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Portuguese to English: Abstrac (Pediatrics) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Portuguese Objetivo: avaliar os resultados perinatais de recém-nascidos com índice de Apgar zero no primeiro minuto de vida.
Metodologia: estudo com delineamento caso-controle, realizado no período de Maio/1998 a Junho/2007, em que foram avaliadas variáveis maternas, fetais e neonatais. Os dados obtidos foram inseridos e analisados no SPSS 16.0, mediante o uso de testes não-paramétricos, médias, desvios padrões, percentuais e freqüência. Adotou-se o nível de significância de 5%.
Resultados: dos 15.616 nascimentos ocorridos no período citado, 29 (0,2%) apresentaram índice de Apgar zero no 1º minuto de vida (casos). Esses foram comparados aos 92 nascimentos (controles) ocorridos imediatamente aos casos. Ao se comparar casos e controles observaram-se maior índice de partos cesáreos (69% vs. 46,7%;
Translation - English Objective: To assess the perinatal results of newborns with zero Apgar score in the 1st minute of life.
Methods: Case-control study conducted from May 1998 to June 2007. We assessed maternal, fetal, and neonatal variables. Data were entered into and analyzed using the SPSS 16.0 by means of nonparametric tests, means, standard deviation, percentages, and frequency. The significance level was set at 5%.
Results: Of the 15,616 births occurring during the above mentioned period, 29 (0.2%) had zero Apgar score in the 1st minute of life (cases). These cases were compared with 92 births (controls) taking place immediately after the cases. The comparison between cases and controls showed a higher rate of cesarean deliveries (69% vs 46.7%; < 0.05), younger gestational age (34.8±5.5 vs 38.5±2.5; < 0.0001), hemorrhagic amniotic fluid (27.6% vs 17.2; < 0.0001), fetal weight (2,307.4±958.3 vs 3,068.9±609.3; < 0.0001), 5th-minute Apgar score (2.5±2.0 vs 8.9±0.7; < 0.0001), pH of umbilical artery (7.007±0.21 vs 7.206±0.08; < 0.0001), need of NICU (n = 29, 100%), and early and late neomortality rate (n = 12; 41.4%), respectively.
Conclusion: The perinatal assessment of newborns with zero Apgar score in the 1st minute of life showed a higher rate of operative deliveries and preterm fetuses with low birth weight. Acidosis resulting from apparent death and low fetal pH also explains the higher need of neonatal intensive care therapy corroborated by the high rates of resuscitation and neurologic impairment, low 5th-minute Apgar score, and high rate of early and late neomortality.
Portuguese to English: Abstract (Psychiatry) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Portuguese Resumo
Introdução: O grande número de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica e que, no pós-operatório, apresentam complicações psicológicas e psiquiátricas justificam uma investigação pré-operatória acurada, bem como categorização daqueles que se submeterão ao procedimento cirúrgico, visando predizer eventuais complicações e individualizar condutas psicológicas que possam favorecer a adesão do paciente. A avaliação psicodinâmica pode fornecer elementos para tal categorização e, assim, propor estratégias de abordagem pré e pós-operatórias eficazes. Procuramos identificar estruturas de personalidade que possam orientar o acompanhamento pós-operatório, bem como critérios auxiliares de inclusão/exclusão do procedimento cirúrgico.
Métodos: Relato de pesquisa empírica conduzida em atendimentos a pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica, em grupo terapêutico aberto.
Resultados e discussão: Pacientes, depois de operado, podem passar por determinadas fases de reestruturação emocional, como uma primeira fase de triunfo, seguida de fase de risco para surgimento de quadros melancólicos e de novas adições. Identificamos três categorias estruturais psicológicas: estrutura melancólica, cujos pacientes parecem ter maior possibilidade de desenvolver outras condutas aditivas no pós-operatório, sobretudo alimentares, por não suportarem a frustração pela perda; estrutura desmentalizada, na qual, por faltar uma capacidade elaborativa, o paciente não consegue reorganizar-se frente ao desafio de permanecer com peso controlado e, finalmente, a estrutura perversa, cujos sujeitos mantêm a programada perda de peso, porém a custas de comportamentos que levam desconfortos à equipe de saúde. Estabelecer categorias psicológicas classificatórias pode ser crucial para se proporem condutas no pós-operatório, inclusive indicação de psicoterapia com especialista, visando a individualizar o atendimento, incrementando sucesso terapêutico específico.
Descritores: Obesidade mórbida, cirurgia bariátrica, psicanálise, psicologia médica, psicoterapia de grupo.
Translation - English Abstract
Introduction: The great number of patients undergoing bariatric surgery who have psychological and psychiatric complications during the postoperative period require a thorough preoperative investigation and a categorization with the purpose of predicting possible complications and personalizing psychological care that might favor patient compliance. Psychodynamic assessment may provide data for such categorization and, thus, suggest effective pre- and postoperative approach strategies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify personality structures that may be useful in the postoperative follow-up, as well as additional inclusion and exclusion criteria for the surgical procedure.
Methods: Report of empirical survey conducted during psychotherapy sessions with an open group of patients who underwent bariatric surgery.
