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English to Turkish: A1001 Network Door Controller General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Hardware
Source text - English A 1001 Network Door Controller comes with a built-in software for basic access management. It is open for third-party software,allowing the unit to be integrated with solutions provided by the Company partners.
The controller is a smart independent device that is installed by each door and data is automatically synchronized between the controllers in the system. It will continue its normal operation and buffer events locally if there is a network failure.
Translation - Turkish A1001 Şebeke Kapı Kontrolörü temel erişim yönetimine ilişkin yerleşik bir yazılımla sunulmaktadır. Bu yazılım bağımsız şirket yazılımlarına açık olup birimin Şirket ortakları tarafından temin edilen çözümlere entegre olmasını sağlamaktadır.
Kontrolör her bir kapıya monte edilen akıllı bir müstakil cihaz olup veriler otomatik olarak sistemdeki kontrolörler arasında senkronize edilmektedir. Cihaz bir şebeke arızası oluşması halinde de normal çalışmasına devam edecek ve olayları lokal olarak hafızasına kaydedecektir.
Turkish to English: Manufacturing Process of a Medical Product General field: Medical Detailed field: Manufacturing
Source text - Turkish Tıbbi ürün üretimindeki genel proses, bir dizi birim operasyonundan (katı dozaj formu) oluşmakta olup, söz konusu operasyonların her biri, işlenen maddenin belirli özelliklerini düzenlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Söz konusu proses, genel olarak, farklı ara ürünlerin üretildiği birkaç adım içerir; örneğin tartım, karıştırma, granülasyon, kurutma ve tablet baskı birim operasyonları. Ancak, bu birim operasyonlarının bazıları tasarımları gereği kesintisiz niteliktedir. Örneğin, tablet baskı kesintisiz bir sıkıştırma işlemi olup, seri modunda gerçekleşir. Esasen, ilk giren ilk çıkar ilkesine dayalı olarak çalışan herhangi bir ekipman tasarımı gereği kesintisiz olarak değerlendirilebilir. Kesintisiz çalışan bir ekipman ile işleme tabi tutulan maddeler seri büyüklüğüne bakılmaksızın aynı düzey enerji girişine maruz kalır. Sıvı dolumu kesintisiz operasyonların en iyi örneklerinden biridir.
Translation - English The common process applied in the production of a medical product consists of a number of unit operations (solid dosage forms), in which every individual operation is intended to regulate a certain property of the material that is being processed. The process in question usually involves a few additional steps in which different by products are produced; i.e. weighing, mixing, granulation, drying and tablet compressing operations. However, owing to their design, some of those unit operations are maintained on a continuous basis. For instance, the process of tablet compressing is performed continuously on an assembly line. As a matter of fact, any equipment that operates on the principle of ‘first in first out’ can, by design, be considered as continuous. The materials that are being processed by a continuously operated equipment are subject to the same level of energy input irrespective of their batch size. Liquid filling process is one of the best examples of continuous operations.
English to Turkish: Distribution Agreement General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English
18.1 Confidentiality
Except as necessary to perform the express terms of this Agreement, each party agrees not to use, copy or disclose to any third party, any Confidential Information obtained from the other party, whether before or after the Effective Date. Each party shall hold the other party’s Confidential Information in strict confidence and use the same degree of care the party uses to protect its own Confidential Information of a similar nature, but shall in no event be less than reasonable care. Upon expiration or any termination of this Agreement, or upon the other party’s request, each party will return to the other all recorded forms of Confidential Information. The obligations contained in this Section shall survive after the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a party will not be restricted in its use or disclosure of Confidential Information to the extent that any such information: (i) was previously known by such party; (ii) is obtained by such party from a third party who is not under any obligation of confidentiality; (iii) is required to be disclosed by law, governmental regulation or court order (which information will be made available for review by the other prior to such disclosure to the extent practicable); or (iv) is independently developed without use or reference to the Confidential Information of the disclosing party.
18.2 Force Majeure
Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable for its failure to perform any of its obligations (other than an obligation for payment which are due before the force majeure event) hereunder or under any Purchase Order issued in furtherance of this Agreement, or for its failure to cure any default under this Agreement or any related Purchase Order, during any period in which such performance or cure is delayed or prevented by war, natural disaster, embargo, riot, labor unrest or intervention of any governmental authority, or any other similar circumstances beyond the control of such party; provided that such party shall immediately notify the other party in writing of the reasons for the delay and, if possible, the duration of such delay.
