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Language talks: A fireside chat on literary translation
Join us for a special edition of Language talks, where we delve into the world of literary translation. This session will feature a celebrated German author alongside a dual-talented self-published author who is also a seasoned translator. We’ll explore the unique challenges and rewards of translating literary works, from capturing the author’s voice to bridging cultural nuances.
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English to Turkish - Standard rate: 0.05 USD per word / 15 USD per hour Turkish to English - Standard rate: 0.05 USD per word / 15 USD per hour Turkish - Standard rate: 0.05 USD per word / 15 USD per hour English - Standard rate: 0.05 USD per word / 15 USD per hour
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English to Turkish: Sample Translation (Academic Article) General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - English Modernity continues to dominate the intellectual scene across disciplines and structures of knowledge production, as well as appearing to be the uncontested anthropological horizon for the majority of people within and outside the West. However, modernity is under scrutiny, its theoretical foundations radically contested and its spatiotemporal boundaries questioned. This contestation is even more emphasized when motivated by the theoretical, political and historiographical critique to Eurocentrism. The parochialism of European ethnocentrism and of its universalistic pretensions appears irreversibly exposed. Therefore, the legitimacy of the colonial relations of power hidden beneath the way long-term and large-scale processes of social change are conceived within the frame of modernity are under attack. Nonetheless, tales of renewed European centrality, exceptionality a superiority are far from being dismissed. Any theoretical standpoint within the theoretical framework of modernity has little chance of avoiding the question of what stance it takes on Eurocentrism. What is at stake is the relation that alternative narratives and understandings of modernity, implicitly or explicitly, convey between norm and explanation, according to Burawoy’s proposal; thought and desire, in a previous Wallerstein’s formulation; and formal rationality and material rationality, according to Weber’s classical split. The relation between norm and explanation within the frame of modernity can be understood in terms of a generative conceptual tension. This tension designs a space of theorization whose landmarks are, on the one hand, the awareness that available sociological categories fail to produce non-Eurocentric knowledge about the world, and, on the other hand, the normative attitude to investigating the limitations of these categories in moving social theory beyond Eurocentrism inherited by nineteenth century paradigms. Within this space, many critics have detected Eurocentrism surviving by means of perpetual shifts of meaning. A sense of impasse crops up on the surface of non-Eurocentric scholarly debates in the face of the recognition of the ever-changing selftransformative resemblances Eurocentrism morphs into in response to the growing level of sophistication and thoughtfulness of the eff ective heuristic devices deployed in criticizing it.