Results and discussion: After surgery, patients may experience phases of emotional restructuring, such as an initial phase of feeling triumphant, followed by a phase when there is risk of melancholic behavior and new addictions. We identified three categories of psychological structures: melancholic structure (patients seem to be more likely to develop other postoperative addictive behaviors, mainly eating disorders, since they cannot tolerate the frustration of the loss); dementalized structure (due to the lack of elaborative capacity, patients are unable to reorganize themselves in face of the challenge of keeping their weight under control); and perverse structure (patients comply with the scheduled weight loss; however, their behavior make the health team to experience uncomfortable situations). Establishing psychological categories may be crucial in order to suggest postoperative management strategies, including referral to a psychotherapist with the purpose of providing personalized care, thus increasing specific therapeutic success.
Keywords: Morbid obesity, bariatric surgery, psychoanalysis, medical psychology, group psychotherapy.
English to Portuguese: Personal Profile General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English He has good skills to establish interpersonal relationships and to focus his own and other people's energy on the search of results. He is able to communicate in a clear and transparent manner due to his good level of flexibility and mental openness. These skills aligned to his knowledge of the business allow him to show people his level of confidence, which leads him to enjoy great personal and professional credibility. Regarding the relational area, he presents some characteristics and skills that make it easier for him to establish a positive work environment with his employees and suppliers. He knows how to value his resources and promotes the team's development. He acts in a calm and assertive manner even when facing conflicting situations such as a one-to-one communication. He has good skills to negotiate and is able to deal with different situations and approaches, as well as cultural diversity.
Translation - Portuguese Revela facilidade em estabelecer relações interpessoais e em mobilizar a própria energia e a dos outros para a busca dos resultados. Usa uma comunicação clara e transparente, decorrentes de boa flexibilidade e abertura mental. Estas habilidades, aliadas ao conhecimento que tem do negócio, permitem passar confiança para as pessoas, gozando assim de ótima credibilidade pessoal e profissional. Na área relacional revela características e habilidades que facilitam estabelecer um clima positivo com seus colaboradores e fornecedores. Valoriza seus recursos e promove o desenvolvimento da equipe. Age com tranqüilidade e assertividade mesmo em situações mais conflituosas como na comunicação one-to-one. Evidencia boa capacidade para negociar e é capaz de lidar com as diferentes situações e abordagens, assim como com as diversidades culturais.
English to Portuguese: Surface Vehicle Standard General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English RATIONALE
The modifications to this document are to harmonize the requirements of SAE J1131 and SAE J2494-3 where applicable.
This SAE Standard is intended to establish uniform performance criteria and methods of testing push to connect tube
fittings, with SAE J844 air brake tubing as used in vehicular air brake systems.
The specific tests and performance criteria applicable to the tubing are set forth in SAE J844. The test values contained
in this performance standard are for test purposes only. For environmental and usage limitations, see SAE J844.
1.1 General Requirements
a. Test temperature shall use ±3 °C as the test tolerance range.
b. Ambient temperature shall be 24 °C.
c. All test times are minimum times unless otherwise specified.
d. Dry Air shall be a minimum of –50 °C dew point.
e. Tubing shall be cut square at 90 degrees ± 7 degrees.
f. Precondition all test specimens at 700 kPa ± 70 kPa for 30 s without any leakage.
g. New specimens shall be used for all tests.
Translation - Portuguese 1. ESCOPO
Esta Norma SAE tem o objetivo de estabelecer critérios e métodos de desempenho uniforme para teste de conexões tubulares do tipo encaixe universal através da norma SAE J844 para tubulação de freio de ar utilizada em sistemas de freio de ar veicular.
Os testes específicos e os critérios de desempenho aplicáveis à tubulação estão estabelecidos na norma SAE J844. Os valores dos testes contidos nesta norma de desempenho devem ser usados somente para testes. Para saber mais sobre limitações ambientais e de uso, consulte a norma SAE J844.
1.1 Requisitos Gerais
a. A temperatura de teste deve considerar ±3 °C como a variação de tolerância de teste.
b. A temperatura ambiente deve ser de 24 °C.
c. Todos os tempos de teste são tempos mínimos, a não ser quando especificado em contrário.
d. O ar seco deve estar no mínimo em ponto de condensação a -50 °C.
e. A tubulação deve ser cortada em quadrados a 90 graus ± 7 graus.
f. Todas as amostras de teste devem ser pré-condicionadas a 700 kPa ± 70 kPa por 30 s sem qualquer vazamento.
g. Amostras novas devem ser usadas em todos os testes.
English to Portuguese (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, verified) Portuguese to English (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, verified) Italian to Portuguese (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, verified)
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I'm an English to Portuguese and Italian to Portuguese translator specializing in Life Sciences.
My other fields
of work are Finance, Corporate Communications, Human Resources, and Marketing.
I have over
20 years of experience as an EN<>PTBr translator. Since 1996, I've been
working as a freelance translator. I have experience translating in the
following fields: HR, Marketing, Corporate Management, Finance, Medicine, Pharmacy, and IT. I have a Bachelor's degree in Translation English-Portuguese
and Italian-Portuguese.
I worked as an Editorial Assistant and Project Manager for 5 years. I worked
with scientific journals of Pediatrics, Vascular Diseases and Psychiatry. As a
project manager, I managed translation and proofreading projects in the fields
of Corporate Management, Law, Engineering, Finance, IT, Marketing, Medicine,
Telecom, and Metallurgy. I also worked as an in-house translator for 8 years. I
translated and proofread medical/dentistry articles for major Brazilian and
international journals.
my years of translation experience and my proven academic abilities I believe I
have a lot to offer to clients. Please, feel free to contact me in case
you need any further information.
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