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English to Italian - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour German to Italian - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour Japanese to Italian - Standard rate: 0.12 EUR per character / 40 EUR per hour
German to Italian: Privacy Policy (website) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - German Allgemeine Datenschutzerklärung
Durch die Nutzung unserer Website erklären Sie sich mit der Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung von Daten gemäß der nachfolgenden Beschreibung einverstanden. Unsere Website kann grundsätzlich ohne Registrierung besucht werden. Dabei werden Daten wie beispielsweise aufgerufene Seiten bzw. Namen der abgerufenen Datei, Datum und Uhrzeit zu statistischen Zwecken auf dem Server gespeichert, ohne dass diese Daten unmittelbar auf Ihre Person bezogen werden. Personenbezogene Daten, insbesondere Name, Adresse oder E-Mail-Adresse werden soweit möglich auf freiwilliger Basis erhoben. Ohne Ihre Einwilligung erfolgt keine Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte.
Translation - Italian Informativa generale sulla privacy
Utilizzando il nostro sito web l’utente acconsente alla raccolta, all’elaborazione e all’utilizzo dei dati come di seguito descritto. Il nostro sito web può generalmente essere visitato senza registrazione. I dati relativi ad esempio alle pagine visualizzate, ai nomi dei file aperti o alla data e ora di accesso vengono memorizzati sul server per fini statistici, senza che gli stessi siano direttamente collegabili all’utente. I dati personali, in particolare nome, indirizzo o indirizzo e-mail, sono raccolti, per quanto possibile, su base volontaria. Tali dati non verranno trasmessi a terzi senza il consenso dell’utente.
English to Italian: Clinical study outcomes General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Glick I.D. et al (2008)2 examined aripiprazole treatment of patients with comorbid schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) that did not meet full criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Physically healthy adults aged 18 to 65 years with DSM-IV schizophrenia and a minimum score of 16 on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) were eligible to participate in this 6-week, open-label, flexible-dose trial of aripiprazole monotherapy. Patients currently taking another antipsychotic medication were concurrently down-titrated from their current antipsychotic and up-titrated with aripiprazole, starting with 15 mg/day. Coadministration of the 2 medications lasted from 7 to 14 days, until a stable therapeutic dose of 10 to 30 mg/day was reached. Subjects were recruited into the study, which was conducted at the Schizophrenia Clinic of Stanford University School of Medicine, between January 2005 and December 2006. Of 15 eligible patients, 7 completed the trial. All 7 had at least minimal improvement on the YBOCS, the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale, and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). At week 6, the mean CGI-Improvement scale score was 2.3 (much improved). Mean PANSS scores decreased from 75 to 56, a mean decrease of 21%, (p < .05). On the YBOCS, 6 of 7 completers showed a change of greater than 35% from baseline to week 6. Authors concluded that aripiprazole monotherapy can modestly improve the outcome for some schizophrenia patients with obsessive-compulsive symptoms and further studies with aripiprazole under controlled conditions are indicated for this population of patients. Authors added that, overall, even modest improvement in global functioning due to an improvement in an OCS component may be clinically meaningful for this difficult-to-treat subset of schizophrenia patients.
Translation - Italian Glick I.D. et al (2008)2 hanno esaminato il trattamento con aripiprazolo in pazienti con schizofrenia concomitante e sintomi ossessivo-compulsivi (SOC) che non soddisfacevano in pieno i criteri del disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo (DOC). I soggetti adulti, fisicamente sani, di età compresa tra 18 e 65 anni con schizofrenia DSM-IV e un punteggio minimo di 16 alla scala YBOCS (Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale) erano idonei alla partecipazione in questo studio clinico della durata di 6 settimane, in aperto, a dose flessibile, sulla monoterapia a base di aripiprazolo. I pazienti che attualmente stavano assumendo un altro farmaco antipsicotico ne hanno ridotto la dose e hanno aumentato quella di aripiprazolo, a partire da 15 mg/die. La somministrazione contemporanea dei 2 farmaci è durata dai 7 ai 14 giorni, fino al raggiungimento di una dose terapeutica stabile di 10 - 30 mg/die. I soggetti sono stati arruolati nello studio, che è stato condotto presso la Schizophrenia Clinic della Stanford University School of Medicine, tra gennaio 2005 e dicembre 2006. Su 15 pazienti idonei, 7 hanno completato lo studio. Tutti e 7 avevano presentato almeno un minimo miglioramento alle scale YBOCS, CGI (Clinical Global Impressions) e PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale). Alla settimana 6, il punteggio medio secondo la scala CGI-Improvement era 2,3 (molto migliorato). I punteggi medi alla scala PANSS erano diminuiti da 75 a 56, una riduzione media del 21%, (p< 0,05). Nei punteggi YBOCS, 6 dei 7 pazienti che hanno completato lo studio hanno mostrato una variazione maggiore del 35% dal basale alla settimana 6. Gli autori hanno concluso che la monoterapia a base di aripiprazolo è in grado di migliorare in maniera modesta gli esiti di alcuni pazienti con schizofrenia e sintomi ossessivo-compulsivi e che per questa popolazione di pazienti sono indicati altri studi con aripiprazolo in condizioni controllate. Gli autori hanno aggiunto che, complessivamente, anche un miglioramento modesto della funzionalità globale dovuto al miglioramento di un componente SOC può essere clinicamente significativo in questo sottogruppo di pazienti schizofrenici di difficile trattamento.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Università degli Studi di Milano
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Oct 2017. Became a member: Oct 2017.