Translation - Turkish
18.1 Gizlilik
İşbu Anlaşmanın hükümlerinin icra edilmesi bakımından gerekli olmadığı müddetçe tarafların her biri Yürürlük Tarihinin öncesinde veya sonrasında diğer taraftan alınan herhangi bir Gizli Bilgiyi kullanmama, çoğaltmama veya herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa ifşa etmeme konusunda anlaşır. Tarafların her biri diğer tarafın Gizli Bilgisini tamamen gizli tutacak ve kendisine ait benzeri türden bir Gizli Bilgiyi korumak için gösterdiği ihtimamın aynısını diğer tarafın gizli bilgisi için de gösterecek ve hiçbir durumda makul olarak gerekli ihtimamdan daha azını göstermeyecektir. İşbu Anlaşmanın sona ermesi veya feshi veya diğer tarafın talebi üzerine her bir taraf diğer tarafa ait her türden kayıtlı Gizli Bilgiyi iade edecektir. Bu maddede yer alan yükümlülükler işbu Anlaşmanın sona ermesi veya feshinden sonra da geçerli olmaya devam edecektir. Yukarıdaki hükümlere bakılmaksızın, taraflardan herhangi biri söz konusu Gizli Bilginin (i) söz konusu tarafça daha evvelden biliniyor olması; (ii) söz konusu tarafça herhangi bir gizlilik yükümlülüğü altında bulunmayan bir üçüncü taraftan alınmış olması; (iii) kanunen, hükümet yönetmeliği veya mahkeme emri uyarınca ifşa edilmesinin gerekli olması (uygulanabilir olduğu ölçüde söz konusu bilgi bu türden bir ifşaat öncesinde incelenmek üzere diğer tarafa sunulacaktır); veya (iv) ifşa eden tarafın Gizli Bilgisi kullanılmadan veya referans yapılmadan bağımsız bir şekilde geliştirilmiş olması halinde Gizli Bilgiyi kullanma veya ifşa etme konusunda kısıtlamaya maruz kalmayacaktır.
18.2 Mücbir Sebepler
Tarafların hiçbiri, söz konusu tarafın diğer tarafı gecikmenin nedenleri ve mümkün olması halinde söz konusu gecikmenin süresi hakkında derhal yazılı olarak haberdar etmesi şartıyla, savaş, doğal afet, ambargo, isyan, grev, hükümet müdahalesi veya söz konusu tarafın kontrolünün ötesinde cereyan eden herhangi başka benzeri durumdan ötürü işbu anlaşma altındaki (mücbir sebep durumu öncesinde muaccel olan ödeme yükümlülüğü haricindeki) veya işbu Anlaşmanın ifası amacıyla tanzim edilmiş herhangi bir Satın Alma Emri altındaki yükümlülüklerini yerine getirememekten veya işbu Anlaşma veya herhangi ilgili Satın Alma Emri altındaki herhangi bir temerrüdü giderememekten dolayı söz konusu mücbir sebep süresi boyunca sorumlu tutulmayacaktır.
English to Turkish: General Regulations General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English 107.1.9 Recognizing the existence of diverse structures in the member countries, the 1994 Seoul Congress declared in its resolution C 29/1994 that the term "postal administration" in the Acts of the Union was to be defined by each member country within the framework of its national legislation. The 1999 Beijing Congress, in its resolution C 110/1999, stressed the need to define more clearly, and distinguish between, the governmental and operational roles and responsibilities of the bodies of the Union with respect to the prov of international postal services. In resolution C 11/2004, the Bucharest Congress instructed the CA, in conjunction with the IB, to study in greater depth the use of the term "postal administration" in the Acts of the Union and to suggest solutions for defining or replacing the term. The 24th Congress (Geneva) decided to replace the term "postal administration" with the terms "member country" and/or "DO" in the various arts of the Acts, depending on the context. With regard to the Gen Regs, the following modifications were made at the 24th Congress (Geneva): Arts 106 and 112 were modified to reflect the fact that only member countries are entitled to membership of the CA and the POC. The modification of art 153 clarifies the fact that only member countries may participate in the arbitration of disputes, in keeping with their responsibility for meeting UPU obligations, whilst establishing the procedure to be followed by DOs in case of disputes concerning the Acts.
107.1.10 Para first amended by the 2004 Bucharest Congress with regard to entities which might be invited to Congress, recognizing the need to distinguish between de jure observers and invitees, i.e. ad hoc observers. Afterwards, the para was further amended by the 2012 Doha Congress in the light of the changes in art 105.1. See also art 5 of the Rules of Proc of Congresses.