Translation - Turkish Modernite, disiplinler ve bilgi yapıları üretimi eksenindeki entellektüel faaliyet alanına hâkim olmaya devam etmenin yanısıra, Batı içinde ve dışındaki halkın çoğunluğu için tartışılmadan kabul edilmiş antropolojik (insanbilimsel) ufuk olarak gözüküyor. Ancak, modernite incelenmekte, teorik temelleri radikal şekilde tartışmaya açılmakta ve zamansal-mekansal sınırları sorgulanmaktadır. Bu tartışma, Avrupamerkezciliğe (Eurocentrism) yönelik teorik, siyasi ve tarih yazımına ait eleştirilerle gerekçelendirildiğinde daha da fazla vurgulanmaktadır. Avrupa etnomerkezciliği (ethnocentrism) ve evrensel iddialarının dar görüşlülüğünün geri dönülemez bir şekilde gözler önüne serilmiş olduğu gözükmektedir. Bu nedenle, uzun vadeli ve geniş çaplı sosyal değişim süreçlerinin modernite çerçevesi içindeki algılanış biçimi bünyesinde gizlenmiş kolonyal güç ilişkilerinin meşruiyeti, saldırı altındadır. Yine de, Avrupa’nın merkeziyeti, istisnailiği ve üstünlüğüne dair hikâyeler tümüyle terkedilmemiştir. Modernite teorik çerçevesi içindeki herhangi bir teorik bakış açısının, Avrupamerkezcilik konusunda nasıl bir duruş sergileyeceği sorusundan kaçınması düşük bir ihtimaldir. Sözkonusu olan, modernitenin alternatif anlatımları ve anlayışlarının, açıkça veya zımnen, Burawoy’un önerisine göre norm ve açıklama; önceki Wallerstein formülasyonundaki düşünce ve istek; ve Weber’in klasik ayrımına göre formel rasyonellik ve materyal rasyonellik arasında kurduğu ilişkidir. Modernite çerçevesi içinde norm ve açıklama arasındaki ilişki, jeneratif (üretimsel) kavramsal gerilim açısından anlaşılabilir. Bu gerilim, bir yanda mevcut sosyolojik kategorilerin dünya hakkında Avrupamerkezci olmayan bilgi üretmekte başarısız olduğunun farkındalığın ve diğer yanda sosyal teoriyi ondokuzuncu yüzyıl paradigmalarından miras kalan Avrupamerkezciliğin ötesine taşırken bu kategorilerin sınırlamalarını soruşturma yönündeki normatif tavrın, sınırtaşlarını teşkil ettiği bir teorileştirme alanını dizayn etmektedir. Bu alan içerisinde birçok tenkitçi Avrupamerkezciliğin anlamın sürekli dönüşümü yoluyla mevcudiyetini devam ettirdiğini keşfetmiştir. Bir kördüğüm hissi, onu eleştirirken uygulanan etkin bulgusal araçların gelişen sofistikasyonu ve dikkat seviyesine cevap olarak Avrupamerkezciliğin dönüştüğü, sürekli değişen, kendini dönüştürücü benzerliklerin tanınması karşısındaki Avrupamerkezci olmayan akademik tartışmaların yüzeyinde belirmektedir.
English to Turkish: Sample Translation (Legal/Contract) (Terms of International Assignment) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English This Short Term Assignment Agreement (hereinafter “Assignment Agreement") defines the terms and conditions of the Assignment to the Host Unit and should be read in conjunction with the Short Term Assignment Policy (STA) effective as of 15th October 2010.
The Assignee shall remain employed by the Home Unit and shall be subject to the general terms and conditions of the employment contract with the Home Unit except to the extent altered or amended by this Assignment Agreement.
Translation - Turkish Bu Kısa Vadeli Görevlendirme Anlaşması (bundan böyle "Görevlendirme Anlaşması"), Ev Sahibi Birim'de Görevlendirme'nin şartlarını ve koşullarını tanımlar ve 15 Ekim 2010 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olan Kısa Vadeli Görevlendirme Politikası (Short Term Assignment Policy-STA) ile birlikte okunmalıdır.
Görevlendirilen, Ana Birim emrinde çalışmaya devam edecek ve bu Görevlendirme Anlaşması'nın değiştirdiği ya da tadil ettiği durumlar hariç, Ana Birim ile yapılan iş sözleşmesinin genel şartlarına ve koşullarına tabi olacaktır.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Jul 2019.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Translation and proofreading/editing of;
Legal Documents (Agreements &
contracts, powers of attorney, articles of association, procurement agreements, financial reports, patents, technical specifications, court orders, arbitration documentation as
well as tenancy agreements, birth certificates, passports and residency
Academic Texts (Social Science)
Business Communication and
AND Other General Texts.
(See the below list for
examples to my area of expertise)
CAT TOOLS: Have long-term experience on SDL Trados, SmartCAT,
Memsource, Fluency Now, OneForma, etc. as well as Subtitle Edit.
* PhD in Politics and
International Relations, Keele University, United Kingdom.
