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Sample translations submitted: 2
Portuguese to English: JAPANESE RESTAURANT MENU (Sample)
Source text - Portuguese SASHIMI MIX
Cortes precisos e uniformes da parte nobre de peixes crus e tentáculos de polvo cozido. Estes peixes têm manuseio, armazenamento e corte dos filés diferenciados para não danificar a textura da carne. Todos extremamente frescos e de excelente procedência.
Filé grelhado superficialmente, fatiado e marinado ao molho (ponzu) a base de shoyu, limão e gengibre. Para realçar o sabor, cebola e cebolinha finamente picadas. Um toque de gergelim torrado completa o sabor.
Enrolado de arroz com alga (nori) que pode receber várias opções de recheio: salmão, atum, pepino, kani-kama, camarão, tuna salad (atum cozido e temperado com maionese e cebolinha).
Enrolado de arroz, por fora ricamente aromatizado com gergelim torrado. A alga (nori) fica no interior do enrolado e pode receber várias opções de recheios: salmão e cebolinha, Califórnia, atum, camarão, tuna salad (atum cozido e temperado com maionese e cebolinha) e salmon skin (pele de salmão grelhada, cebolinha e cream cheese).
Translation - English SASHIMI MIX
Noble parts of raw fish and cooked octopus tentacles precisely and uniformly sliced. In order to maintain the meat texture, the fish are distinctively handled, stored and filleted. They are all extremely fresh and from excellent origin.
Slightly broiled beef fillet sliced and marinated in a sauce (ponzu) prepared with soya sauce, lemon and ginger. Flavor is enhanced with finely chopped onions and chives. A touch of toasted sesame completes the flavor.
Rice ball wrapped in seaweed (nori) that can be prepared with a number of filling options: salmon, tuna fish, cucumber, kani-kama, shrimp, tuna salad (cooked tuna fish seasoned with mayonnaise and chives), and salmon salad (cooked salmon seasoned with mayonnaise and chives).
Rice balls richly aromatized in the outer side with toasted sesame seeds. The seaweed (nori) is in the inner part of the wrap and can be filled with a number of options: salmon and chives, California, tuna fish, shrimp, tuna salad (cooked tuna fish seasoned with mayonnaise and chives), salmon salad (cooked salmon seasoned with mayonnaise and chives), and salmon skin (grilled salmon skin, chives, and cream cheese).
Portuguese to English: Terra
Source text - Portuguese A humanidade é parte de um vasto universo em evolução. A terra, o nosso lar, esta viva, como uma comunidade de vida única. Mas as bases da segurança global estão ameaçadas, estas tendências são perigosas, mas não inevitáveis.
Devemos escolher o nosso futuro. A escolha é, formar uma aliança global para cuidar da terra e uns aos outros ou arriscar a nossa destruição.
Nossos desafios ambientais, econômicos, políticos, sociais e espirituais estão interligados. São necessárias mudanças fundamentais dos nossos valores, instituições e modos de vida. Devemos decidir viver, com sentido de responsabilidade universal, identificando-nos com toda comunidade terrestre, bem como com nossa comunidade local.
O espírito de solidariedade humana,e de parentesco com toda a vida, e fortalecido quando vivemos com reverência o mistério da existência, com gratidão o dom da vida e com humildade o lugar que o ser humano ocupa na natureza.
Portanto, juntos na esperança devemos firmar 4 grandes princípios:
1. Respeitar a terra e a vida em toda a sua diversidade, cuidando da comunidade da vida.
2. Cuidar da comunidade da vida, com compreensão, compaixão e amor.
3. Construir sociedades democráticas, que sejam justas, participativas, sustentáveis e pacíficas.
4. Garantir as dádivas e a beleza da terra para as atuais e futuras gerações
Para poder cumprir estes 4 amplos compromissos é necessário, Integridade Ecológica.
Translation - English Humanity is part of a vast evolving Universe. Earth, our home, is alive and sustains a unique community of life. Despite global safety foundations being endangered, the consequent treacherous tendencies are not inevitable.
Therefore, we must decide what our future will be. Our choice is to build a global alliance to watch over the Earth and care for each and every one or else, take the risk of self destruction.
Our environmental, economical, political, social and spiritual challenges are interwoven. Fundamental changes of our values, institutions and way of life are needed. We must make a decision to live by a universal sense of responsibility, identifying ourselves with the world’s community, as well as with our local community.
Human and kinship solidarity to life is strengthen when we conduct our lives by revering the mystery of existence, thanking for the gift of life, and humbly acknowledge the place human beings occupy in Nature.
Hence, together with trust, we must undersign 4 great principles:
1. Respect Earth and life with all its diversity, heed the community of life.
2. Watch over the community of life with thoughtfulness, compassion and love.
3. Build democratic societies that are just, participative, sustainable and pacific.
4. Secure Earth’s gifts and beauty for present and future generations.
Ecological Integrity is necessary to fulfill these 4 broad commitments.
I am Brazilian-American, bilingual at a very early age.
I hold a BS in Pharmacy & Biochemistry, specialized in Clinical Chemistry, University of São Paulo and an MS in Agriculture(ESALQ/USP)in Plant and Soil Nutrition. I worked at CENA/USP and PLANALSUCAR/IAA with sugarcane plant cell tissue culture. Then we moved to Brasília, where I worked at CENARGEN/ EMBRAPA, learning new techniques in plant cell culture with the advice of visiting French researchers. Back to São Paulo, we started a tiny company that aimed at producing plant clones and successfully developed a process to clone Brazilian palm trees and also carried out studies in eucalyptus cloning techniques.
Writing, translating and proofreading scientific papers was part of my scientific career. At a certain point, my translation skills were requested by colleagues and companies.
In 2000, I was sworn in as a public translator and interpreter for the English language by the Trade Board of the State of São Paulo.
Most of my clients are agrochemical companies and researchers, and jobs usually involve scientific papers in the medical, biological, biochemical, chemical, toxicological and environmental areas. As a sworn translator, I have clients from a number of different areas such as the automotive industry, medical centers, transcripts, documents of all sorts ....
Keywords: scientific papers, medical area, toxicology, environmental norms, chemistry related to environment, risk assessment, pesticides, official documents, sworn translator, artigos científicos. See more.scientific papers, medical area, toxicology, environmental norms, chemistry related to environment, risk assessment, pesticides, official documents, sworn translator, artigos científicos, área médica, normas ambientais, toxicologia, tradução juramentada, tradutora pública, genetics, molecular biology, chemistry, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, genética, biologia molecular, química, agroquímica, confidential documents, documentos confidenciais. See less.
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