107.1.16, 107.1.22, 107.1.29 and 107.1.30 New paras introduced by the 2004 Bucharest Congress to take account of the CA's new responsibilities vis-a-vis the Consultative Committee, which was created at that Congress.
Translation - Turkish 107.1.9 Ülkelerde farklı yapıların varlığını dikkate alan 1994 Seul Kongresi, C 29/1994 sayılı kararında, Birliğin Senetlerinde geçen “posta idaresi” teriminin, ulusal mevzuat çerçevesinde her bir üye ülke tarafından tanımlanacağını ilan etmiştir. 1999 Pekin Kongresi, C 110/1999 sayılı kararında, yurtdışı posta hizmetlerinin sağlanmasına ilişkin Birlik organlarının resmi ve operasyonel rol ve sorumlulukları arasında daha açık tanımlama ve ayrım yapılması ihtiyacını vurgulamıştır. Bükreş Kongresi C 11/2004 sayılı kararında İdari Konseye Uluslararası Büro ile birlikte “posta idaresi” teriminin Birliğin Senetlerinde daha geniş anlamda kullanımının araştırılması ve terimin tanımlanması veya değiştirilmesine ilişkin çözüm önerileri getirilmesi talimatını vermiştir. 24. (Cenevre) Kongresi “posta idaresi” terimini, bağlama bağlı olarak, Senetlerin muhtelif maddelerinde, “üye ülke” ve/veya “DO” terimleriyle değiştirmeye karar vermiştir. Genel Yönetmelikle ilgili olarak, aşağıdaki değişiklikler 24. (Cenevre) Kongresinde yapılmış olup 106 ve 112. Maddeler sadece üye ülkelerin İdari Konsey ve Posta İşletme Konseyi üyeliği hakkına sahip olduğu gerçeğini yansıtacak şekilde değiştirilmiştir. 153. maddenin değiştirilmesi sadece üye ülkelerin, Dünya Posta Birliği yükümlülüklerini yerine getirme sorumluluğuna uygun olarak, senetlere ilişkin ihtilaflar halinde DO lar tarafından takip edilecek prosedürün oluşturulması suretiyle ihtilafların tahkimine katılabileceği hususuna açıklık getirmektedir.
107.1.10 Paragraf ilk olarak 2004 Bükreş Kongresi tarafından, meşru gözlemciler ile davetlilerin, örn. geçici gözlemciler gibi, ayırt edilmesi ihtiyacı görülerek, Kongreye davet edilebilecek kuruluşlarla ilgili olarak tadil edilmiştir. Sonrasında paragraf 105.1. maddedeki değişiklikler ışığında 2012 Doha Kongresi tarafından tekrar tadil edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Kongrelerin Prosedür Kurallarının 5. maddesine bakınız.
107.1.16, 107.1.22, 107.1.29 ve 107.1.30 2004 Bükreş Kongresi tarafından, İdari Konseylerin söz konusu Kongre tarafından oluşturulan Danışma Komitesiyle karşılıklı olarak yeni sorumluluklarının dikkate alınması amacıyla, yeni paragraflar yürürlüğe konmuştur.
Turkish to English: Real Estate Sales Agreement General field: Marketing Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
3.1. Sözleşmeye konu yukarıda detaylı bilgisi verilen bağımsız bölümün satış bedeli; masraflar hariç, KDV dahil ____ - TL’ dir (yalnız ____ Türk Lirası). Ödemelerin ne şekilde yapılacağı, tarihi ve miktarı sözleşmenin eki ve ayrılmaz parçası niteliğindeki ödeme planında ayrıntılı olarak gösterilmiştir. Taraflar, sözleşme numarası belirtilmeden yapılan ödemeler nedeniyle oluşacak aksaklık ve zararlardan SATICININ sorumlu olmadığını kabul ve beyan etmiştir.
3.2. Bağımsız bölüm satış bedeli, tapu devrinin Tapu Sicil Müdürlüğü nezdinde yapıldığı tarihte ALICIYA fatura edilecektir.
3.3. ALICININ birden fazla gerçek ya da tüzel kişi olması halinde yapılan ödemenin, aksi yazılı olarak belirtilmediği sürece ALICILAR tarafından eşit oranda yapıldığı kabul edilir. Bu itibarla ALICILARDAN herhangi biri, fazla ödeme yaptığı iddiası ile SATICIYA başvurarak herhangi bir bedel talep etme hakkı bulunmamaktadır. Bu durumda fazla ödeme yaptığını iddia eden ALICI, yaptığı fazla ödemeyi ancak diğer ALICILARDAN talep edebilecektir.
