Working languages:
French to English
English to French

précision et qualité

Local time: 07:32 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English Native in English, French Native in French
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Personal Profile

I studied medical technology for two years and continued to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in biological science from Lake Superior State College, Michigan, USA. I went on to the UK to work in archaeology before returning to school to study computer science. My master's thesis (U York, UK) concerns the conception of a botanical database as a component of a larger knowledgebase. My doctoral research in comparative anatomy was conducted at the Sorbonne and funded through consultancy work as a technical editor for Unesco. I now live in France where I teach at the University of South Brittany.
Keywords: scientific , technical, editing, copyediting, proofing, medical expertise, copywriting

Profile last updated
Jan 17, 2018

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