megaelectronvolts and several tens of megaelectronvolts respectively.
French to English: Portugal's bond auction General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French En dépit de taux de rendement élevés, le Portugal a réussi mercredi 9 mars à lever un milliard d'euros de dette à moyen terme, au cours d'une émission marquée par une demande soutenue de la part des investisseurs. Et ce malgré les inquiétudes croissantes exprimées ces derniers jours sur la solvabilité du pays.
Le taux d'intérêt moyen exigé par les investisseurs pour ces obligations à deux ans et demi (échéance septembre 2013) a atteint 5,993 %, nettement supérieur aux 4,086 % obtenus en septembre 2010 sur la même ligne d'obligations. Le Portugal a néanmoins réussi à placer le montant maximal prévu : la demande s'est en effet révélée 1,6 fois supérieure à l'offre, a précisé l'Institut de gestion du crédit public.
Translation - English Portugal managed to raise one billion euros of medium-term debt on Wednesday 9th March at a bond auction, despite high yields. The event saw steady demand on the part of investors, even though there have been growing concerns over the last few days about the country’s solvency.
The average interest rate demanded by investors for the two-and-a-half-year bonds (maturing in September 2013) reached 5.993%, which is considerably higher than the 4.086% rate agreed in September 2010 for the same type of bonds. Nevertheless, Portugal managed to secure the maximum anticipated amount: demand actually outstripped supply by 1.6 times, according to the Institute of Public Credit Management.
Italian to English: Chrysler's acquisition of Fiat General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Italian Certo, la strada è ancora lunga e non dipende solo da Fiat né solo dallo stesso Marchionne. Un'eventuale fusione potrà arrivare solo dopo che Chrysler sarà tornata in Borsa e dopo che avrà restituito i prestiti ricevuti dai Governi statunitense e canadese nel 2009 (circa 7 miliardi di dollari). A questo proposito, Marchionne ha ribadito ieri che «non sarebbe saggia un'Ipo di Chrysler prima della rinegoziazione del debito» che permetterebbe de rimborsare i governi; i negoziati sono in corso, e l'obiettivo del manager è di concluderli entro la metà dell'anno. A quel punto se gli altri soci de Chrysler (in primis il Tesoro Usa e il sindacato Uaw) saranno d'accordo, Fiat potrà acquistare il 16% di Chrysler a condizioni vantaggiose prima del ritorno in Borsa dell'azienda Usa; la casa italiana, che ha attualmente il 25% di Chrysler e ne otterrà un'altro 10% al raggiungimento di obbiettivi prefissati, arriverebbe così al 51 per cento.
Translation - English Of course, there is still a long way to go, and the outcome does not just depend on Fiat or Marchionne. A future merger of the two companies will only be able to take place once Chrysler resumes public trading and repays the $7 billion in loans that it borrowed from the United States and Canadian governments in 2009. On that subject, Marchionne expressed that “it would be unwise for Chrysler to have an IPO before refinancing its debt”, which would allow the governments to be reimbursed. The negotiations are ongoing, and the chief executive aims to have them completed by the middle of the year. At that point, if Chrysler’s other stakeholders (namely the US Treasury and the United Auto Workers union) agree, Fiat will be able to acquire 16% of Chrysler at a discount before the US carmaker resumes public trading. The Italian outfit, which currently holds a 25% stake in Chrysler and will take a further 10% once agreed milestones have been reached, would therefore raise its share to 51%.
Italian to English: Information leaflet for immigrant workers in Italy General field: Marketing Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Italian
Il libretto di lavoro
I lavoratori extra-comunitari devono richiedere al locale Ufficio del Lavoro[1] il «libretto di lavoro», documento che rende possibile l'assunzione nelle aziende, dà diritto a stipulare qualsiasi contratto di lavoro (compreso quello di formazione professionale) e ad iscriversi alla Camera di Commercio[2], all'Artigianto[3] e ad altre associazioni che tutelano i lavoratori.
[1] È l'Ufficio provinciale che si occupa del lavoro dei cittadini. Dipende dal Ministero del Lavoro e sovrintende all'Ufficio di Collocamento.
[2] La «Camera di Commercio, Industria, Agricoltura» è un ente dello Stato che promuove le attività economiche di ogni provincia.
[3] I lavoratori possono iscriversi a particolari «albi», cioè alla categoria produttiva a cui appartengono.
Translation - English
Employment record card
Immigrant workers need to request an employment record card (libretto di lavoro) from their local Labour Office (Ufficio del Lavoro)[1]. This document allows them to be employed by a company, and gives them the right to enter into any employment contract (including professional training). It also lets them register at the Chamber of Commerce (Camera di Commercio)[2], the Chamber of Craftsmanship (Artigianato) and other organisations that protect workers.
[1] These provincial offices administer citizen employment. They are managed by the Minister of Labour (Ministero del Lavoro), and they oversee the running of Job Centres (Uffici di Collocamento).
[2] The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Camera di Commercio, Industria, Agricoltura) is a government body that works to cultivate economic activity in each province.
[3] Workers can put themselves on registers that relate to the particular area that they specialise in.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Bath
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Dec 2011.
French to English (University of Bath., verified) French to English (University of Warwick, verified) Italian to English (University of Bath., verified) Italian to English (University of Warwick, verified) Italian to English (Università di Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Idiom, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, HTML & CSS, PHP, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I'm a technical translator from the UK, working from French, Italian and Spanish into English. I work primarily with texts related to information technology, with over 1.5 million words translated to date. Now living in Rome, I've worked in six countries and visited over thirty, allowing me to gain an understanding of many different cultures. I'm reliable and meticulous, creating the translation so that it reads fluidly, as if it had been written in English in the first place.
I've worked as a translator since 2006 both as a freelancer and in-house, while also working part-time as a web developer. My main fields of expertise are IT, web dev, cloud computing and e-commerce, but I also have a wealth of experience translating texts related to transport, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy and electronics. Aside from my tech background, I'm also comfortable translating general texts, allowing me to use my creative side in marketing and tourism. An internship at the Council of Europe and work at Japan's Ministry of Education have also served as a valuable insight to international affairs.
I have an MA in Interpreting and Translating from the University of Bath and I have a first class BA in French and Italian Studies from the University of Warwick. I also spent an Erasmus year at the University of Bologna's interpreting campus in Forlì. My MA dissertation involved translating scientific journals on nuclear fusion from French into English, which received Distinction.
As well as translation, I also work on web programming including PHP, WordPress, HTML5 and CSS3, and have experience creating online stores and hotel booking sites. I'm also an advanced photographer with in-depth knowledge of Lightroom and Photoshop. Should these skills also be required, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to working with you on your projects.
Keywords: French, Italian, English, translation, localisation, IT, information technology, computer, programming, web design. See more.French, Italian, English, translation, localisation, IT, information technology, computer, programming, web design, websites, scientific, tech, technical, servers, PHP, web, IoT, UK, France, Italy. See less.