QC with Language Tool Box (LTB)
Thread poster: Annett Roessner
Annett Roessner
Annett Roessner  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:51
Member (2017)
English to German
May 29, 2020


I recently worked on a translation for an agency using a CAT tool called Lingotek.

As part of the QC for the translation assignment I was asked to generate a LTB report in a tool called Language Tool Box (LTB). This process in itself was already quite cumbersome: I had to generate an XLIFF file from Lingotek, load the correct LTB configurations from a Zip file and load my XLIFF file into LTB to run the QC report.

Of course there were some minor issue
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I recently worked on a translation for an agency using a CAT tool called Lingotek.

As part of the QC for the translation assignment I was asked to generate a LTB report in a tool called Language Tool Box (LTB). This process in itself was already quite cumbersome: I had to generate an XLIFF file from Lingotek, load the correct LTB configurations from a Zip file and load my XLIFF file into LTB to run the QC report.

Of course there were some minor issues (typos, extra spaces) that needed fixing.

This was very time consuming because as far as I could tell the report didn’t indicate the segment number. So if I had to correct an extra space for a certain segment I had to manually find the segment in Lingotek. This was very time consuming because even when I searched for words that the segment in question contained in Lingotek, I would more often than not not get any results. The document was more than 10,000 words long. Therefore, the whole QC process took a lot longer than in SDL Studio or any other CAT tool I used in the past.

So, my question is: Is there anything I am missing here, i.e. is there an easier way to find segments in Lingotek that we’re flagged in the LTB report?

Thank you,



Stephanie Busch
Stephanie Busch  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:51
English to German
+ ...
Is there a String ID column in your report? May 29, 2020

Hi Annett,

I can’t comment on Lingotek as I have no experience of it, but I use Linguistic Tool Box occasionally.

In my case, report files exported from LTB have a „String ID“ column. If this is true for you too, and if you can search by string ID in Lingotek, you should be able to locate the segments in question.

Best regards,

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 17:51
English to Russian
Counting strings from 0 May 29, 2020

@Stephanie Busch
Do you know, by chance, how can I instruct LTB to start counting segments from 1. Now it counts from 0. For example, when LTB 'String ID' is 59, the segment number in Memsource is 60, etc. Is there any setting to change this? Thank you

[Edited at 2020-05-29 10:02 GMT]

Stephanie Busch
Stephanie Busch  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:51
English to German
+ ...
String count May 29, 2020

I am sorry, Stepan, but I have no idea how to make LTB count string IDs differently. I don't use LTB with Memsource.

Now I am curious: Are you using automation, or why is it a problem to add 1 to the string ID in question?

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 17:51
English to Russian
Not a problem at all, May 29, 2020

but when I switch between them I have to remember to add 1 when in Memsource and deduct 1 when going back to LTB. This is sort of superfluous operation for my head ROM

Stephanie Busch
Stephanie Busch  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:51
English to German
+ ...
Adding specific amounts to Excel cells May 30, 2020

Hi Stepan,

the LTB reports I work with are xml files, but they can be viewed in Excel.

And it’s fairly easy to add a specific amount to specified cells in Excel.

You need to enter the amount you want to add (1 in this case) into a cell somewhere else in the sheet, and copy that cell. Then you select the cells you want to add that amount to, right-click to open the context menu, and click Paste Special… > Add > OK. You may need to adjust the cell alignme
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Hi Stepan,

the LTB reports I work with are xml files, but they can be viewed in Excel.

And it’s fairly easy to add a specific amount to specified cells in Excel.

You need to enter the amount you want to add (1 in this case) into a cell somewhere else in the sheet, and copy that cell. Then you select the cells you want to add that amount to, right-click to open the context menu, and click Paste Special… > Add > OK. You may need to adjust the cell alignment afterwards.

On my machine, it looks like this (screenshots in German):

Original string IDs

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 11.54.22

The amount you want to add

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 11.54.47

Context menu

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 11.55.40

Paste Special dialog

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 11.55.59


Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-30 um 12.17.35

Selecting the complete column by means of the top header (G, H, etc.) doesn’t work however; you need to select the cells in question manually.

I don't know whether all this is any help to you at all, as you may need to subtract the amount again if you need to deliver the report file to the client, or create a duplicate file first, which may add to the confusion...

Anyway, I used to dislike Excel, but I am coming to see that it does have its uses.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:51
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Annett May 30, 2020

Annett Roessner wrote:
This was very time consuming because as far as I could tell the report didn’t indicate the segment number.

This may depend on what the XLIFF file looks like that is exported from LingoTek. I know that some XLIFF files use "trans-unit id" numbers that do not start at 0 or 1, and the "trans-unit identifier" can be a long, nonsensical number, and may not even be in numerical order from the top to the bottom of the file. I don't use either LingoTek or LTB, but I can imagine that perhaps LTB uses the XLIFF's trans-unit ID it its own "String ID" column, while in LingoTek the segments are numbered from 1.

You have my sympathy -- it is not uncommon for QA reports to use string numbering that has no connection whatsoever to the segment numbers in the files. When that happens, and if I'm required to mark both fixed and non-fixed issues on the QA report, I simply mark those segment in the QA report as "not found". In most cases, however, clients only want me to mark the segments that I *do* change, so if I can't find some text, I just skip it.

[Edited at 2020-05-30 11:35 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 17:51
English to Russian
Thank you Stephanie May 30, 2020

Actually my String ID contains some characters along with the string ID itself: AQ3wn6OCnyDghPIn_dc6:9 stands for segment 10 in Memsource
AQ3wn6OCnyDghPIn_dc6:67 stands for segment 68 in Memsource
Good for me I use LTB once a year, so I was not that eager to find a solution but rather curious.
Thank you for your hints.


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QC with Language Tool Box (LTB)

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