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Business, law, marketing & technology. In flawless Czech.
Account type
Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified member This translator helped to localize into Czech
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Copywriting, Training
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Advertising / Public Relations
Internet, e-Commerce
IT (Information Technology)
Computers (general)
Engineering (general)
Also works in:
Automation & Robotics
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Computers: Hardware
Computers: Software
Computers: Systems, Networks
Electronics / Elect Eng
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Cooking / Culinary
Furniture / Household Appliances
Finance (general)
Engineering: Industrial
Tourism & Travel
Law: Taxation & Customs
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Energy / Power Generation
Government / Politics
Media / Multimedia
Human Resources
Investment / Securities
International Org/Dev/Coop
All accepted currencies
Euro (eur)
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer
Year established
Currencies accepted
Czech koruny (czk), Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Czech: My award-winning translation from the Third Translation Contest Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - English The problem of being awkward with introductions is not, for many, an “unusual situation.” You may find that you are often uncertain about whether to introduce someone using their first name, last name, or both; about whether to use a qualifier (“this is my friend, ______”); even about whether or not it is in fact your responsibility to introduce two people in a given situation. But all of this is small potatoes compared with the seemingly inevitable mingling nightmare of having to introduce someone whose name you have forgotten.
It’s one thing to forget someone’s name if you’ve met them only once or twice, or if you haven’t seen them in a while. But all too often it’s someone whose name you really should know, and who is going to be insulted to find out you don’t. In other words, a faux pas in the making.
This is absolute agony when it happens, and I’ve watched hundreds of minglers try to deal with different ways, ranging from exuberant apology (“Oh GOD, I’m so sorry, JEEZ, wow, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten your name!”) to throwing up their hands and walking away. But there are better ways to deal with this kind of mental slip. Next time you draw a blank while making introductions, try the following ploy:
Force them to introduce themselves. This is the smoothest and most effective way to handle your memory lapse. When it’s done well, no one will ever suspect you. If you have forgotten one person’s name in the group, turn to that person first and smile. Then turn invitingly to a person whose name you do remember and say, “This is Linden Bond,” turning back casually toward the forgotten person. The person whose name you haven’t mentioned yet will automatically (it’s a reflex) say “Nice to meet you, Linden, I’m Sylvia Cooper,” and usually offer a hand to shake.
Translation - Czech Trapné pocity spojené s představováním nejsou pro řadu lidí ničím nezvyklým. Snadno se vám stane, že váháte, jestli máte někoho představit jen jménem, nebo příjmením, anebo obojím, jestli ke jménu máte přidat ještě nějaké další slovo (například „tohle je můj kamarád, ______“), nebo zda je vůbec na vás, abyste v určité situaci dva lidi představovali. Tohle všechno jsou ale malichernosti v porovnání s noční můrou, že máte představit člověka, jehož jméno jste zapomněli.
Zapomenout jméno někoho, s kým jste se setkali jednou nebo dvakrát v životě nebo koho jste už dlouho neviděli, je jedna věc. Mnohdy je to ale člověk, jehož jméno byste opravdu měli znát a který se bude cítit dotčen, když zjistí, že si jeho jméno nepamatujete. Jinými slovy – faux pas je na světě.
Když se něco takového stane, je to úplné utrpení. Viděl jsem už stovky nešťastníků, kteří se s tím snažili nějak vypořádat. Někteří vsadili na dlouhosáhlé omluvy („Bože můj, mně je to tak trapný, téda, to snad vůbec není možný, ale já si na to vaše jméno nevzpomenu!“), jiní se naopak chytli za hlavu a odešli. Selhání paměti se dá překonat ale i lépe. Až budete příště mít při představování okno, zkuste tenhle trik:
Přimějte je k tomu, aby se představili sami. Je to ten nejsnazší a zároveň nejefektivnější způsob, jak zamaskovat výpadek paměti. Pokud to provedete dobře, nikdo vás nebude podezírat. Pokud jste zapomněli jméno jedné z osob ve skupince, otočte se nejdřív na ni a usmějte se. Potom se neméně mile podívejte na člověka, jehož jméno už si pamatujete, a řekněte „Tohle je Jana Bělíková“, zatímco se budete ležérně otáčet zpět k zapomenuté osobě. Člověk, jehož jméno ještě nepadlo, automaticky (je to reflex) řekne „Těší mě, Jano, já jsem Sylva Chlumecká“ a obvykle taky podá ruku.
Translation education
Master's degree - Charles University in Prague
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Oct 2006. Became a member: Jun 2007.
English to Czech (national certification, verified) German to Czech (national certification, verified) German to Czech (Charles University in Prague, verified) German to Czech (Institute of Translation and Interpreting, verified) Czech to English (national certification)
Czech to English (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) English to Czech (Institute of Linguists Educational Trust (Chartered Institute of Linguists)) English to Czech (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) English to Czech (Chartered Institute of Linguists) German to Czech (German Courts) German to Czech (staatlich geprüft)
• Specialized in business, law, marketing & technology.
• 19+ years in professional language services.
• In-house experience from the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) of the European Commission.
• Former researcher at the Czech Language Institute (ÚJČ) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (AV ČR).
• Previously also a lexicographer at Nakladatelství Olomouc, co-author of German<>Czech dictionaries.
• MA in Czech & German linguistics & legal translation qualification from Charles University in Prague. MBA in Pricing & Strategy from the University of Rochester. Also educated in New Zealand (University of Otago), Germany (Humboldt-Universität) & Canada (ELS Toronto).
• Chartered Linguist (CL), Diploma in Translation (DipTrans, English>Czech), assessed by the UK’s Institute of Translators and Interpreters (ITI, English>Czech, Czech>English, German>Czech).
• Certified as an English & German translator by national authorities in Czechia and as a Czech translator by national authorities in Germany.
• Sworn German<>Czech translator in Czechia & Germany.
• Certified advanced user of SDL Trados Studio & MultiTerm. Other tools supported, too.
• Memberships: Member (MCIL) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), Qualified Member (MITI) of the Institute of Translators and Interpreters (ITI, also grader for new assessment candidates), Voting Member of the American Translators Association (ATA, former Chair of Divisions Committee & Administrator of Language Technology Division), member of the German Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer (BDÜ), member of the French Société française des traducteurs (SFT), member of the Czech Union of Interpreters and Translators (JTP).
• Author of Native-speaker status in the translation services market (2013).
• Conference presentations & webinars on topics of interest to language professionals.
• Organizer of educational & networking events for language professionals (Prague Peer Reviews, LocLunch).
• Digital nomad & passionate traveler (over 100 visited countries).
Keywords: Daniel Šebesta, Daniel Sebesta, DSebesta, DS Translations, Czech translation, Czech translations, Czech localization, Czech IT translation, Czech marketing translation, Czech business translation. See more.Daniel Šebesta, Daniel Sebesta, DSebesta, DS Translations, Czech translation, Czech translations, Czech localization, Czech IT translation, Czech marketing translation, Czech business translation, Czech legal translation, Czech financial translation, Czech technical translation, English to Czech, German to Czech, French to Czech, Übersetzungen Tschechisch, Fachübersetzungen Tschechisch, Lokalisierung Tschechisch, Übersetzung Englisch Tschechisch, Übersetzung Deutsch Tschechisch, Übersetzung Französisch Tschechisch, překlady angličtina, překlady němčina, překlady francouzština, lokalizace angličtina, lokalizace němčina, lokalizace francouzština, marketingové překlady, technické překlady, angličtina čeština, němčina čeština, francouzština čeština. See less.
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