Working languages:
German to English
English to German

James O'Reilly
EN-15038 Quality For Web 2.0/3.0

Ebenweiler, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Native in: English Native in English
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Feedback from
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on Willingness to Work Again info
1 positive review
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Do more than "IT" - Do "I" - Any Questions?
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Project management, Vendor management, Sales, Operations management
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)Engineering (general)
Law (general)Computers: Software
EconomicsEducation / Pedagogy
Engineering: IndustrialEnvironment & Ecology
IT (Information Technology)Media / Multimedia


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Project History 3 projects entered

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Translation education Cross-Cultural Expatriate (German majors in Mechanical Engineering (Energy Technology) & National Economics, German & US Business Administration), Resident in Germany since 1970
Experience Years of experience: 55. Registered at Nov 2003. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
TeamsGoogle Wave Team DE > US-EN
Software Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word,, Adobe Reader, AntiVir, Audacity, Fast-Help, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Heartsome (XML:tm),, Microsoft Frontpage, Microsoft Photodraw, Microsoft Publisher, PGP,, Similis, SimpleCast, Storyboard Tools, TextBridge Pro, TuneUp, Virtual Audio Cable, WordCount,, Powerpoint, STAR Transit, Wordfast
Forum posts 69 forum posts
Events and training
Professional practices James O'Reilly endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
Translations German > US-English

Engineering - Economics - Law

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

A. Introduction

Service Presentation: English, Deutsch - Photoshow: We Try Harder In 3D

I am a US citizen and German-trained in Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing. Energy Technology) & National Economics (Vordiplom), German Business Administration (German Banking, German Tax Administration, German Corporate Law), and US Business Administration (General & Information Management).

I have been living in Southern Germany since 1970, and I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

Since the year 1988, I have been affiliated with the EU Commission as an information consultant, and I readily perform projects as a top-level document author, technical & business writer, business process analyst, translator, and interpreter.

I also provide e-learning services as course developer, author, tutor, consultant or facilitator, as well as change agent for Organizational Development OD projects using Wikis, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Social Networks, and 3D Immersive Worlds.

I am owner and editor of:

- Collaborative Translation (Facebook, Grouply), which ranked No. 9 at Top Ten Social Networks for Education by (2010).

- Immersive Worlds Tool Ranking (Facebook, Grouply), supported by LLL3D, an EU 3D virtual world project of Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union (2010).

- New Adult Learning (Facebook, Grouply), an advanced spin-off version of the social network Adult Learning, created as affiliate of the EU project QUALC Quality Assurance Network for Adult Learning Centers, an EU quality management & e-learning project of Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union (2010).

Bilingual and cross-cultural consulting and adult education as trainer and coach are strengths that you can expect from me, which also extends into cross-faculty bridge-building.

I also provide consulting, training, and translation/interpreting services in 3D immersive & virtual worlds, such as in Second Life and Opensim (Virtual Homeoffice Services, Virtual Help Desks), Mixed Reality (Mixed Reality Workshop Preparation), and other Immersive Environments (Immersive World CAD-CAM).

My Statement of Confidentiality to You (English)

Vertraulichkeitszusage des Übersetzers (Deutsch) Europass Curriculum Vitae (English)

Europass Curriculum Vitae (Deutsch) What's Your Capability Maturity Level for Innovation Diffusion?

- Web 1.0: No TRADOS - proficient in Wordfast and Star Transit.

- Web 2.0: I am presently in a migration process to implement: Wordfast Anywhere, Wordfast Pro/VLTM, PDFescape, and Google Translator Toolkit.

A Wiki Log Protocol for Recommendations & Errors (for the Revisor, Reviewer, Proofreader, and Final Verifier) has been implemented. Tutorial: Wikis in Plain English 3:52 minutes. Less e-mails for collaborative coordination... This video was made because wiki web sites are easy to use, but hard to describe. Subtitled in over 38 languages, meanwhile... The according quality categories of the legend are based on the Translation Quality Index from Lionbridge

- Web 3.0: I am also on the Technological Roadmap towards Collaborative Translation in 3D Immersive Environments (check this IBM Proof-of-Concept video and your 3D return-on-investment in virtual worlds), 3D Virtual Homeoffice.

- Web 4.0: I intend to improve my skill capability maturity to the point of mastering Cloud Computing in conjunction with Grid Computing, and the Language Grid.

B. Your Risk Management... When documentation creation gets pushed to the end of the product life-cycle, with translation following "somehow as smoking gun commodity" behind it, the risk potential of mistakes and customer dissatisfaction is high... How to Write for Translation (English)

Wie Sie übersetzungsgerecht Schreiben (Deutsch)
(Beta-Test: Demnächst sehen Sie die deutsche Version via Wordfast Anywhere)

C. How to Get a Price Quotation... Quotations (offers for a job work contract) are first put forward to you based upon your delivery of preliminarily elicited project specifications and requirements (requirements management) as well as of your forwarding of the relevant documents for evaluation.

