Working languages:
Italian to Latvian
English to Latvian
Latvian to English

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Local time: 00:48 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Latvian Native in Latvian, Russian Native in Russian
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Eva is a freelance translator living and working in Latvia. She works in English - Latvian and Italian - Latvian language pairs. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science awarded by the University of Latvia. She has also taken various translation related courses at the University College of Ventspils (Latvia) and an intensive subtitling course (by dr Marcella de Marco) at the London Metropolitan University.

In 2000 she started working as a part-time freelance translator for a local trade company translating user manuals of different household appliances. 3 years spent working at the Ministry of Finance of Latvia (2003 - 2007) gained her the skills necessary for organizing different events and working with people from different national and cultural backgrounds. During this time she also continued doing different translations (related to Internal Auditing, European Union and anti-fraud issues).
From 2007 she is a full-time freelancer collaborating with several European translation agencies, direct clients and a local charity.

Now Eva specializes in tourism related, audiovisual and general translations. Some of the projects she has worked on include TV series like Bones, Friends, Vampire Diaries, Mad Men, Two and a Half Men, Da Vinci's Demons and others, TV shows like Fear Factor and Top Gear and movies like Atonement; I, Robot; Malena; Casanova; Conan The Barbarian; Quantum of Solace; Rear Window and many others. Her other recent projects include translations of various hotel brochures for a major hotel reservation website and localization of the website for a well-known company producing oral health care products.

She is an expert user of both MS Office programs (like Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and Apple applications like Pages, Numbers and Keynotes. Her CAT of choice is Wordfast and she is familiar with Google Translator Toolkit (GTT). The subtitling projects she has done have been performed by using GTS, PMWin and Swift. She is also familiar with basic HTML codes.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 88
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
English to Latvian58
Italian to English18
Latvian to English8
Italian to Latvian4
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences8
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Government / Politics12
Education / Pedagogy8
Medical (general)8
Law (general)7
Food & Drink4
Electronics / Elect Eng4
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Keywords: Latvian native speaker, internal audit, travel, tourism, cosmetics, beauty, general, italian, film translation, movie translation. See more.Latvian native speaker, internal audit, travel, tourism, cosmetics, beauty, general, italian, film translation, movie translation, subtitling, multimedia translation, traduzione televisiva, traduzione film, sottotitolaggio, traduzione Italiano-Lettone, turismo, pubblica amministrazione, lettone lingua madre, traduttore lettone. See less.