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Translation Volume: 1451 words Completed: Apr 2009 Languages:
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Slovenian to English: Navodilo za pripravo vloge za prvo prijavo (notifikacijo) prehranskih dopolnil / Application preparation guidelines relating to first application (notification) for nutritional supplements General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - Slovenian Navodilo za pripravo vloge za prvo prijavo (notifikacijo) prehranskih dopolnil
Za prehranska dopolnila, ki se prvič dajejo v promet na območju Republike Slovenije, velja, da mora proizvajalec, dobavitelj ali uvoznik prehranskega dopolnila o tem obvestiti Ministrstvo za zdravje RS (prijava prehranskih dopolnil) v skladu s Pravilnikom o prehranskih dopolnilih (Ur. l. RS, št. 82/03, 44/04 , 72/05 in 22/07).
Prva prijava se vloži za vsak izdelek posebej, razen če gre za izdelek z istim imenom in sestavo, vendar različnim pakiranjem ali okusom.
Vloga mora vsebovati:
• izvirno embalažo, če izdelek ni proizveden v Sloveniji (če označba na embalaži ni v angleškem jeziku je potrebno priložiti tudi proizvodno specifikacijo v angleškem jeziku)
• ali proizvodno specifikacijo, če je izdelek proizveden v Sloveniji oziroma, če izdelek ni proizveden v Sloveniji, je pa polnjen v embalažo, ki je originalno natisnjena v slovenskem jeziku
• predlog označbe v slovenskem jeziku (deklaracijo) pripravljen v skladu z določbami 7.,8.,9. in 10. člena Pravilnika o prehranskih dopolnilih (Ur. l. RS, št. 82/03, 44/04 , 72/05 in 22/07). in v skladu s Pravilnikom o splošnem označevanju predpakiranih živil (Ur.l. RS, 50/04, 58/04 , 43/05, 83/05, 115/05 in 118/07)
• potrdilo, da gre za prehransko dopolnilo (če ima država sistem prve prijave (notifikacije) dokument o prvi prijavi, drugače potrdilo pristojnega organa, da se izdelek razvršča med prehranska dopolnila (food supplement)), razen za prehranska dopolnila, ki so proizvedena v Republiki Sloveniji
• dokazilo o plačilu upravne takse - 14,18 € (ena vloga, en proizvod).
S spremembo Zakona o upravnih taksah (Ur. l. RS, št. 126/07) se upravne takse plačuje v gotovini, z elektronskim medijem ali drugimi plačilnimi instrumenti.
Navedba upravičenca plačila: Upravna taksa (t. št. 1-10, t. št. 80-82 ZUT) - državne Ljubljana
na račun št.: 01100 - 1000315637, sklic: 11 27650 - 7111002 ali za tujce SWIFT BSLJSI2X, ACCOUNT NUMBER 01100-6300109972, IBAN SI 56 01100-6300109972
Upravni kolki se ne uporabljajo od 01.09.2008.
Vlogo pošljite na naslov:
Ministrstvo za zdravje,
Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Sektor za varnost in zdravstveno ustreznost hrane
Prijava prehranskih dopolnil
Prehranska dopolnila, ki vsebujejo rastline ali rastlinske izvlečke, morajo biti glede sestave v skladu s Pravilnikom o razvrstitvi zdravilnih rastlin (Uradni list RS, št. 103/08) ter Uredbo (ES) št. 258/97 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. januarja 1997 v zvezi z novimi živili in novimi živilskimi sestavinami. Pri prehranskih dopolnilih, sestavljenih iz vitaminov in/ali mineralov, se upoštevajo tudi najvišje dovoljene količine iz Pravilnika o razvrstitvi vitaminskih in mineralnih izdelkov za peroralno uporabo, ki so v farmacevtskih oblikah, med zdravila (Ur.l. RS, št. 86/08).
V Republiki Sloveniji veljata naslednji temeljni merili za razvrstitev izdelkov v farmacevtskih oblikah (kapsule, tablete, sirupi,...)