B.A. and M.A. from
International Relations Department of Bilkent University, Ankara/Turkey
‘Speaking and Writing for
Business Sequential Programme’ Certificate (3-month long in-class certificate
SKILLS: Fast typing
Decision of the Board of Directors
Certificate of Activity
Signature Circular
Articles of Association
Joint Venture Agreement
In-house Training Material
Apostille + Divorce Certificate
Certificate of Residence
Various Bills
Tenancy Agreements
Bank Statements
Lease Contract
Payment Receipts
Marriage Certificate
Court Order
Arbitration Notice
Articles of Association
Official Notice
Board Decision
Articles of Association
Protection of Personal Data
Clarification Text on LPPD
Personal Data Processing Inventory
Multiple Email Exchanges
Certificate of Incorporation
Signature Circulars
Board Decisions
Certificate of Incumbency
Power of Attorney
Translation of Passports
Procurement Agreement
Logistics Optimization Contract
Technical Specification
Translation of Diploma and Its Supplements
Translation of Transcript
Innovation Project Financing
Court Decisions
Board Resolution
Power of Attorney
Business Correspondence
ABOUT ME: Reliability Is My Motto!
I am a freelance Turkish-English translator of Turkish origin with expertise on legal, commercial and academic (Social Sciences) texts. Other than academic articles and book chapters, my area of expertise includes official documentation such as ID cards, marriage certificates, notary certificates, diplomas, transcripts, etc., as well as commercial contracts, clarification texts, confidentiality agreements, financial reports, formal notices, etc. I am a working professional who dedicates his time to translation work. I have been known to be perfect in meeting job deadlines. I have experience on various CAT tools including SDL Trados, Smartcat, Memsource, OneForma, etc. I am also doing subtitling/time coding/transcription for Turkish TV series on a regular basis using the software Subtitle Edit.
I am accustomed to teamwork on translation projects, and so far I have worked as a team member with other translators in several large projects in the automotive industry and financial sector as well.
My profiles:
Keywords: turkish translator, turkish subtitler, academic translator, legal translator, contract translator, commercial translator, marketing translator, english to turkish translator, turkish to english translator, english to turkish academic translator. See more.turkish translator, turkish subtitler, academic translator, legal translator, contract translator, commercial translator, marketing translator, english to turkish translator, turkish to english translator, english to turkish academic translator, turkish to english academic translator, english to turkish audiovisual translator, turkish to english audiovisual translator, english to turkish technical translator, turkish to english legal translator, english to turkish translator in turkey, turkish to english translator in turkey, transcription, data entry. ingilizce-türkçe tercüman, türkçe serbest tercüman, türkiyede ingilizce tercüman, türkçe-ingilizce tercüman, türkçeden ingilizceye tercüman, serbest tercüman, ingilizceden türkçeye serbest tercüman, türkçeden ingilizceye serbest tercüman, akademik serbest tercüman, akademik ingilizce-türkçe serbest tercüman, kontrat tercümesi, resmi belge tercümesi, anlaşma tercümesi, sözleşme tercümesi, pazarlama tercümesi, türkçe, ingilizce, kaliteli akademik tercüme, native turkish freelance translator. Native turkish translator, Turkish translation, legal turkish translation, financial turkish translation, localization and proofreading services, English into Turkish frealancer, Turkish translation services, native turkish linguist, Turkish legislation, Turkish native translation, native turkish speaker, legal turkish translator, Çevirmen, Terms of use, privacy policy, terms of service, English to Turkish translation, bylaws translation, directives, business plan translation, localization services, translation services, insurance, law (contracts), human resources, marketing, internet marketing, business, financial, written translation, IT (information technology), business, general, safety practices, training management, employee recognition and rewards, safety measures, best practices, commerce, IT service management, regulations, contracts, agreements, computers, software, telecommunications, contracts, Coaching, Self-Help, Personal Development, Affidavit, Agreements & Contracts, Assignments, Confidentiality Agreements, Copyright, Patent and Trademark, Deeds, Incorporation documents, Leasing and Real Estate, Power of Attorney, Release, Advertising and Marketing documents, Content and Copyright Agreements, Hosting Agreements, Web Site Notices and End User Agreements, Cookies and Privacy Policies, Service Agreements, Certificates and Notices, Minutes, Resolutions and resignations, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association, Pre-Incorporation Agreement, Shareholders Agreement, Bylaws, Internal Regulations, Shareholders Resolution translation, financial translation, business translation, corporate translation, legal translation, court translation, translation company, translation agency, turkish language solutions, editing services, proofreading.. See less.