C1. Your Registration Process & Spam Risk

C1.1 In the course of your registration, please provide your full contact information in advance. This is a requirement for your quotation!

C1.2 A prior and mutual exchange of registration e-mails also eliminates the risk of my e-mail service provider ranking you as spam, 50MB e-Mail: [email protected]

C1.3 Please establish communications for Instant Messaging under eurominuteman. The World Clock Meeting Planner

C2. To be of purpose, your Requirements Management needs to contain information about the following priorly elicited items: These are Your Quality Targets & Expectations!

- Your Problem Statement
-- My Service Domains (Engineering, Economics, Law)
-- Your Desired Service Types (Translation, Editing, Review, Revision, Proofreading, Final Verification, Interpreting)
-- Your Target Audience

- Your Use Case
-- Translation to US English, not UK English
-- Special Use Cases
--- In conjunction with UK English
--- In conjunction with AutoCAD files

- Your Training Needs Analysis
-- Skills, Knowledge, Experiences

- Your Needs Analysis with respect to the translation contract
-- Hardware & Software & Internet ( Configuration
-- Text & Image & Video Conversion
-- Terminology, Style Guides, Language Register, Information Management

- Your Requirements Analysis
-- Deadline
-- Volume: Wordcount (via FineCount)
-- Level of Difficulty

C3. Online Conversion, Editing & Document Transfer

- Comet Docs (many conversion formats!, unlimited volume, free, PDF-to-DOC, JPG-to-DOC, even to AutoCAD formats!)

- PDFescape (free browser-based PDF editing, max. 100 pages, 10MB)

- Scribd (document archive service plus conversion, unlimited volume, free)

- Convert Corel Draw .cdr Files C4. Derived from this, please choose the category of your inquiry:

Please check these links prior to Your Request-for-Information RFI / Request-for-Quotation RFQ / Request-for-Proposal RFP (especially in the case of British English Revisors, Reviewers & Proofreaders):

C4.1 Your Preparation Check List for Translation Work Package Requirements
in accordance with EN-15038:2006 (English)

Ihre Vorbereitungs-Checkliste für Übersetzungs-Arbeitspacketanforderungen
gemäss EN-15038:2006 (Deutsch) C5. Our Tools C5.1 Your Collaborative Translation Wiki 2.0 in conjunction with Google Sites Tutorial: Wikis in Plain English 3:52 minutes. Less e-mails for collaborative coordination... This video was made because wiki web sites are easy to use, but hard to describe. Subtitled in over 38 languages, meanwhile...

Our Collaborative Quality Management:
Wiki Log Protocol for Recommendations & Errors

(for the Revisor, Reviewer, Proofreader, and Final Verifier)

C5.2 Your Web 2.0 Configuration Management

- 21st Century Collaborative & Synchronous Process Structure 2.0

- Wordfast Anywhere (PDF capable), Wordfast Pro & VLTM
(Web 2.0 based collaborative translation process, translation memory 2.0, dictionary, and glossary), Google Translator Toolkit

- Unified Communications via: eurominuteman (browser-based, 15 language chat translation, group-chat function, mashup with MSN & Yahoo) (browser-based, group-chat function)

- For .pdf file conversion & editing: Directory of e-learning tools / PDFCreator / PDF Toolbox / Doc2PDF Online (mixed: freeware/open source/shareware/online)

- For collaborative & synchronous translation within a .pdf file using the sticky notes function:
FoxIt (freeware), PDF Exchange Viewer (freeware)

- For .pdf file conversion to .doc: ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 (the free trial version converts 50 pages), Social Bookmarking: convert pdf

- For file conversion in various format mixes:, convert file
(web-based, open source)

- Requirements management platform covering requirement management and gathering, tender management & Request-for-Proposals RFPs, sourcing & Request-for-Quotations RFQs: ReqMan (Getting Started Guide, free up to 1 GB, web-based)

- For word/line count in many formats: FineCount (freeware)

- For language conversion metrics: FeeWizard (enables lump-sum pricing of source texts)
(free online word-to-line and source-to-target-text conversion, and vice-versa)

- For file compression: 7-Zip
(free open source software)

- For the transfer of big files:
Your e-mail capacity > My e-mail capacity for 50MB attachments: [email protected]
Document Archive (free shared workspace): Scribd

- Your Internet speed test: Bandwidth meter: NetMeter

- Website Localization: Mirroring: HTTrack (freeware), Translation: OmegaT (open source)

- Website Translation Process: Your Blog for Preliminary Website File Preparation (pending)