English to Italian (Università degli Studi di Milano, verified) Japanese to Italian (Università degli Studi di Milano, verified)
Crowdin, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SmartCAT, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
In today’s global marketplace, effective communication is crucial for success. Italy, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, robust industrial sector, and dynamic business environment, presents a wealth of opportunities for companies looking to expand. To tap into this vibrant market, high-quality Italian translations are essential.
When navigating the complexities of the life sciences sector, tackling intricate engineering projects, or crafting compelling marketing campaigns, accurate and culturally nuanced translations are of the utmost importance. Entrust me with your projects, and rest assured that your message will resonate effectively with your target audience, paving the way for your success in the Italian market.
I've been a full-time translator since June 2017. Throughout my journey, I've honed unparalleled insights and skills that allow me to deliver translations that are not only swift and accurate, but help you achieve your goals. My previous role as a project manager has afforded me a comprehensive understanding of industry standards, particularly in regard to CAT Tools and quality assurance protocols.
Why choose me
Speed and Precision: I've never missed a deadline. I guarantee fast turnaround times without compromising quality.
Technical Expertise: My deep knowledge of my specialty fields allow me to choose the correct technical terms while seamlessly integrate your company’s jargon, ensuring your translations are as effective and authentic as the original text.
Industry Insight: My project management background gives me a comprehensive understanding of industry standards, CAT tools, and quality assurance processes.
Client Satisfaction: I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional translations, tailored to meet your specific needs.
English > Italian
German > Italian
Japanese > Italian
Upon request, I can also provide translations into Swiss Italian.
Translation, editing, proofreading, transcreation (creative translation), copywriting & content writing, localization, post-editing of machine translations, AI-powered translations, language consultancy services.
Specialty Fields
My specialization spans across four critical domains:
Life Sciences: Ensuring medical accuracy and compliance.
Engineering: Conveying technical intricacies with precision.
IT: Bridging technological complexities with clarity and expertise.
Marketing & Communications: Crafting messages that captivate and convert.
Dentistry and Dental Implants
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Intrauterine devices (IUD)
Medical Devices
Pharmaceutical Market Researches
Documents translated: Scientific papers, brochures and leaflets, clinical protocols and synopses, informed consent forms, IFUs, market research surveys, monographies, package inserts, press releases, SmPCs, marketing and training materials
Consumer Electronics
Industrial Electronics
Generators and UPSs
Mechanical Engineering
Plant Engineering
Renewable energies
Documents translated: Brochures, catalogues, HSE documents, MSDSs / safety sheets, newsletters and bulletins, press releases, software applications and related manuals, technical data sheets, installation and maintenance manuals
Mobile applications for iOS and Android
Documents translated: E-commerce portals, mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms (in particular in the Life Sciences field), software and hardware applications and related manuals, websites
Corporate marketing material Cosmetics and Beauty
Interior Design
Food & Wine
Documents translated: Articles, brochures and leaflets, marketing campaigns, press releases, tourist guides and itineraries, menus, recipes, packaging, audio and video scripts, websites
Available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM CET.
Approx. daily output: 3,000 words (translation) / 6,000 words (editing)
Transform your content with a translator who understands the nuances of language and the importance of quality. Let’s take your project to the next level!
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