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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Language instruction, Copywriting, Website localization
Specializes in:
IT (Information Technology)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Computers: Systems, Networks
Internet, e-Commerce
Medical: Cardiology
Computers: Software
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Also works in:
Printing & Publishing
Media / Multimedia
Computers (general)
Automation & Robotics
Cooking / Culinary
Poetry & Literature
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Energy / Power Generation
Environment & Ecology
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Science (general)
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Human Resources
Law: Contract(s)
Law: Taxation & Customs
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Advertising / Public Relations
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Medical: Health Care
Tourism & Travel
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Cosmetics, Beauty
English to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word Italian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word
Payment methods accepted
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Italian: What is TB ? General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English What is TB?
“TB” is a short name for a disease called tuberculosis and it is spread by tiny germs that can float in the air. When a person with TB disease coughs, shouts or sneezes they can spray these germs into the air. If another person breathes in these germs, they can get tuberculosis (TB).
TB can make you feel tired, have a cough, fever and night sweats. Most people think that TB can only affect your lungs. Even though 70% of those infected with TB have the germs in their lungs, TB can also infect other places in the body such as the bone, brain or heart.
Some people may have the TB germ in their body, but do not feel sick. This is called latent or “sleeping” TB infection. Others feel sick, and they have active TB disease.
What if I have TB?
You can take medication to stay healthy. TB can be cured! But if you do not take the medication, TB can make you feel very sick. Even if you feel better after you begin taking the medication, do not stop taking the pills until your doctor or nurse tells you to stop. If you stop taking the medication too soon, the TB germ can become harder to fight off. People with active TB work very closely with health care providers to make sure they get the right treatment and feel better.
Translation - Italian Che cos’è la TBC?
"TBC" è un'abbreviazione per una malattia chiamata tubercolosi ed è diffusa da minuscoli microbi che possono galleggiare nell'aria. Quando una persona affetta da tubercolosi tossisce, grida o starnutisce, può diffondere questi germi nell'aria. Se un'altra persona respira questi germi, può infettarsi di tubercolosi (TBC).
La tubercolosi può provocare sintomi di stanchezza, tosse, febbre e sudorazione notturna. Molte persone pensano che la TBC possa attaccare solo i polmoni. Sebbene il 70% delle persone infette da TBC presentino i germi nei polmoni, la tubercolosi può anche infettare altre parti del corpo come ossa, cervello o cuore.
Alcune persone possono avere contratto la TBC, ma restare asintomatiche. Questo tipo d'incubazione è denominato TBC latente o "dormiente". Altri si sentono male, e sviluppano i sintomi attivi dell’infezione da TBC.
Cosa posso fare, se contraggo la TBC?
Puoi assumere farmaci per restare sano. La tubercolosi può essere curata! Ma se non segui una terapia farmacologica, la tubercolosi può provocarti sintomi molto gravi. Anche se ti senti meglio dopo aver iniziato ad assumere il farmaco, non interrompere l'assunzione delle medicine fino a quando il medico o l'infermiere non diranno di smettere. Se interrompi l'assunzione dei farmaci troppo presto, il germe della TBC può diventare più difficile da debellare. Le persone affette da tubercolosi attiva collaborano a stretto contatto con gli operatori sanitari, per assicurarsi che ricevano il trattamento terapeutico appropriato e si sentano meglio.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Jul 2020.
Currently living and working in Italy, I've been working for a good part of my life in the ICT Industry as a Sales Manager but I recently changed my career to turn my biggest passion into my new job: being a free-lance writer. I can provide editing and/or web content and creative writing services. Being fluent in English, I've worked as an interpreter and translator for corporate clients, in different indutries such as food, science, automotive and ICT, translating web contents or commercial/legal docs from English to Italian and from Italian to English.