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Sample translations submitted: 3
English to French: Financial statement sample
Source text - English 1. VOTING ON A POLL
1.1 On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy or by corporate representative and a person entitled to more than one vote need not use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way. Unless a poll is duly demanded, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, or not carried by a particular majority, will be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or against the resolution.
Translation - French 1. VOTER POUR UN VOTE NOMINAL
1.1 Dans un vote nominal, les votes sont fait soit en personne, soit par procuration ou soit par représentant(s) de société, et toute personne habilité à représenter plus d’une voix n’a pas besoin d’utiliser toutes ses voix de la même manière. A moins qu’un scrutin ne soit dûment demandé, une déclaration du président disant qu’une résolution a été passée ou passée unanimement ou par une majorité particulière, ou a été défaite par une certaine majorité, sera une preuve concluante du fait sans besoin de preuve du nombre ou de la proportion de votes enregistrés en faveur ou à l’encontre de la résolution.
English to French: Commercial sample
Source text - English Désormais, XXXXX propose à ses clients un nouveau service alliant souplesse et simplicité : la location maintenance.
Ce nouveau service très complet inclut la location d’un parc de jeux avec option d’achat, l’entretien, la maintenance et la possibilité de rotation / transformation périodique des aires de jeux installées.
Ce type de contrat, adapté et personna- lisé pour chaque client, rend l’accès aux nouveaux équipements plus aisé en répartissant le coût sur la durée pluriannuelle du contrat.
Ce nouveau service offre aussi beau- coup de simplicité pour les clients puis que XXXXX prend en charge la totalité de la prestation (installation, entretien, contrôle, maintenance, rotations/transformations, dépose…).
Translation - French From now on, XXXXXX offers to its customers a new service combining flexibility and simplicity: Rental-maintenance.
This new complete service includes the rental of a play area with a purchase option, maintenance, repairs and the possibility to periodically rotate/transform the set-up play areas.
This type of contract adapted to and personalised for each customer, enables easier access to new equipment spreading costs over the duration of pluriannual contract.
This new service offers a lot of simplicity to the customer as XXXXX undertakes the entirety of the service (setting up, maintenance, check up, repairs, rotation/transformations, dismantling, etc).
English to French: Marketing sample
Source text - English In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of XXXXX for the period beginning October 30, 2003 (date of inception) through November 30, 2004, we considered the Company’s internal control in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on internal control.
However, during our audit we became aware of several matters that are opportunities for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency. Below we have summarized our comments and suggestions regarding those matters. This letter does not affect our report dated September 26, 2005, on the financial statements of XXXXX.
Approve an Organization Chart
We were given an organization chart prepared by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. We were advised that it had not been approved by the Board of Directors.
Translation - French Pendant la préparation et l’exécution de notre audit de l’état financier de XXXX pour la période du 30 octobre 2003 (date de prise d’effet) au 30 novembre 2004, nous avons pris en considération les structures internes de contrôle de la société afin de déterminer nos procédures d’audit et ce dans le but d’offrir un avis sur l’état financier et non pour réassurer la société sur la qualité de ses structures de contrôle internes.
Toutefois, au cours de notre audit, nous nous sommes rendu compte qu’il y avait possibilité de renforcer les contrôles internes et l’efficacité des opérations. Nous avons résumé nos remarques et nos suggestions sur ce sujet ci-dessous. Ce document n’affecte en aucune manière notre rapport en date du 26 septembre 2006 sur l’état financier de XXXXX.
Approbation d’un organigramme organisationnel
L’agent d’administration principal de la société nous a fait remettre un organigramme organisationnel qui n’a pas été approuvé par le comité directeur.
English to French (Chartered Institute of Linguists) French to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English (University of Grenoble III) English (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, DejaVu, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Access, Digital Voice Recorder, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress
If you need a project manager to deal with your large projects, please do contact me.
Service offered
Translation Management
File management
File preparation
Resolving technical issues
Page layout
Text extraction
Test implantation
Translation FR>EN
Translation EN>FR
Proofreading FR
Proofreading EN
Areas of expertise
Heavy machinery
User manuals
Maintenance manuals
User guides
I have 15 years of experience in Freelance translation, 3 years of experience in project management in a technical and engineering translation company after having worked 5 years as a history teacher in the UK.
Wide range of vocabulary (news, humanities, psychology and philosophy, education and IT).
Classically trained in British literature, language and civilisation.
All documents provided in the requested format;
Confidentiality guaranteed;
Can provide a perfect DTP rendering of the translation compared to the original
Strict adherence to deadlines as agreed.
Free yourself! Let the expert work for you!
Since March 2007:Full-time Freelance translator and project manager
2004- 2007:Linguist for a translation company specialised in technical and mechanical engineering
1999-2005:collaboration with OCR, AQA and UCLES
1997- 2004:tutor/teacher for history/Gov&Pols up to A-level
1998:collaboration with Trinity Press Ltd working on 3 monthly specialised magazines (Model Mart, Stamp Mart & the Dealer)
1996-1997:MA option British and American civilisation (University of Grenoble III)
1995-1996:BA in British lit., lang. & civ (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Keywords: Project management, Translation, French into English, English into French, Technical engineering, Information Technology (IT), Visual Basic, telecommunications, user manuals, maintenance manual. See more.Project management, Translation, French into English, English into French, Technical engineering, Information Technology (IT), Visual Basic, telecommunications, user manuals, maintenance manual, website, camera, television, software, hardware, electricity, electronic, flow, flowmeter, mining, gas, agri-food, construction, architecture, building, culverts, road, infrastructure, energy, bridge, minerals and ores, DTP, FrameMaker, QuarkXpress, Photoshop, Deja Vu, Cat tool. See less.