3.4. ALICILAR, sözleşme gereği doğacak yükümlülüklerin tamamından müştereken ve müteselsilen sorumludur. Sözleşmede yer alan yükümlülüklerin tamamının yerine getirilmesi akabinde, bağımsız bölüm mülkiyeti her bir ALICIYA SATICIYA yazılı olarak belirtilen hissesi oranında devredilecektir. SATICIYA yazılı olarak bildirilmemesi halinde devir, her bir ALICI için eşit olarak yapılacaktır.
3.1. The sale price of the aforementioned independent section is TRY ________________ (only ____________ Turkish Liras), including VAT, excluding various costs. The method of payment, the dates and amounts thereof are provided in detail in the payment scheme, which is an integral part of this agreement. The parties hereby accept and declare that the SELLER shall not be held responsible for any setback or loss resulting from the payments that have been made without stating the agreement number.
3.2. The sale price for the independent section shall be invoiced to the BUYER on the date when the title deed is transferred at the Land Registry Office.
3.3. In the event that the BUYER is more than one real or legal person, it is agreed that, unless otherwise stipulated, the payment shall be made by the BUYERS in equal proportions. In this respect, none of the BUYERS shall have the right to claim any money from the SELLER on the grounds that they have made an excessive payment. In such case, the BUYER who claims to have made an excessive payment can make such a claim only against the other BUYERS.
3.4. The BUYERS shall be jointly and severally responsible for all contractual obligations. Once all the obligations specified herein have been fulfilled, the ownership of the independent section shall be transferred to each BUYER in proportion with their respective shares as specified to the SELLER in writing. In the event that the SELLER has not been informed of their respective shares in writing, the distribution of ownership shall made be made equally for each BUYER.
Translation education
Master's degree - Lancaster University
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jan 2017. Became a member: Feb 2017.
Turkish to English (Sworn Translator Certificate by Beyoglu 56th Notary Public , verified) Turkish to English (Sworn Translator Certificate by Kadikoy 24th Notary Public, verified) English to Turkish (Sworn Translator Certificate by Beyoglu 56th Notary Public , verified) English to Turkish (Sworn Translator Certificate by Kadikoy 24th Notary Public, verified)
High Quality English to Turkish Legal and Financial Translation Services
My name is Baran Keki. I am a native Turkish speaker and a certified/swornEnglish to Turkish translator accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Justice.
I have been professionally translating legal and financialtexts from English to Turkish since February 2007 when I first started working as a full-time in-house translator at a reputable translation agency in Istanbul, Turkey. Owing to my academic background in international law and politics, and my previous career in banking and financial services industry I was assigned financial and legal translation projects from English to Turkish on a regular basis during my time at the agency between February 2007 and March 2017.
Having honed my skills as a sworn legal and financial translator in various English to Turkish translation projects involving legal contracts, intellectual property, patents, corporate guidelines, human resources policies, financial statements, annual and audit reports, I quit working as an in-house translator and decided to go freelance.
As a freelance English to Turkish legal and financial translator, I have been offering my experience and expertise to individual clients and foreign translation agencies to help them get the best legal and financial translation services from English to Turkish.
As a sworn legal translator, certified by several notary offices across Istanbul, Turkey and accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Justice, I take pride in my job and I aim to deliver the best English to Turkish legal translation services that are tailored to my clients' requirements.
My expertise in English to Turkish legal translation includes:
Legal and Business Contracts
Court and Arbitration Decisions
Expert Reports
Patent Claims
Patent Infringement Cases
Wills, Testimonies, Powers of Attorney, Notarial Certificates
HR Policies and Guidelines
Articles of Association, Charters, Internal Directives
Codes of Conduct, Ethics & Compliance
Corporate Communications
Privacy Notices, Data Protection
Press Releases
As a Turkish financial translator, having spent 3 years in banking and financial services industry, I offer my clients first-class English to Turkishbusiness and financial translation services in the following areas:
Financial Statements and Balance Sheets
Risk Management
Quarterly and Annual Reports, Audit Reports, Credit Reports
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Banking, Financial Technology, E-Commerce
Investment Reports
M&A Due Diligence
Press Releases, Newsletters, Company and Industry Overviews
Resumes, Corporate & Employee Training Materials
In addition to providing legal and financial translation services from English to Turkish, I also provide patent and marketing translations.