• pripisovanje zdravilnih učinkov
• sestava
V Republiki Sloveniji se kot prehranska dopolnila smejo dajati v promet le izdelki:
• ki se jim ne pripisuje zdravilnih učinkov
• s tistimi rastlinami, ki so v Pravilniku o razvrstitvi zdravilnih rastlin (Uradni list RS, št. 103/08) razvrščene v kategorijo H
• z vitamini in minerali, katerih dnevni odmerki ustrezajo določilom Pravilnika o prehranskih dopolnilih (Ur. l. RS, št. 82/03, 44/04 in 72/05)
• so označeni, se oglašujejo in strezajo določilom Pravilnika o prehranskih dopolnilih in Zakona o zdravstveni ustreznosti živil in izdelkov ter snovi, ki prihajajo v stik (Uradni list RS, št. 52/00, št. 42/02 in št. 47/04)
Translation - English Application preparation guidelines relating to first application (notification) for nutritional supplements
For nutritional supplements which are put into circulation in the Republic of Slovenia for the first time it should be noted that the producer, supplier or importer of the food supplement must notify the Slovenian Ministry of Health (application for nutritional supplements) in accordance with Food Supplement Regulations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 82/03, 44/04 , 72/05 and 22/07).
A first application should be submitted separately for each product except in the case of a product with an identical name and composition, but with different packaging or flavour.
The application must contain:
• accompanying letter (informant’s address, subject: first application "product name", we are informing you of… enclosed)
• original packaging, if the product was not manufactured in Slovenia (if the text on the packaging is not in English you must also enclose a copy of the product specification in English)
• or a product specification, if the product was manufactured in Slovenia, or if the product was not manufactured in Slovenia but was packaged with material originally printed in Slovene
• proposal (declaration) in Slovene prepared in accordance with paragraphs 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Food Supplement Regulations (O.G. RS, no. 82/03, 44/04 , 72/05 and 22/07) as well as in accordance with the Regulations on General Labelling of Pre-packaged Foodstuffs (O.G. RS, 50/04, 58/04 , 43/05, 83/05, 115/05 and 118/07)
• attestation for the nutritional supplement (if the country has a first application (notification) system this will be a first application document, otherwise attestation from an authorizing body which classifies products including food supplements) - food supplements produced in the Republic of Slovenia excepted
• proof of administration fee payment – €14.18 (one application, one product).
Due to change in the Law on Administration Fees (O.G. RS, no. 126/07) administration fees should be paid in cash, by electronic means or through another method of payment.
Authorized payment declaration: Administration fee (tariff numbers 1-10 and 80-82 of the Administrative Fees Act) – Ljubljana area
Account number: 01100 - 1000315637, reference number: 11 27650 - 7111002 or from outside Slovenia SWIFT BSLJSI2X, ACCOUNT NUMBER 01100-6300109972, IBAN SI 56 01100-6300109972
Official stamps will no longer be used from 01.09.2008.
Send applications to the following address:
Ministrstvo za zdravje,
Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Sektor za varnost in zdravstveno ustreznost hrane
Prijava prehranskih dopolnil
Food supplements which contain plant material or plant extracts must have contents in accordance with the Regulations on Classification of Medicinal Plants (O.G. RS, no. 103/08) and Regulation (EC) no. 258/97 of the European Parliament and Council from 27 January 1997 in connection with new foodstuffs and new food ingredients. Food supplements composed from vitamins and/or minerals are also subject to content limits from Regulations on the Classification of Vitamin and Mineral Products for Oral Use in Pharmaceutical Forms Including Medicine (O.G. RS, no. 86/08).
Classification of products: medicine – nutritional supplements
In the Republic of Slovenia the following aspects are used for classifying products in pharmaceutical forms (capsules, tablets, syrups, etc)
• attribution of effects on health
• composition
In the Republic of Slovenia food supplements are only allowed into circulation if they:
• do not produce adverse health effects
• contain only plant or plant extracts permitted by the Regulations on Classification of Medicinal Plants (O.G. RS, no. 103/08) classified under category H
• contain only vitamins and minerals conforming to RDAs permitted by Food Supplement Regulations (O.G. RS, no. 82/03, 44/04 and 72/05)
• are labelled, advertised and sold according to the Food Supplement Regulations and the Law on Suitability of Foodstuffs, Products and Materials (O.G. RS, no. 52/00, no. 42/02 and no. 47/04)
Russian to English: Полный цикл локализации для лидеров мирового автопрома / Full localization services for world leaders in the car manufacturing industry
Source text - Russian Полный цикл локализации для лидеров мирового автопрома
Компания XXXXX была основана в 1996 году, уже более 12 лет компания оказывает услуги по переводу, локализации и лингвистическому консалтингу для русского, украинского языков, языков стран СНГ, Балтии и Европы.
