Working languages:
Spanish to French
Arabic to French
Spanish to Arabic

9 years experience, also a journalist

Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
Local time: 22:44 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Arabic Native in Arabic, French Native in French
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Freelance translator, 9 years experience, also a journalist, Translation mainly from:
1. Spanish to Arabic
2. Spanish to French
3. Arabic to French
4. French to Arabic
5. English to French.

1500-2000 words per day, flexibility.

Rates from USD $0.10 - $0.12 depending on volume, complexity and deadline.

French and Arabic native speaker. Excellent Spanish skills.

Journalistic and editorial translation, Literary translation, Social and political translation, Fitness and sport.

Adobe Arobat, Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, CD-Rom and online dictionaries and glossaries.
Keywords: Journalistic and editorial translation, Literary translation, Social and political translation.

Profile last updated
Feb 28, 2011

More translators and interpreters: Spanish to French - Arabic to French - Spanish to Arabic   More language pairs