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Croatian (monolingual) Serbian (monolingual) Bosnian (monolingual) Dutch to English English to Serbo-Croat Croatian to Serbo-Croat Serbian to Serbo-Croat Bosnian to Serbo-Croat Serbo-Croat to English Croatian to English Serbian to English Bosnian to English Serbo-Croat to Croatian English to Croatian Serbian to Croatian Bosnian to Croatian Serbo-Croat to Serbian English to Serbian Croatian to Serbian Bosnian to Serbian Serbo-Croat to Bosnian English to Bosnian Croatian to Bosnian Serbian to Bosnian Dutch to Serbo-Croat Dutch to Croatian Dutch to Serbian Dutch to Bosnian Serbo-Croat to Dutch English to Dutch Croatian to Dutch Serbian to Dutch Bosnian to Dutch
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Dutch to English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 25 EUR per hour
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English to Croatian: SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MALI : IN THE CASE OF THE PROSECUTOR v. AHMAD AL FAQI AL MAHDI General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English On 24 March 2016, ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I confirmed against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi the war crime charge concerning attacks against historic and religious monuments in Timbuktu, Mali, and committed Mr Al Mahdi to trial. He was a member of Ansar Dine, a movement associated with AQIM, and had worked closely with the leaders of the two armed groups in the context of the structures and institutions they established. Until September 2012, he was the head of the Hesbah (a body set up in April 2012 to uphold virtue and prevent vice). He was also associated with the work of the Islamic tribunal of Timbuktu and involved in executing its decisions.
Translation - Croatian 24 ožujka 2016, MKS predraspavno vijeće I potvrdilo je protiv Ahmada Al Faqi Al Mahdija optužnicu za ratni zločin u vezi napada na povijesne i vjerske spomenike u Timbuktu, Mali, i obvezao g. Al Mahdija na suđenje. Bio je član Ansar Dine, pokreta povezanog sa AQIM-om, i blisko je surađivao sa vođama dviju oružanih grupa u kontekstu struktura i institucija koje su oni osnovali. Do rujna 2012, bio je na čelu Hesbe (tijela uspostavljenog u travnju 2012. radi podržavanja vrline i sprečavanja poroka). Takođe je bio povezan sa radom islamskog suda u Timbuktu i uključen u izvršenje njegovog odlučivanja.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Jan 2020.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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Studying at The Hague University - International & European Law, fully dedicated and experienced to translating mostly files dedicated towards law & political affairs in Dutch, English and Serbo-Croatian with a full knowledge of dialects and slang, interested in becoming experienced in other fields of translation and interpreting.