Одна из основных областей специализации компании – проекты по переводу в сфере автомобилестроения. Выполняется самый широкий спектр лингвистических задач: от перевода пресс-релизов до полного цикла локализации руководств по техническому обслуживанию автомобилей.
Профессиональные знания специальной терминологии в сочетании с профессиональными лингвистическими навыками позволяют сотрудникам компании XXXXX решать самые сложные лингвистические задачи, которые ставят наши клиенты. На этих принципах основано наше сотрудничество с такими компаниями, как BMW, Mitsubishi Motors, Land Rover, Jaguar, Hitachi, Volkswagen и Ford.
Важно отметить, что компания XXXXX работает во всех сегментах автомобилестроения – от тяжелой строительной техники до легковых автомобилей премиум-класса.
Среди производителей тяжелой строительной техники особое место занимает компания Hitachi. Финансово-промышленная группа Hitachi предлагает широкий набор систем, продуктов и услуг в различных секторах рынка, основными из которых являются информационные системы, электронные устройства, энергетическое и промышленное оборудование, бытовая техника, разработки в области современных материалов и услуги по товародвижению.
Начало сотрудничества компании XXXXX и финансово-промышленной группы Hitachi было положено в 2006 году. А уже летом 2007 года была проделана огромная работа в рамках проекта по переводу руководств по техническому обслуживанию к экскаваторам Hitachi. На сегодняшний день переведено около 2 500 000 слов.
В 2006 году было положено начало сотрудничеству с компанией BMW. На сегодняшний день выполнен ряд самых различных проектов – маркетинговые переводы, инструкции и технические руководства. На 2009 год анонсирован солидный пакет заказов, ожидается, что объем выполняемых работ для BMW значительно возрастет.
В 2008 году компания XXXXX выиграла тендер Volkswagen, еще раз продемонстрировав свои уверенные позиции на рынке локализации и перевода.
Мы рады видеть крупные автомобильные компании среди наших заказчиков и продолжаем развивать наши ресурсы для полного удовлетворения требований клиента.
Translation - English Full localization services for world leaders in the car manufacturing industry
The XXXXX firm was founded in 1996 and has been providing translating, localisation and linguistic consulting for Russian and Ukrainian, languages of Europe, the Baltics and CIS states for over twelve years.
One of the company's key fields of specialization is translation in the area of car manufacture. We carry out a wide range of linguistic tasks, from press release translations to a full handbook localization service for technical car maintenance.
Professional knowledge of specialist terminology in combination with professional linguistic skills allow our employees to solve the most difficult of linguistic tasks posed by our clients. Our partnerships with companies such as BMW, Mitsubishi Motors, Land Rover, Jaguar, Hitachi, Volkswagen and Ford have been based on these principles.
It is important to note that XXXXX work in all areas of car manufacture, from industrial construction equipment to premium class cars.
Hitachi occupy a distinct place among producers of industrial construction equipment. The Hitachi financial industrial group offer a wide range of systems, products and services in different market areas, spanning information systems, electronic devices, energy and industry equipment, white goods, development in the field of advanced materials and product distribution.
XXXXX' partnership with the Hitachi financial industrial group was set up in 2006, and by summer 2007 a large volume of work within the framework of a project on technical service manuals for Hitachi excavators had been completed. We have translated in the region of 2 500 000 words for them to date.
In 2006 we began our partnership with BMW. To date we have completed an array of extremely varied projects, from marketing translations to instruction and technical manuals. A strong commission of orders have been announced for 2009 and it is expected that the volume of work carried out for BMW will grow significantly.
In 2008 XXXXX won a tender from Volkswagen, once again demonstrating its firm position in the translation and localisation market.
We are happy to count large automobile companies among our clients and continue to develop our resources for the full satisfaction of our clients' demands.
Slovenian to English: Skupinski pogreb za žrtve potresa / Mass funeral for earthquake victims
Source text - Slovenian Skupinski pogreb za žrtve potresa
Za obnovo potrebnih 1,3 milijarde evrov
V L'Aquili se bodo s spominsko slovesnostjo in skupinskim pogrebom poslovili od žrtev potresa, ki je v ponedeljek prizadel osrednjo Italijo. Vatikan je izjemoma dovolil darovanje maše na veliki petek.
Rim - V Italiji je danes dan žalovanja za 289 žrtvami potresa, ki je v ponedeljek prizadel območje L'Aquile v osrednji Italiji, piše britanski BBC. V L'Aquili bo skupinski pogreb za žrtve potresa - lokalni mediji poročajo, da jih bodo pokopali med 100 in 150. Prvi pogrebi so se sicer začeli že v sredo.
Spomin na žrtve bodo počastili z dvourno slovesnostjo na trgu pri policijski akademiji v L'Aquili. Mašo bosta vodila nadškof Giuseppe Molinari in kardinal Tarcisio Bertone, slovesnosti pa se bosta poleg svojcev žrtev udeležila tudi premier Silvio Berlusconi in predsednik Giorgio Napolitano. Vatikan je izjemoma dovolil darovanje maše na veliki petek, ko se Cerkev spominja Kristusove smrti na križu.
Napolitano za številne žrtve okrivil slabo gradnjo
Italijanski predsednik Giorgio Napolitano je v četrtek obiskal L'Aquilo in opustošeno vas Onna, pa tudi enega izmed šotorskih naselij, v katerem so zavetišče poiskali nekateri izmed 28.000 preživelih, ki so ostali brez doma. Za številne žrtve je obtožil slabo gradnjo, zato je zahteval preiskavo, s katero bi ugotovili, kako je možno, da pri gradnji niso bili upoštevani osnovni standardi. Med modernimi stavbami, ki so se delno ali popolnoma porušile, so namreč tudi bolnica, mestne hiše in univerzitetna poslopja. "Ne smemo si zatiskati oči," je dejal Napolitano.
Franco Barberi, član parlamentarnega odbora za preprečitev velikih nesreč, pa je za italijanski dnevnik Corriere della Sera dejal: "Enak potres v Kaliforniji ne bi ubil niti ene osebe."
Italijanska vlada želi preživelim omiliti finančne težave, zato je odobrila paket denarne pomoči za plačilo najemnin, ukinila pa je tudi plačevanje plina in elektrike za dva meseca. Približno 1000 ocenjevalcev škode je že začelo z ocenjevanjem poslopij, da bi ugotovili, katera so varna za bivanje. Italijanska vlada sicer ocenjuje, da bo za popravilo približno 10.000 poškodovanih stavb potrebnih 1,3 milijarde evrov.
Translation - English Mass funeral for earthquake victims
1.3 billion euros needed for reconstruction
A remembrance service and mass funeral will take place at L'Aquili to pay respect to victims of the earthquake which stunned central Italy on Monday. The Vatican has exceptionally permitted a mass to take place on Good Friday.
There will be mourning today for the 289 victims of the earthquake which struck the L'Aquila region on Monday, report the BBC. There will be a mass funeral for the earthquake victims at L'Aquila, and the local press report that between 100 and 150 people will be buried. The first funerals began on Wednesday.
Tribute will be paid to the victims during a two-hour ceremony at the square next to L'Aquili's police academy. Archbishop Giuseppe Molinari and cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will lead a mass, and in addition to relatives of the victims prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and president Giorgio Napolitano will be present at the ceremony. The Vatican has exceptionally allowed a mass to take place on Good Friday, when the Church remembers Christ's death on the cross.
Napolitano blames poor construction for the number of victims
The Italian president Giorgio Napolitano visited L'Aquila and the devastated village of Onna on Thursday in addition to one of the camps, in which some of the 28 000 survivors left homeless have sought refuge. Poor construction has been blamed for the number of victims and consequently an investigation has been demanded, which would as far as possible determine that basic standards were not adhered to during construction. Modern buildings which were partially or completely destroyed include the hospital, the town halls and a university building. "We daren't close our eyes" stated Napolitano.
Franco Barberi, member of the parliamentary committee for serious accident prevention has told the Italian Corriere della Sera newspaper that "an identical earthquake in California wouldn't have killed a single person".
The Italian government want to ease survivors’ financial difficulties and has approved monetary aid for rent payment, in addition to waiving gas and electricity charges for two months. Approximately 1000 damage assessors have already begun evaluating buildings in order to ascertain which are safe for habitation. The Italian government have also estimated that 1.3 billion euros will be required to repair approximately 10 000 damaged buildings.
Russian to English: Водители Пекина саботируют подготовку к Олимпиаде / Beijing’s drivers sabotage Olympic preparations
Source text - Russian Водители Пекина саботируют подготовку к Олимпиаде
Китайские власти рекомендовали водителям в более чем 100 городах Китая в течение одного дня не пользоваться своими автомобилями, чтобы снизить загрязненность воздуха накануне летних Олимпийских игр 2008г. в Пекине.