- AutoCAD WS (2D DWG/DWF Translation Process): Your Blog for Preliminary AutoCAD File Preparation, 3D Virtual Homeoffice

- Web 2.0 Open Source multi-resource dictionaries:, StarDict, FoxLingo

- MindMap: Proofreader Check List 2.0 (US English is required for Reviewer, Revisor, and Proofreader, plus for all software settings and language registers)

- HR Recruitment & Staffing: Zoho People (article to more resources and links)

- How to Use Twitter Micro-Blogging for Translation Purposes

- Multimedia Players and Add-Ons

D. Your Sample Translation Overview - Ihr Probeübersetzungen-Übersicht

No certifications performed. Patent translations only upon full prior assessment, and no shortcuts in work package requirements management accepted. Capacity: 80 standard pages per week (approx. 12 000 words)

Thank you for following-up on this service...

Best Regards,

James O'Reilly, e-i-consulting


Social Network Overview Roadmap: How To Converge Translation together with Web 2.0/3.0 Virtual World Use Cases (Return-on-Investment) IBM Benchmark - Proof of Concept: Video 1, 2 (3D Mesh Technology for CAD-CAM)

21st Century Collaboration via Google Wave:
[email protected]
(do not use this as email, it is not classic email protocol code!)

We provide Google Wave beta invitations to win/win and matured capability customers and team members. Check the ProZ Collaborative Team:
Google Wave Team DE > EN-US INTEL Introduces 48 Core Cloud CPU

Visit Collaborative Translation on Facebook
or Collaborative Translation on Grouply

or visit my Blog e-i-consulting and Translation,
or my social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, or XING,
or Twitter me 21st Century Bookmarks for Quality Best Practice
Our Unique Market Positioning For You

Google Trends: Skype, Wiki, Blog, Facebook, Twitter Collaborative Use of Wikis for Translation Synchronous Web-Based Author <> Translator Processing Locations of visitors to this page Mo - Fr 8am - 6pm worldwide Get Your World Time Freeware or Online World Clock or Online German Calendar & Holidays

>>> Compute GMT Fixed Time for Global Contract Schedules (please provide the resulting UTC/GMT schedule link within your work package requirements!)


This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects3
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
German to English3
Specialty fields
Finance (general)1
Human Resources1
Automation & Robotics1
Law: Contract(s)1
Computers: Software1
Other fields
Keywords: 3D, Accounting, Administrator, Advertisement, Aerospace, Alliances, American, Analysis, Annual Report, Architecture. See more.3D, Accounting, Administrator, Advertisement, Aerospace, Alliances, American, Analysis, Annual Report, Architecture, Automation, Automobile, Banking, Blog, Building, Business, Business Administration, Business Plan, Cancellation, Ceramic, Change, Chemistry, China, Chinese, Chenglish, Civil Engineering, Coaching, Communication, Computer, Consulting, Continuity, Contract, Controlling, Conversation, Cooperation, Customer, Customs, CV, Data Warehouse, Defense, Deliver, Delivery, Design, Development, DIN, Distance, Diploma, Disaster Recovery, Dispatch, Documentation, Due Diligence, EDP, Education, e-Administrator, e-books, e-Learning, e-Project, eAdministrator, ebooks, eLearning, eProject, Electronics, Employment, EN 15038, Energy Generation, Engineer, Energy, English, Environment, ERP, Executive Management, Expertise, Export, Finances, Financial, German, Germany, Greetings, Groupware, Guarantee, Homeoffice, Hotel, Import, Information, Information Technology, International, Internet, ISO 9000, ISO 9001, IT, ITIL, Job, Jura, Law, Learning, Lecture, Letter, License, Logistics, Maintence, Management, Manual, Manufacture, Manufacturer, Market, Marketing, Material, Materials, Media, Meeting, Military, Multimedia, Non-Disclosure, Organization, Organizational Development, Personnel Management, Plant, Plastics, PR, Press Release, Process, Product Development, Production, Program, Programme, Project, Project Management, Manager, Networking, Ning, Protection, Protocol, Public Relations, Purchasing, QM, QSV, Quality Management, Real Estate, Recruit, Relocation, Restaurant, Report, Research, Risk, Robotics, Safety, Sales, SAP, Science, Second Life, Service, Shipping, Social, SL, Solar, Software, Space Travel, Staff, Supervisory Board, Support, Task, Tax, Taxation, Technology, Telecommunication, Tender, Tool, Tourism, Trade, TQM, Transport, Transportation, Travel, Truck, US, USA, User, Video game, Virtual, Waste, Web 2.0, Webcast, Webcasting, Web design, Wiki, Work certificate, XML, XML:tm. See less.

More translators and interpreters: German to English - English to German   More language pairs