Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 29 fra>eng le temps donne aux paysages de l’enfance the peculiar way childhood memories get reshaped with the passing of time pro closed no
- Mar 10 eng>eng X Jinn qarînah / incubus / sex demon pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '23 eng>fra green monster of right and wrong Le monstre vert de l'écriture erronée se moquant de l'innocent pro closed no
- Nov 15 '23 ...>eng Na lepe oči getting a free pass (when it comes to passing exams) pro closed no
- Oct 6 '23 eng>fra cheese-parings and candle-ends garder (pour plus tard) les croûtes de fromages et les bouts de chandelles pro closed no
4 Jul 14 '23 fra>eng c’est le faisandage des fetres et des choses corruption (or degradation) of beings and things pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '23 eng>fra Marked man une cible de choix pro closed no
4 Mar 24 '23 ...>eng Drveni advokat I'm not his (self-appointed) advocate pro closed no
- Feb 24 '23 fra>fra une histoire, entre fable, morale et récit une histoire qui est quelque part entre une fable, une histoire avec morale et un récit pro closed no
- Feb 15 '23 eng>eng what is the sentence structure here? (pls see the excerpt below) carried (= verb in passive form i.e. = "being carried") // "on" is not part of the verb pro closed no
- Feb 8 '23 fra>eng Guitoune the local fishermen's tavern / the local dive / the "shed" pro closed no
4 Feb 8 '23 fra>fra une émission soigneusement traitée La précision de l’optique enregistrée par une ***émulsion*** soigneusement traitée pro closed no
- Feb 2 '23 eng>... To teach a pig to sing учити шепавог да трчи / мутавог да пева / слепца да препознаје боје pro closed no
- Sep 5 '22 fra>eng je n'ai de permission à I don't have to ask for anyone else's permission pro closed no
4 May 29 '22 fra>fra ne peut qu'il ne soit... L'homme [...] ne peut pas éviter d’être misérable pro closed no
4 May 22 '22 fra>fra à charge que tant que / à condition que pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '22 eng>... mirror accusations истоветне узвратне оптужбе pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '22 eng>eng Gobelin Tapestry Club generic name for a type of club / society, including the associated connotations pro closed no
- Nov 6 '21 fra>eng une autre juridiction apparut pour codifier la saisie another authority got involved in making rules for disposing of / allocating the loot pro just_closed no
- Oct 1 '21 fra>eng un choix délicatement accordé à sa défaite a choice (of vintage year) finely matched to his defeat pro closed no
- Sep 27 '21 eng>fra That was a hell of an experience! là, j'ai eu ma dose! pro closed no
- Sep 17 '21 fra>eng tient du merveilleux providentiel was like a miracle sent by good fate pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '21 fra>eng par éblouissements successifs with each burst of flames pro closed no
- Sep 9 '21 fra>eng conçue à l’échelle des plans d’hégémonie conceived to match the scale of Führer's intended hegemony over the Western world pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '21 fra>eng nous y avons perdu les grondements d’une retentissante colère and so we have been deprived of the spectacle of his fuming / growling / rumbling rage pro open no
- Aug 15 '21 eng>fra the year One A.L. the year One of the reign of Queen L.. / since (my) liberation pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '21 fra>eng faillirent entraîner un parquet sous leur poids nearly started ripping out parquet blades under their weight pro closed ok
3 Aug 8 '21 fra>eng se donnait la comédie was putting on a show for his own enjoyment pro closed ok
- Aug 8 '21 fra>eng raidi par une lourde bordure d’or stiffened by a heavy gold edge trim (/trimming?) pro closed ok
4 Aug 7 '21 fra>eng quel que fût le protocole impérial avec lequel le Reichsmarschall les attachait whichever type of Imperial triumph G awarded to himself to justify attaching them to his chariot pro closed no
- Aug 6 '21 fra>eng l’huitre a été gobée there was nothing left to argue about / the coveted prize went to none of them / ... pro closed ok
2 Jun 19 '21 eng>... relations напредне технике уметничког изражавања pro closed no
4 Jun 15 '21 eng>fra you might get shit to shoot from your ass. tu pourrais te retrouver à chier de la merde (= comme le commun des mortels)) pro closed ok
4 Apr 29 '21 eng>... The company has filed annual returns up to 12 July 2020. друштво је поднело годишњи извештај Привредном регистру, закључно са 12. јулом 2020 pro closed no
4 Mar 10 '21 eng>... factual detailed informational pictures којима је посао био да праве верне и детаљне приказе стварности pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '21 fra>eng toute une mythologie du surnaturel ... is the keenness / zeal / passion for a whole mythology of the supernatural pro closed ok
2 Mar 7 '21 fra>eng reprennent un découpage sections (of the festival ...) follow a geographical criterion as well as ... pro closed no
- Feb 19 '20 fra>eng carte obligée one map that you have to have / one map that you surely need / a must-have map pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '20 fra>eng le Larzac fait toujours les frais de bonnes potaches the Larzac movement still gets dismissed with crudes jokes pro closed no
- Oct 23 '19 eng>fra as one may conclude comme on pourrait effectivement le conclure à partir de la théorie des quanta pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '19 eng>fra deliver lambs in a force 9 gale il serait parfaitement capable de faire accoucher une brebis même dans la pire des tempêtes pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '19 eng>fra busybodies ceux qui s'affairaient autour de moi pro just_closed no
4 Jul 6 '19 fra>eng repli the team will be based in the recovery site pro closed no
- May 31 '19 eng>fra Eat weirdoes ces [putain de] dérangés qui se gavent de graines pro closed no
- May 11 '19 eng>fra Putting out Vous n'êtes pas foutue de faire mieux que ça? pro closed no
4 May 10 '19 eng>eng sentence understand the one who was mocked by Voltaire for being deliriously optimistic / blissfully oblivious to facts pro closed no
- May 5 '19 eng>eng old jungle saying we who live in the "urban jungle" of criminals already know that for ages pro closed ok
- Apr 4 '19 ...>eng oštra pera sharpened styluses pro closed ok
- Feb 11 '19 eng>eng extend the Golden Rule very far expect people to practice the Golden Rule more often in their behaviour pro closed no
- Sep 19 '18 eng>eng a quarter of time a very long stretch of time filled with nothing // a large "block of time" of emptiness // .... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered