Member since Nov '06

Working languages:
English to German

Doreen Schäfer
Technical translator & editor – EN>DE

Local time: 03:59 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German Native in German
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Be it the handbook for your state-of-the-art production plant, the fancy website of your new business, or the latest patch for your amazing MMO:

Diversity in style is my passion!

As a technically skilled translator and creative editor I make sure that all your contents hit the mark(et). Because I will not only translate, but also localise and transcreate your texts into my native language: German.

Any doubts, that your existing documents are not suitable for the intended audience? No problem! Let me proof-read and edit it. I will find the unique style for your unique solutions.

After a 4 year employment as a foreign language correspondent in 2005 I finally made the decision to fully switch to the language industry. During a decade as a freelance and in-house translator as well as a localisation supervisor I got to know the processes on both sides: organisation as well as implementation of translation projects.

Over 2 million words translated as a technical translator provided an extensive insight in my current fields of specialisation: IT, software, hardware, automation as well as mechanical and industrial engineering.

Furthermore, I may add 1 million words in the entertainment industry. Working more than 2 years in the localisation department of a game publisher in China, I could additionally gain a comprehensive background knowledge of the development and publication of video games.

Another over 1.5 million words translated in this sector literally tell its own tale.

Being a member of the IAPTI (International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters) you may have the peace in mind, that all your contents will be handled according to the industry’s best practices.

If you would like to know more about me and my services, please check out my website or my other networking profiles on Xing or LinkedIn.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 114
PRO-level pts: 110

Top languages (PRO)
German to English54
English to German48
French to German8
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Engineering (general)28
Mechanics / Mech Engineering15
Construction / Civil Engineering12
Electronics / Elect Eng8
Law: Contract(s)8
Engineering: Industrial7
Pts in 6 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Doreen, Schäfer, Schaefer, freiberuflich, Übersetzer, Übersetzerin, Übersetzung, Lokalisierung, Editieren, Umschreiben. See more.Doreen, Schäfer, Schaefer, freiberuflich, Übersetzer, Übersetzerin, Übersetzung, Lokalisierung, Editieren, Umschreiben, Korrekturlesen, Lektorat, Transkription, Sprachen, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Gaming, Computerspiele, Videospiele, Spiele, Konsole, Konsolen, Website, Websites, Technik, Informationstechnologie, Automation, Computer, Konstruktion, Mechanik, Abenteuer, Ego-Shooter, Strategie, Abenteuer, Puzzle, Rätsel, Jump'n'Run, Plattform, Stil, Bedienungsanleitung, Beschreibung, Dokumentation, freelance, translator, translation, localization, localisation, editing, edit, proof-reading, proofreading, correction, lectorate, transcribe, transcription, languages, English, French, German, technology, IT, engineering, mechanics, games, gaming, video games, computer games, console, consoles, computer, PC, MMO, MMORPG, RPG, adventure, FPS, action, strategy, riddle, platform, platformer, style, instruction manual, operating manual, specification, documentation, manuals, traductrice, anglais, allemand, langues, jeux vidéo, jeu vidéo, jeux d'ordinateur, jeu d'ordinateur, site web, console de jeu, technologie, technologie de l'information, ordinateur, ingénierie, mécanique, mode d'emploi, description, documentation. See less.

Profile last updated
Jul 19, 2024

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