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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.20 - 1.60 USD per audio/video minute Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 USD per word / 20 - 24 USD per hour / 1.20 - 1.60 USD per audio/video minute
Surcharge(s): Complex formatting +10% to +15% Handwritten source +10% to +20% Hardcopy source +10% to +20% Weekend +10% Scanned documents +10% to +20% Rush jobs +20% Discount(s): High volume -10% to -20% Jobs of low complexity -10% to -20% Repetitions -30% to -50% Minimum charge(s): Minimum charge for translation in USD: 20.00 Minimum charge for editing/proofreading in USD: 20.00 Minimum charge for website localization in USD: 20.00 Minimum charge for mt post-editing in EUR: 18.00 Minimum charge for transcription in USD: 20.00 Minimum charge for translation in EUR: 18.00 Minimum charge for editing/proofreading in EUR: 18.00 Minimum charge for website localization in EUR: 18.00 Minimum charge for mt post-editing in USD: 20.00 Minimum charge for transcription in EUR: 18.00
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English to Spanish: Banking: E-Account Policies General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English The Scope of Account Opening Documents to Be Provided in Electronic Form. By choosing to receive your disclosures electronically under the option below, you agree that we may provide you with certain Account Opening Documents relating to your deposit account in electronic format and that we will not provide you with paper Account Opening Documents unless you request us to provide them to you. Your consent to receive electronic Account Opening Documents includes:
1. Important Information About Your Checking Account (Substitute Checks and Your Rights)
2. Funds Availability Disclosure
3. What Does Texas First Bank do with Your Personal Information (Our Privacy Policy)
4. Notice of ATM/Night Deposit Facility User Precautions
5. Electronic Fund Transfers (Your Rights and Responsibilities)
6. Terms and Conditions of Your Account
7. Check Card Cardholder Agreement
Translation - Spanish Alcance de los Documentos para apertura de cuenta que serán provistos en forma electrónica. Cuando elige recibir sus declaraciones de forma electrónica bajo la opción para ello abajo, usted acepta que le enviemos ciertos Documentos para apertura de cuenta relacionados con sus depósitos en forma electrónica, y que los Documentos para apertura de cuenta impresos no le serán provistos si usted no los solicita. Su consentimiento para recibir Documentos para apertura de cuenta en forma electrónica abarca todo lo siguiente:
1. Información importante acerca de su cuenta de cheques (Sustitución de cheques y sus derechos)
2. Declaración de disponibilidad de fondos
3. La manera en que Texas First Bank utilizará su información personal (nuestra Política de privacidad)
4. Precauciones para el usuario de depósitos nocturnos o en cajeros automáticos
5. Transferencias electrónicas de fondos (sus derechos y responsabilidades)
6. Términos y condiciones de su cuenta
7. Contrato para el titular de tarjeta de cheques
English to Spanish: Workplace Safety Rules General field: Other Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English Safety and Health
General Safety and Health
This Safety Manual has been published to alert operators, helpers, and mechanics to the possible physical dangers that are present in all phases of operation and maintenance heavy equipment.
All personnel must be qualified and trained on the specific equipment they will use. Anyone working around such equipment must read and thoroughly understand the precautions outlined in this Safety Manual before attempting to operate or perform work. In addition, “SAFETY FIRST” must always be the primary consideration of all personnel when working around your equipment under normal or unusual conditions.
Since this Safety Manual cannot cover every possible situation, all personnel are expected to exercise good judgment and common sense when operating, servicing, or working near heavy equipment.
If there is any doubt about safe operating procedures of your equipment, STOP! Review the information supplied with the equipment, ask your supervisor or contact your nearest Customer Center representative for assistance.
Make sure all new employees read and understand the decals in this Safety Manual. Never remove this Safety Manual. Replace the Safety manual if it becomes lost, damaged, or illegible.
Translation - Spanish Seguridad y Salud
Normas Generales de Seguridad y Salud
Este Manual de Seguridad se publica para informar a los operadores, asistentes y mecánicos acerca de los peligros físicos que pueden presentarse en cualquier fase de la operación y mantenimiento de equipos de uso pesado.
Todo el personal debe contar con las debidas calificaciones y entrenamiento para los equipos específicos que utilicen. Todo aquel que trabaje cerca de tales equipos debe leer y comprender totalmente las precauciones establecidad en este Manual de Seguridad antes de intentar la operación de los mismos o realizar cualquier trabajo. Además, la consideración primaria de todo el personal al trabajar cerca de sus equipos, ya sea bajo condiciones normales o especiales, debe ser “LA SEGURIDAD PRIMERO”.