Однако большинство автомобилистов, судя по всему, на рекомендации внимания не обратило: улицы китайской столицы, как обычно, заполнились длинными пробками. Ситуация в других городах была похожей, сообщает Би-би-си. "Все как всегда. Не вижу вообще никакой разницы", - сказал один из таксистов в Пекине.
Многие страны мира призвали водителей оставить свои машины дома 22 сентября. В этом году впервые в этой природоохранной инициативе участвует Китай.
На улицах некоторых китайских городов власти перекрыли движение с семи утра до семи вечера. Но если принять во внимание, что воздержание от передвижения на четырех колесах должно было стать добровольным, "день без машин" в Китае явно не удался.
В августе 2007г. экологические шаги официального Пекина были намного более решительными: тогда в течение четырех дней около 1 млн автомобилей не могли выехать на улицы китайской столицы.
Таким образом власти проверяли, что можно сделать, чтобы сделать воздух чище для проведения Олимпийских игр, некоторые дисциплины которых будут проходить на улицах китайской столицы.
Международный олимпийский комитет уже предупредил, что если во время велогонок или марафонского забега в Пекине будет нечем дышать от автомобильных выхлопов, эти состязания придется переносить. Все больше жителей Китая задумываются над проблемами охраны окружающей среды, но для властей более важным по-прежнему остается стабильный экономический рост. Китайская промышленность является одной из самых "грязных" в мире, и на ее долю приходится значительная часть мировых выбросов парниковых газов.
В немалой степени загрязненности китайских городов способствует бурный рост промышленности и благосостояния жителей, все больше которых обзаводятся личным транспортом. В июле 2007г. производство автомобилей в Китае выросло на 32,7% по сравнению с соответствующим периодом прошлого года. Обычные китайцы тем временем осуждают резкое увеличение количества автомобилей не столько из-за вреда для окружающей среды, сколько из-за огромных пробок, парализующих движение в городах.
Translation - English Beijing’s drivers sabotage Olympic preparations
Chinese authorities recommended that drivers in more than one hundred Chinese towns leave their cars at home for one day in order to lower air pollution for the start of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.
However, it appears that the majority of motorists paid no attention to the recommendation. As usual, the Chinese capital’s streets were filled with long traffic jams. The situation in other towns was similar, reports the BBC. “It’s all as it usually is. I see absolutely no difference” said one Beijing taxi driver.
Many countries worldwide appeal to drivers to leave their cars at home on the 22 September. This year China took part in the environmentally friendly initiative for the first time.
Authorities shut off traffic from seven a.m. until seven p.m. on the streets of some Chinese towns. However, if the fact that abstaining from four-wheeled transportation had to be voluntary is taken into account it is clear that China’s “no car day” failed.
In August 2007 Beijing Council’s ecological measures were considerably more determined. At that time approximately one million vehicles were prohibited from driving out onto the streets of the Chinese capital for four days. In this way the authorities tested what could be done in order to make the air cleaner for the conducting of the Olympic Games, some disciplines of which will take place on the streets of the Chinese capital.
The International Olympic Committee has already warned that if it is difficult to breathe due to vehicle emissions during the marathon run or cycle races in Beijing then these competitions will have to be postponed.
Chinese citizens are thinking more and more about the issues of protecting the environment, but for the authorities stable economic growth remains still more important. Chinese industry is one of the “dirtiest” in the world, accounting for a significant portion of world greenhouse gas emissions.
Rapid growth in industry and in the prosperity of inhabitants has promoted the pollution of Chinese towns in a significant way. More and more citizens are providing themselves with personal transport. In July 2007 the production of cars in China grew by 32.7% compared to the corresponding period last year. In the meantime the average Chinese person condemns the sharp increase in the number of vehicles not so much due to environmental damage but more because of the enormous jams that bring traffic in towns to a standstill.
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Mar 2008.
If you’re seeking out a quality translator for a Slovenian, Russian or French to British English project then look no further.
I completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Slovenian at the University of Nottingham in 2009 following a BA in French and Russian and went on to spend 18 months as a media analyst covering Slovenia for Esmerk UK, which has furnished me with a sound knowledge of Slovenian business and financial terminology.
My main areas of work are legal and business, mostly covering contracts, Slovenian national legislation and business correspondence. Key projects have included work for the Department of Work and Pensions in the UK and for the official EU Portal at
Please contact me at [email protected] or telephone me to discuss your requirements.
My CV is available on request.
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