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English to Portuguese - Rates: 0.12 - 0.12 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.12 GBP per word / 30 - 30 GBP per hour
Blue Board entries made by this user
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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Portuguese: Advocacy General field: Social Sciences
Source text - English ADVOCACY
means we will
• Ensure your concerns and wishes are taken into account.
• Help you to be seen from your cultural and religious context.
• Support you to speak up for yourself, in your own language.
• Try and ensure you have the right diagnose and are given the service and treatment you require.
• Challenge any discriminatory behaviour towards you.
Translation - Portuguese Serviço de Orientação
Significa que vamos
• Assegurar que as suas preocupações e desejos serão levados em consideração.
• Ajudá-lo para que sejas visto dentro do contexto da sua religião e cultura.
• Apoiá-lo para que fales por si mesmo e em seu próprio idioma.
• Tentar e assegurar que tenhas o diagnóstico correto e que recebas o serviço e tratamento que necessitas.
Portuguese to English: merger and integration of banks General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Portuguese ASSUNTO: Atualização do número de identiÍicaçãob bancária
(NlB) para efeitos de pagamento de reembolsos
Na sequênciad a integraçãod o Banco Comercial dos xxxx (código 010) no Banco Internacional do xxxx (código 00xx), as ordens de transferência para o Banco Comercial dos xxxxx vão deixar de ser aceitos pelo Instiluto de Gestão da
Tesouraria e do Crédito Público, l.P. (lGPc) a partir do dia 30 de Junho do corrente ano.
Nesse sentido e de forma a evitar reieições das ordens de transferência, a YYYY optou por passar o estado do xxx/xx dessa entidade, constante do cadastro fiscal, as " lnválido".
Visto que se pretende privilegiar o pagamento de reembolsos por tansferência bancária, por ser um método mais seguro rapido e eficaz, solicito que nos indique o novo xxxx /IIII dessa entidade.
Translation - English Subject: Update of bank identification information (NIB) for the payment of rebates
Following the merger and integration of the Banco Comercial dos xxxx (xxxxx ) (code 00xx) into the Banco International do xxxx (xxxxxxxxxxx) (code 00xx), transfer orders to the Banco Comercial dos xxxx will no longer be accepted by the “Institution name”, I.P, (IGPC) [Treasury and Public Credit Management Institute] from the 30th of June of the current year.
Due to this and in order to avoid transference order rejections, the DGCI opted to declare the xxx/IIII status of that entity, including its fiscal registration, as ‘Invalid’.
In view of the fact that we wish to give preference to the payment of rebates by bank transfer, as this is a more secure, fast an efficient method, could you please let us know the new xxxx/III for that entity.
Translation education
Master's degree - Westiminster
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Dec 2011. Became a member: Dec 2011.
Marina is an enthusiastic, dedicated and dynamic professional. An effective motivator, with well-developed communication and interpersonal skills, who enjoys dealing with people at all levels. A confident and personable individual, proficient at working both on own initiative and as part of a team. Experience in leading class, ability to interpret/translate fully and accurately, with an understanding of functional, conceptual and cultural differences between English and the language offered. Excellent communication and management skills.
Marina is a highly experienced consultant and interim, she has managed staff teams, managed projects funded by local government as well as private. She is highly skilled trainer, facilitator, Interpreter, Translator and Lecturer. She has extensive experience working with senior stakeholders, both in informal workshops and sessions with a larger audience. Marina has particular expertise in the areas of management, team building, Employability, Public Service Interpreting-translation, interpreting.
Marina has spent several years managing training project, translation, interpreting for private and public sector.
Marina also has experience in Training and Assessing NVQ learners in Management, Team Leading, Business Administration, Customer Service and Retail.
Marina has a Master of Human Resources, degree in Business Administration, Master in Translation, Degree in Public Service Interpreting (Law Option), a Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, A1 Assessor and award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Keywords: Experience in leading class, conference interpreting, ability to interpret/translate fully and accurately (simultaneous/consecutive) as well as written translation (including certified translations), with an understanding of functional, conceptual and cultural difference between English and Portuguese and vice versa. Excellent Communication and Management Skills.