Ya que este Manual de Seguridad no puede abarcar todas las situaciones posibles, se espera que todo el personal ejerza el debido cuidado y sentido común al operar, reparar o trabajar cerca de cualquier equipo de uso pesado.
Si tiene cualquier duda acerca de los procedimientos necesarios para operar de manera segura su equipo, ¡DETÉNGASE! Revise la información provista con el equipo, consulte a su gerente o llame al representante del Centro de Clientes más cercano a usted para recibir ayuda.
Asegúrese de que todos los empleados nuevos lean y comprendan todos los gráficos presentes en este Manual de Seguridad. Nunca retire este Manual de Seguridad de su lugar. Reemplace este Manual de Seguridad si se perdiere, se dañare o por su condición se tornare difícil de leer.
Spanish to English: Entrenamiento para la reparación de máquinas General field: Other Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - Spanish Meta final
La meta es que después del entrenamiento, el participante se sienta más cómodo y confiado acerca de cómo trabajar con la máquina en su mercado. El entrenamiento está diseñado para ayudar a acelerar su curva de aprendizaje. El entrenamiento no va a resolver todas sus necesidades a la vez, esto tendrá que llevarse a cabo a través de la experiencia acumulada con la máquina y más aplicación / P&S formación empresarial tendrá que hacerse también.
La meta también es que en lugar de tener sólo el conocimiento "y si algo se rompe, ¿qué debo cambiar ..." que el estudiante deba ser capaz de conocer la causa principal de un problema desde la raíz. Teniendo el cuadro completo y capacidad para trabajar en torno a la solución, evitando que se produzcan fallos.
La planificación minuciosa ayudará a mejorar la calidad del entrenamiento, el mejor de los casos es que siempre haya una máquina (trituradora y cribadora) disponible durante toda la capacitación.
• Documentación de entrenamiento elaborada en papel / USB
• Herramientas necesarias para la parte práctica del entrenamiento y resolución de problemas
• Comprobar que la máquina / software que se utilizará para el entrenamiento está libre de errores y está lista para usarse
• Transporte al sitio de trabajo
• Equipo de protección personal
Translation - English Spanish to English
Final Objective
The objective is that, after the training, the participant will be more confident and comfortable about working on the machine within his or her market. The training is designed to speed up your learning curve. The training will not fulfill all your needs at once, these will be addressed as you increase your experience with the machine. You will also need to carry out more application and Purchase and Sale (P&S) training.
The other objective is that the student, instead of merely knowing "What do I replace if something breaks...?" will also know the root cause behind a problem, while keeping the big picture in mind, as well as the ability to work around the solution, preventing errors.
Careful planning will help improve the training's quality. In the best case, you should always have a machine (grinder and filterer) available during the entire training.
• Training documentation, printed on paper and distributed in USB format
• Tools needed for the practical part of the training and problem solving
• Check that the machine and software that will be used for training is error-free and ready to use
• Transportation to the work site
• Personal safety equipment
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Puerto Rico
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Dec 2002. Became a member: Oct 2014.
English to Spanish (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) Spanish to English (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL)
Experience: As of 2022, I have 14 years of professional experience as a linguist.
Language pairs: Any variant of English into Latin American Spanish, or any variant of Spanish into U.S. English. I can handle British English or Castilian / European Spanish as source languages.
Specialties:Legal, financial, businessand marketing. I also have experience with IT, technology, user manuals, investing, insurance, software, medicine and law enforcement.
CAT tools: SDL Trados 2021 and MemoQ 9.10, Translation Workspace/LTB and XBench 3.0. Experienced with recent versions of Memsource, Wordbee and XTM. I accept Trados pay scales (new, fuzzy and repetition rates).
Availability: Full-time, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. EDT (GMT -4). Except US federal holidays. Write to [email protected], attach your files and get a FREE estimate for your project within 4 hours.
Native speaker of Latin American Spanish and U.S. English who grew up in a bilingual household in Puerto Rico and began translating professionally in 2003.
Before completing my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Finance at Southern New Hampshire University in 2020, I saved up $26,000 to finance this education by working as a freelance translator for agencies like TransPerfect, Lionbridge, Linguistic Systems, Rev, OneForma, WeLocalize and CGC Translations, as well as clients like Citigroup, JP Morgan, Amgen, Cleveland Clinic, Walmart, Rent-A-Center, Laplink Software and Amazon Inc.
The rates below apply to short-term or standard-term projects.
Discounts are available for long-term or ongoing cooperation.
Trados (new/fuzzy/repetition) pay scales are accepted.
Don't have a single category your project fits into? Or do you need a discount?
Write to [email protected], attach your files and get a FREE estimate for your project within 4 hours.