I specialize in the following areas of patent and
marketing translations from English to Turkish:
Patent Applications
Patent Validations
Prior Art, Drawings, Trademark Descriptions
Office Actions
Technology Licensing
Website Translation & Localization
Product Information, Packaging
Marketing Reports, Presentations, White Papers
Market Survey and Research
Please feel free to contact me for your legal, financial, patent and marketing translation projects from English to Turkish. I am an expert user of Trados Studio and experienced user of MemoQ and most other cloud based CAT tools.
Keywords: English to Turkish Translation, Turkish Translation, Turkish Translator, Turkish Sworn Translator, English to Turkish Legal Translation, Certified English to Turkish Translation, English to Turkish Localization, English to Turkish Technical Translation, American Translators Association, Certified Turkish Translator. See more.English to Turkish Translation, Turkish Translation, Turkish Translator, Turkish Sworn Translator, English to Turkish Legal Translation, Certified English to Turkish Translation, English to Turkish Localization, English to Turkish Technical Translation, American Translators Association, Certified Turkish Translator, Native Turkish Translator, Certified Translator, Turkish Court Translator, Turkish Notary Translator, Turkish Notarization, Trados Studio, Memoq, Across, SDL, ATA, Contracts, Agreements, Powers of Attorney, Technical Patents, Design Patents, Notarial Deeds & Certificates, Apostilles, Wills, Court Orders, Divorce Settlements, Property Settlement Agreements, Patent Laws, Insurance Laws, Reassurance, Statutory Decrees, Arbitration Decisions, Corporate Charters, Guidelines, Terms and Conditions, Internal Directives, Articles of Association, Codes of Conduct, Ethics & Compliance, Corporate Communications, Privacy Notices, Data Protection, GDPR, EU Laws and Directives, Turkish Commercial and Labor Legislation, User Manuals, Product Specifications, Catalogs, Material Safety Data Sheets, Survey and Analysis Reports, Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines, EU Low Voltage Directive, Electrical Safety Standards, Hardware and Software Specifications, Quality Control and Assurance Documentation, Website & Software Translation and Localization, Contracts, Agreements, Escrow, Business Charters, Quarterly and Annual Reports, Audit Reports, Financial Statements, Balance Sheets, Accounting and Bookkeeping Reports, Bank, Banking, Bank Statements, Letters of Authorization, Enterprise Resource Planning, Risk Management Guidelines, Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Market Board Regulations, SAP, Tender Documents, Letters of Guarantee, Shipping, Insurance, Reassurance, Warehousing, Intellectual, Industrial, Services, Production, Order, Purchase, Sale, Bankruptcy, Liquidation, Insolvency, Dissolution, Incorporation, Shareholders, Stocks, Shares, Derivatives, Forwards, Swaps, Options, Call, Loan, Credit, Finance, Financial, Forex, Currency, Security, Securities, Debentures, Holdings, Merger, Acquisition, Assets, Fixtures, Partners, Stock, Inventory, Savings, Investment, Mortgage, Real, Personal, Transaction, Audit, Accounting, Statements, Balance, Sheet, Income, Expenditure, Budget, Partnership, Corporation, Company, Court, Civil Courts, Family Courts, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Supreme Court of Appeals, Board of Ethics, Management, Corporate, Scope and Objectives, Dividend, Reserve, Policy, Policyholder, Beneficiary, Payee, Obligor, Guarantor, Collective Bargaining, Employment Contracts, Force Majeure, Catering and Hospitality, Logistics, Marketing, Brand Localization and Transcreation, Medical and Pathological Reports, Medical Instruments, Medical Technology, Medical Devices, Active Implantable Medical Devices, TÜV, SÜD, 90/385/EEC, CE Marking, Diagnostics, Clinical Research, Laboratory Services, Imaging, Dentistry, In vitro, Catheters, Surgical Instruments, Radiology, Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Pharmaceutical Product Specifications and Catalogs, Drug Master Files, European Pharmacopeia, Medical Device Manuals, Letters of Authorization and Distribution, and various other Documentation to be Submitted to the Turkish Ministry of Health and General Directorate of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance, Package Inserts, Press Releases, Blog Translation, Academic Translation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Newspaper Articles, Tourism, Recreation, Travel, Leisure, Accommodation, Catering, Customs Documents, Inspection Reports, Warehousing, Quality Control and Assurance Documentation, Manufacturing, Automotive Parts, Lubricants, Railway Systems, Water Treatment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Paints and Coating, Production Inspection, Academic, Sociology, Social Theory, Intergovernmental Organizations, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Political Science, Fashion, Medical Compression, Imaging Systems, Mining Equipment, Bore, Drilling, Landscaping, Climate, Fall Safety. See less.
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