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    • English
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • fuzzy logic
          • Definition(s)
            • An alternative to traditional logic where truth values range between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 representing absolute Falseness and 1.0 representing absolute Truth. STING software engineering glossary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • When humans reason with terms such as 'tall' they do not normally have a fixed threshold in mind, but a smooth fuzzy definition. Humans can reason very effectively with such fuzzy definitions, therefore, in order to capture human fuzzy reasoning we need fuzzy logic. - XpertRule
            • In many applications Fuzzy Logic can result in better control performance than linear, piecewise linear, or lookup table techniques. - FIDE
            • Fuzzy Logic is a particular area of concentration in the study of Artificial Intelligence and is based on the value of that information which is neither definitely true nor false. -
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    • Slovenian
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • mehka logika
          • Definition(s)
            • Mehka logika (angleško fuzzy logic) je matematična razširitev Boolove logike, ki pozna samo dve stanji (0 in 1) na neskončno število stanj (interval [0,1]). Own research - by Milan Bedrač
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Mehka logika je razširitev običajne (dvovrednostne) logike, ki predvideva koncept delne resnice: poleg TRUE, FALSE so možne tudi vmesne vrednosti. - Faculty of Computer Sciences Ljubljana by Milan Bedrač
            • Mehka logika se kot običajna logika ukvarja z izjavami. V običajni logiki so lahko izjave pravilne ali napačne, torej njihova zaloga vrednosti zasede vrednosti 1 in 0. Mehka logika dovoljuje tudi vmesne vrednosti, torej dovoljuje delno pravilnost. Temu rečemo stopnja pravilnosti (degree of truth). - Wikipedia by Milan Bedrač
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    • Portuguese
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          • Term
            • lógica difusa
          • Definition(s)
            • A lógica difusa ou lógica fuzzy é uma extensão da lógica booleana que admite infinitos valores lógicos intermediários entre o FALSO(0) e o VERDADEIRO(1), bem como abrangendo o valor médio 'TALVEZ' (0,5). Isto significa que, um valor lógico difuso é um valor qualquer no intervalo de valores entre 0 e 1. Este tipo de lógica engloba de certa forma conceitos estatísticos principalmente na área de Inferência . Own research - by Flavio Steffen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • IBMECPage 1 FACULDADE DE ECONOMIA E FINANÇAS IBMEC PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO E ECONOMIA DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO PROFISSIONALIZANTE EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO “USO DA LÓGICA DIFUSA NO PROCESSO DE DECISÃO DE MUDANÇAS EM TI” CARLOS LOPES BRANDÃO PARAIZO De acordo com Braga, Barreto e Machado (1995) a lógica difusa é “uma tentativa de aproximar a precisão característica da Matemática à inerente imprecisão do mundo real, nascida do desejo profundo de conhecer melhor os processos mentais do raciocínio” - IBMEC by Flavio Steffen
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    • Czech
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • fuzzy logika
          • Definition(s)
            • Fuzzy logika je podobor matematiky odvozený od teorie fuzzy množin, ve kterém se logické výroky ohodnocují stupněm příslušnosti (také index vágnosti), jehož hodnoty jsou v intervalu od 0 do 1. Wikipedia - by Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Fuzzy logika se poprvé objevila v roce 1965 v článku, jehož autorem byl profesor Lotfi A. Zadeh. Tehdy byl definován základní pojem fuzzy logiky a to fuzzy množina. Slovo fuzzy znamená neostrý, matný, mlhavý, neurčitý, vágní. Odpovídá tomu i to, čím se fuzzy teorie zabývá: snaží se pokrýt realitu v její nepřesnosti a neurčitosti." - NaWEBka by Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI
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    • Hindi
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            • अस्पष्ट तर्क
          • Definition(s)
            • पारंपरिक तर्कशास्त्र का एक विकल्प जिसमें पूर्ण सत्य या असत्य के बीच, हाँ या नहीं के बीच, या तो यह या या तो वह के दो विकल्पों के बीच - यानी सत्य के दो मानों 0 (निरपेक्ष असत्य) से 1 (निरपेक्ष सत्य) के बीच की संभावनाएं अभिव्यक्त होती हैं। सत्य के इन सापेक्षिक मानों को अस्पष्ट तर्क कहा जाता है। 0 से 1 के बीच अनेक फजी (अस्पष्ट) सेट बन सकते हैं। Own research - by Lalit Sati
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In computer Artificial Intelligence, a system of computer instructions enabling the computer to deal with ambiguities. The instructions are not restricted to ‘either/or' choices. Fuzzy logic emulates the way humans think, so its decisions appear to be more natural. - by Lalit Sati
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