Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 9 '13 fra>eng rebonds bounces pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '13 esl>eng Legalizacion legalisation pro closed no
4 Nov 16 '13 eng>eng force (its) way to the surface become (more widely) known pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '13 esl>eng numero de matricula student (ID) number pro open no
- Nov 8 '13 esl>eng el ciclo de bachillerato general (Senior) High School (cycle) pro open no
- Oct 7 '13 fra>eng niveau de lecture (offer readers) different ways to respond to a text pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '13 fra>eng instance responsable devant les citoyens a body which is (more) accountable to citizens pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '13 fra>eng malade de l'exercice du pouvoir is sick from the exercise of it pro closed no
- Sep 25 '13 esl>eng paraje hamlet or place pro just_closed no
- Sep 21 '13 fra>eng obtenir un non-droit (with) a total disregard for law pro closed ok
4 Sep 18 '13 eng>eng the apparent anomaly the puzzle pro closed no
4 Sep 13 '13 eng>eng across right through/over the complete range pro closed no
4 Sep 13 '13 eng>eng the merits of arguments the good points being made in the arguments pro closed no
4 Aug 16 '13 fra>eng maîtrise(s) de terres custodianship of land pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '13 fra>eng maîtres de (la) terre people of the land/earth custodians pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '13 esl>eng desde una vision transformadora from a point of view/perspective with a new vision for transformation pro closed ok
- Aug 11 '13 ita>eng la resa di cottura rice that holds its shape (after cooking) pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '13 eng>eng benefit communication communcation of (risks and) benefits of food pro closed ok
4 Aug 7 '13 fra>eng gens du voyage itinerants and other transient people pro closed ok
4 Aug 3 '13 esl>eng exámenes post-eventos post-initiative tests pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '13 esl>eng medición sobre velocidad y comprensión measurement reprot on children's reading speed and comprehension pro closed ok
4 Jul 28 '13 esl>eng hechos actos y documentos books, documents, and records pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '13 esl>eng Fundacion Universidad de Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Jorge Tadeo Lozano University Bogota) pro closed ok
- Jun 5 '13 fra>eng intervenant guest (course) instructor pro just_closed no
- May 29 '13 fra>eng la recherche-formation research-training pro closed no
- May 16 '13 fra>eng se révéler vis-à-vis du groupe prove yourself vis-à-vis the group pro closed no
4 May 8 '13 fra>eng repos (statutory) rest period pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '13 esl>eng el compromiso con la Antartida en términos de una politica the commitment to Antarctica in terms of a State policy pro closed no
- Apr 27 '13 esl>eng los aportes, a veces voluntarios y a veces no tanto de the contributions/donations, sometimes voluntary, sometimes not, pro closed no
4 Apr 22 '13 esl>eng Aula de apoyo learning support room/resource room pro closed ok
4 Apr 11 '13 esl>eng precintado del trofeo tagging/fixing a seal pro closed ok
- Apr 10 '13 fra>eng Personne de passage people (person) passing through pro closed no
- Apr 7 '13 esl>eng Ley de Capital del Estado Federalization Law pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '13 esl>eng se nacionalizan los ferrocarriles británicos British-owned railways were nationalized pro closed ok
4 Mar 12 '13 eng>eng closing identities zenophobia pro closed ok
2 Feb 19 '13 esl>eng Intensificaciones cursadas Majors/ specialisations pro closed ok
- Feb 19 '13 ita>eng Fondali one side (of the plaza) pro closed ok
4 Feb 11 '13 eng>eng specific water right without having specified permission or rights pro closed no
4 Feb 11 '13 esl>eng el cálculo del peso específico calculation of specific weighting (weight) pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '13 esl>eng LA SOLICITUD DE HOMOLOGACIÓN DEL TÍTULO DE […] AL GRADO ACADÉMICO DE MÁSTER turn down his application to have his Master's Degree... deemed acceptable pro just_closed ok
4 Jan 23 '13 fra>eng enquêter Research pro closed ok
4 Jan 13 '13 ita>eng tecnico superiore universitario in amministrazione alberghiera Hotel Management or Hospitality Management Degree/Diploma pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '12 fra>eng mise en expérience making (cultural heritage) come alive pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '12 fra>eng la culture chute dans la marchandise culture becomes just another commodity pro closed ok
- Nov 30 '12 fra>eng fonctionnez en harmonie (please) do not interfere with or disrupt pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '12 esl>eng instrumentos de pastoral Catechis(z)ing materials, cathechism pro closed no
4 Oct 16 '12 ita>eng fascia perimetrale (mosaic) frieze spanning the perimeter pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '12 eng>eng single-point trend a trend with only one start date or point pro closed no
4 Aug 21 '12 esl>eng archivo de control escolar records held in the Office of the Registrar pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '12 esl>eng utilizada used like proxy voters pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered